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<Avalie's Pov>

"Her vitals are dropping," I hear Dr. Banner says.

"I am fine," I insist, but then I realize that they can't hear me. My stomach starts to churn as I realize that I am in the present, but I am supposed to be in the future. This has never happened before.

Avalie? I hear Steve's voice.

Steve, I reply, my tone desperate and scared.

Wake up, he pleads.

I can't, I say. I'm traveling inside a time travel.

What? Steve says. When are you?

The present, I say with a gulp. The others know we are under.

What is happening? Steve asks, his tone worried.

I pale as I focus on the scene. I'm not able to wake up, I tell him. I'm slipping.

No, Steve says, knowing that I meant I was falling into a coma. Just wake up.Not completely, but come back to the future.

I'm trying, I say, desperation in my tone. But I can't.

What do you normally focus on to maintain stability? he asks.

I blush, not having to think anything for him to know.

Just focus on me, he says after a moment. Focus on my thoughts, and I'll get you out of there.

Okay, I reply, finding it suddenly hard to think about him while he's monitoring my thoughts.

It's okay, he says, hearing my concern. Just talk to me.

And say what, I say, my patience growing thin. I can feel it, Steve. The darkness is fading away.

And it was. The dark edges of my vision that reminded me I was travelling were crawling away, my presentation in the present growing brighter.

I hear Steve sigh in desperation, and I know his hands are starting to shake. Thoughts of what to do are running through his head, but he is starting to feel hopeless.

But that's when a thought hit him, and I can't help but smile as I hear his idea.

Anticipating his action, I feel his lips meet mine. Although I can't see him, I can feel him, and his soft kiss. The edges are still fading away, but the image of the present is slowly slipping, the future becoming more clear.

I slowly start to see Steve's face as I start to wake up, but before I am completely in the future, I get one last glimpse of the present.

And as the edges of my vision disappear completely, I see the screens containing our perspective back in the lab, loosing it's power and it's grip on their communication with us.


<Narrator's Pov>

"What do you mean they're trapped?" Natasha asks, slamming her fist down on the table.

"The feeling she gets that keeps her tied to the present so she can get back," Banner says, rubbing his forehead stressfully. "She lost it."

"What the hell does that mean?" Clint asks, clearly frustrated.

Banner sighs. "It means that they have fallen in a coma."

Clint and Natasha, and even Tony, gasp. "So what happens now?" Natasha asks.

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