Love in the BAU

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Spencer Reid had always been a brilliant profiler, but when he met Y/N L/N, he realized that there was more to life than just solving cases. Y/N was smart, beautiful, and kind, and she quickly became the most important person in Spencer's life.

Despite their busy schedules and the danger that came with working in the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit, Spencer and Y/N managed to make their relationship work. They kept it a secret from their colleagues at first, but it wasn't long before the whole team figured it out.

One day, Spencer came back to the BAU after a long day of profiling and paperwork, looking forward to spending some time with Y/N. He walked into the break room and found Y/N and JJ sitting at the table, deep in conversation.

As he approached them, he overheard Y/N say, "I just can't wait to start a family with Spencer."

Spencer froze, surprised and overwhelmed by Y/N's words. He had always wanted a family of his own, but he had never talked to Y/N about it before. He felt a mix of excitement and nervousness wash over him.

JJ noticed Spencer standing there and smiled at him. "Hey, Reid. Want to feel the baby kick?"

Y/N's eyes lit up as she turned to Spencer, gesturing for him to come closer. Spencer hesitated for a moment before walking over to the table and placing his hand on JJ's belly.

At first, he felt nothing, but then he felt a tiny kick against his palm. He looked up at Y/N, who had a huge smile on her face, and felt his heart swell with happiness.

As he stood there, feeling the baby kick, Spencer realized that he was ready for this next step in his life. He wanted to build a family with Y/N, to raise children with her and watch them grow. And as he looked into her eyes, he knew that she felt the same way.

From that moment on, Spencer and Y/N talked openly about their future plans, and the whole team was happy for them. They knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but they also knew that Spencer and Y/N were up for the task. Together, they would build a family and create a home filled with love and happiness.

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