Love at the Drive-In

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Y/N, Stiles, and Malia had been in a happy and loving relationship for two years now. They had been through thick and thin together, and their love for each other had only grown stronger over time. To celebrate their anniversary, they decided to go on a date to the local drive-in movie theater.

As they snuggled up in the back of Stiles' jeep, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and happiness that surrounded them. Malia was nestled on one side of her, while Stiles was on the other. They had brought along blankets and pillows to make themselves comfortable, and as the sun set, the movie began.

Throughout the movie, they laughed, ate popcorn, and stole kisses from each other. It was a magical evening, and Y/N knew that she would never forget it.

As the credits rolled, they packed up their things and headed back to the renewed Hale house. They had a pack meeting to attend, and they didn't want to be late. Derek had a habit of jokingly scolding anyone who wasn't punctual.

As they arrived, Derek greeted them with a smile. "Right on time," he said jokingly. The rest of the pack was already gathered around the table, and as they entered, they were met with playful teasing.

"Look at you guys, all lovey-dovey," said Lydia with a grin.

Malia's protectiveness kicked in, and she sneakerly grabbed both Stiles and Y/n's hand. She didn't like the way Lydia was looking at them.

Lydia noticed Malia's action and continued to tease them. However, she noticed Y/N's scowl and quickly stopped. Y/N wasn't in the mood for any more jokes, and Lydia knew better than to push her luck.

Despite the teasing, Y/N knew that they were all just joking. She was grateful for the pack and for the love that they shared. As they settled in for the meeting, Y/N felt a sense of peace and contentment. She knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be, with the people she loved most in the world.

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