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This time, I was in the 40's, which I found reasonable. After all, I have been wondering about that era lately since that was where Steve grew up.

I landed in an alleyway. The edges of my vision were dark, creating the illusion that I was traveling. I take a minute to get a feel of my surroundings, to figure out where I am. I was about to walk out of the alley to ask someone, but then I heard a crash.

I whip around, ducking behind a dumpster on instinct. I hear another crack, a smack, and a boom. Curiosity got the best of me, and despite the fact that I could've messed up the whole future if someone important saw me, I peeked around the corner of the dumpster.

From where I was, I could only see the back of a tall, muscular boy standing straddled over a smaller, more frail boy, who lied on the ground limply. "Just give up," the bigger boy growled.

The smaller one sat up, panting and wiping the blood from his mouth. "Are you kidding?" he says, breathless. "I can do this all day."

That voice. I know that voice, I think, my eyebrows furrowing. But then, it suddenly hits me, and a ridiculous smile crosses over my face. Steve.

Knowing it's him, I peer around the corner and see him, laying there all small and determined. Man, did that Super Soldier serum do wonders.

The boy goes in for another punch as I cringe. The Steve I know now would pummel this guy to a pulp. But this Steve is smaller and weaker, and isn't able to defend himself. But even if it was present Steve, I still would've cringed at the sight of him getting punched.

But before the boy's fist can get even an inch close to Steve's face, a lean, handsome man steps in, latching onto the boy's elbow and throwing him off of Steve. With a punch, he knocks the boy out.

The man and Steve start talking, but I can no longer hear them, for they are talking in more respectful tones. But I see them shake hands, and smile at each other like they're old pals. I get a glimpse of the man's face, who didn't appear to be older than Steve, and I recognize it.

Hmm, I think. I need to look further into him...

I am so focused in my thoughts that I don't see them walk away. Startled, I jump back, hoping they didn't see me. I let out a huff of air when they leave, releasing a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

Once I make sure they're gone, I get up and dust myself off, surprised to find myself in a button down pale blue dress lined in navy blue, tied at the waist by a black belt. On my feet were uncomfortable navy heels, and when I reached up to grab a lock of my hair, it was perfectly curled and permanent with hair spray.

Annoyed and slightly amused, entertained at the least, I stalked out of the alley and into the streets. This time, though, it felt weird to be here. Sure, I've been to the 40's before in my past, but normally when I travel I do whatever I feel. Now with Dr. Banner watching my progress, I don't know what to do.

Deciding to have a little fun, I walk over to a flower cart. The vendor was wearing a striped apron, a fake smile on his face. "Can I help you, ma'am?"

"Why yes you can, Mr. Flower-man," I say, remembering what people called him from the last time I was here. "My husband is returning from the army today and I thought I would surprise him."

"I think I have just the thing for you," he said, talking in a barky New York accent. As for my accent, I decided with a light Southern Belle tone. "Perhaps lilies will fit your expectations."

"I believe they would," I say with a smile. I take the bouquet of lilies from him, opening up my purse which I half expected to be empty. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. "What do I owe you?"

Old Soul (Captain America/Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now