Baby Radar and the Behavioral Analyst

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Spencer Reid, the brilliant and quirky behavioral analyst for the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU), had always been laser-focused on his work. But lately, he had been feeling a bit distracted. That's because he had been dating Y/N L/N, a forensic anthropologist who he had met while working on a case in Louisiana.

The two had hit it off immediately, bonding over their shared love of science and all things nerdy. But while they had been keeping their relationship under wraps, it seemed that one of their colleagues had picked up on something. JJ, the team's profiler, had a sneaking suspicion that Y/N was pregnant.

JJ had a bit of a reputation for her "baby radar." It seemed that every time a member of the team was expecting, JJ just knew. She had a special talent for sensing the subtle changes in a person's behavior and appearance that signaled a pregnancy. And whenever she had this feeling, she would bring in her signature graham crackers to confirm her suspicion.

Y/N had noticed that JJ had been giving her some knowing looks lately, but she hadn't thought much of it. It wasn't until JJ showed up at the BAU headquarters with a box of graham crackers that Y/N began to feel a little nervous.

"Hey, Y/N," JJ said with a knowing smile. "I brought you some graham crackers."

Y/N felt her face flush with embarrassment as the other members of the team looked on. It was obvious that they all knew what was going on.

"Thanks, JJ," Y/N said, trying to play it cool.

As she opened the box and took a bite of one of the crackers, she couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement wash over her. She had always wanted to be a mother, and the thought of starting a family with Spencer was incredibly appealing.

But she knew that they would need to be careful. Spencer was a workaholic, and their jobs were both incredibly demanding. They would need to figure out a way to make it work.

As she looked around at her colleagues, all of whom were grinning at her in a way that made her feel like they were all in on some big secret, she knew that she had a lot to look forward to. And with Spencer by her side, she was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

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