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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Wanda asks warily, her accent thick with worry.

"Pretty sure," I say, biting my lip.

"What if it doesn't work?" Steve asks, his brows knit with concern.

"Then you will both fall into a coma," Dr. Banner says, flipping through his stats on time travel.

I ring my wrists, nervous energy trapped inside of me. I was extremely tired. It was six o'clock in the morning, and due to my waking up at one in the morning, I didn't get any sleep. I've realized that when I time travel with a certain destination and I have to focus to get there, it drains my energy.

"I don't think you should do this," Dr. Banner says, taking off his glasses to look me intently in the eyes. "Your vitals are low, you look exhausted. If you try to travel, it will take to much energy from you."

"I'm fine," I say, lying. But I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep until I did this.

"Fine," Banner says, giving up trying to convince me not to do this. He sighs, putting his glasses back on his face. "Cap, are you sure about this?"

Steve nods. "She has a good point. I'll do anything I can to help."

"Okay, then," he finally relents. "Lay down, both of you."

Steve and I lay down on the two lab tables that were pushed together. Only Wanda and Banner were in the room: the others had no idea what we were about to do. That's what worried Steve the most, the others not being on board with this.

"Don't worry," I told him this morning when I was trying to convince him. "They won't even know it happened."

"Okay," Banner says, turning on two of his screens; one for me and one for Steve. "So, just to make sure I have this right, Wanda will connect your minds so you will be able to travel together. You will be going to the future to manipulate any future strikes."

"Correct," I say, my back flat against the cold metal table.

"So, your minds will be, well, together," Banner explains. "Meaning you will be able to communicate with each other telepathically and hear one another's thoughts."

I gulp, suddenly paling at the thought that Steve will be able to know what I am thinking. But, I won't have to worry about what he thinks about what I think about him, because I'll be able to hear him as well.

"Are we ready to begin?" Wanda asks, rubbing her hands together. Red sparks electrified around her fingers.

I gulp, nodding my head. "I'm ready."

"So am I," Steve says confidently. I'm surprised to find him sounding so sure of himself and my plan that may not work. And, as his broad shoulders are brushing against my narrow ones, I can tell he isn't tense.

"Start it up," Banner says from behind my head, so I can't see his expression, I can only hear the doubt and regret in his voice.

I am staring at the ceiling when suddenly red lights flash in front of my eyes. I shut my eyes, my vision becoming blurred and blotchy. But that's when Wanda's spell kicks in, and I receive an mind-splitting head ache.

Gunshots fire. Till the end of the line, pal, says a man's voice. You won't be along, whispers a woman's British voice.

Steve? I wonder, pondering if these were his thoughts or not.

Avalie? I hear in the same soft tone as the voices and gunshots.

I open my eyes, turning my head to see him laying next to me on the metal tables. He sends me a small grin, but now that I can hear his thoughts, the grin looks painful.

Old Soul (Captain America/Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now