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<Narrator's Pov>

"Jarvis," Tony says, walking into the board room. "Where is Agent Daniels?"

"Hey apartment, sir," Jarvis replies.

"Great," Tony says, taking a seat at the table. Around the table sat the other Avengers, all of them except two. Thor still hadn't shown up and Avalie was out running errands.

"Tony," Natasha's bored tone says. "When are we going to tell the poor girl that she's being targeted?"

"I'm fine with telling her," Tony says. "It's Fury who isn't."

"And Steve," Clint points out.

All heads turn to Steve, who sits in his chair with an intent expression. "It's better this way," Steve says.

"How?" Dr. Banner inquires. "She deserves to know, it's her that's being hunted."

"That's beside the point," Steve says. "The point is that Hydra is closing in, and are expected to be here in three days. We only have an idea of defense, not a plan."

"Oh, but we do," says Tony like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Defend."

"Stark, this isn't a joke," Steve says, shaking his head. "This is an attack."

"Which you are taking so seriously," Tony says. "Really, Steve. I thought you weren't a biased man."

"This is not just about Agent Daniels," Steve says, frustrated. "This is the start of a war. All of it-the high jacking of the helicarriers, the spies in S.H.I.E.L.D.-Hydra plans to take over, and they will not pull back their forces without a fight."

The room shifts uncomfortably, letting Steve's words soak in. And as they did, the air in the room no longer held an uninterested gloom; it held a newfound determination.

"Now," Steve says after a moment of recollection. "What is the plan?"


Avalie walked into Stark towers, a chill running up her spine as she met the eerie silence inside. She had a sudden feeling that she was unwanted here.

"Jarvis," Avalie says. "Where is everyone?"

"That information is beyond my abilities," Jarvis replies, which makes Avalie suspicious. He must've been programmed to say that, because Tony once told her that Jarvis can give you any piece of information you needed.

"Fine," Avalie mumbles under her breath, too tired to try and press him for more information.

Walking back through the tower, Avalie finds her room. Her room was like a hotel room in the ways that it offered temporary hospitality and had an attached bathroom for just her use.

She picked out some sweatpants and a tank top, making her way to her shower. She hopped in, letting the warm water wash away everything that she needed to be exempted from.

She exited her bathroom, wearing her pajamas and towel drying her hair. "Jarvis," she says as she takes a seat on her bed. "What is on the agenda for tonight?"

"Your schedule is free of tasks, miss," Jarvis replies.

"Thank you," Avalie replies, then checking the time. It was nearly eight o'clock, way too early compared to the normal time she went to bed. But she was exhausted, and she didn't care whether she ate dinner or not.

So, she simply climbed under the covers, and allowed sleep to take her. But, no matter how drained she was, something was still bothering her, and she was determined to find out what the Avengers were hiding from her.

Old Soul (Captain America/Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now