chapter 20 17+

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Sky and taehyung come out of cafeteria sky pin taehyung harshly against wall. Make taehyung shut his eyes tightly And than sky said

"What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Think. You. Are. Doing. Mr. Kim. FUCKING. Taehyung. "

Taehyung just smile at sky and said.

"Baby I am doing what I have to do " taehyung said make sky confuse than taehyung pin sky to wall and said.

"You said what is the relation we have than listen I love you, you are mine and my girlfriend " taehyung said looking at sky eyes. Than sky said.

" You know what fuck you" sky said and push him and walk away.

"Yeah gladly. " taehyung said.


Sky enter inside her room after her classes than she take her clothes and towel and walk to girls washroom.

After some time she come out taking bath while rubbing her hair with towel. Than she enter inside her room just to see taehyung sleeping on bed while scrolling phone. Than he feel presence he look up and see sky. Than

"Baby you here " taehyung said while close in his phone.

"Taehyung what are you doing here" sky ask.

"Sleeping " taehyung said casually.

"Than sleep in your room " sky said while pointing at door.

"Baby I am sleeping in my room" taehyung said.

"Since when it become your room Mr kim taehyung " sky said.

"Since my dad approve me " taehyung said make sky remember the incident of office. Her eyes become wide.

"What no way " sky shout at taehyung

"Baby we have to share room at anyway " taehyung said with innocent voice.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Kim. Fucking. Taehyung. " sky said while emphasizing every word.

"Taehyung get out from my room " sky said

"No I will not " taehyung said.

"Taehyung is said out now" sky said again while pointing at door.

"No" taehyung said.

"Ok than " sky said and walk to taehyung make him confuse than sky held his arm and start to pull taehyung out of bed. She was trying her best to pull him out of bed.

"Yahh stop it sky" taehyung said defending himself But Taehyung pull sky to him and sky fell on taehyung they make eye contact. They were looking at each other eyes. The eye contact was intense. The tension between them start to rise.

"Baby I told you to stop but you didn't" taehyung said seductively make sky glup.

"I think my baby need a hard punishment " taehyung again said in seductive voice. Than he pull sky and switch the position now he is hovering sky. Sky laying under him. Taehyung start to come closer. Make sky heartbeat fast. Sky close her eyes than she feel taehyung lips on her. They start to move lips aggressively. The kiss was rough and full of hunger. The were kissing fast. Than Taehyung suck her lip sky moan he enter his tongue inside her mouth and start to fight with her lips. Than they pull out from kiss for oxygen. Than Taehyung start to kiss her neck. Sky just hold his nape and taehyung was sucking her neck. After sometime taehyung find out her sweet spot make her moan.

"T-taehyung " sky moan Taehyung name. Taehyung than get up a little and take off his shirt. Sky look at his bare body. She just gulp and look at taehyung who is looking at her with lust. She again gulp. Taehyung again start to suck her neck. He than kiss her throat. Make her let out breathy moan.

"You are fucking addictive sky I am feel like obsessed with you fuck I am hard now " Taehyung said make sky feel goosebumps all over her body. Than Taehyung unzip his trousers. Than he again start to kiss but stop by

"Hey bro" jimin said.

"What are you do---" Ren cut of by seeing Taehyung bare back They all become froze. Sky come in her sense she push Taehyung side and stand up. She just look at them. Taehyung let out annoying sign. And look at his friend with annoyance.

"O-oh look l-like we d-distrub y-you two" jungkook said nervously make sky and taehyung shout.

"NOO!!!". " YES!!!"
sky shout Taehyung shout

Sky just glare at taehyung. Everyone look at them in confuse. Taehyung then at look his friends and ask.

"What are you all doing here"

"We come her to meet you" Yoongi said nervously

"But I think we should go now" Ren said.

They all was about to turn but then sky said.

"Wait you all talk to him I am going out" sky said and she take her hoodie and were it. Her hair become messy. She just ruffle them and take her phone Taehyung was looking at her. Than Taehyung

"Where are you going"

"Non of your concern " sky said and put her hoodie cap and walk out maybe annoyingly.

"Taehyung bro zip your pant " jimin said while looking at his powerpoint.

"And I think you need hour in bathroom" Ren said looking at his powerpoint.

"What the fuck guys stop looking at there" Taehyung said hiding his 'powerpoint'

"By the way hyung you are huge " jungkook said.

"What the hell jungkook " yoongi said. Everyone look at jungkook with disgusting face.

"What I was stating the truth" jungkook said.


Sky was walking to stair. She made her way to tenth floor. Sky was climbing the stairs. Than she enter in tenth floor rooftop just to see her dear Professors lean in railing of rooftop.

"Professors what are you doing here " sky ask. Professors look at her in confusion.

"We can ask same what are you doing here. " professor seokjin said.

"I here for the same work as you " sky said walking toward them.

"Well so you are here for evidence " professor namjoon said.

"Yeah " sky said while looking at the building infront of him.

"But why you need evidence you are not even helping us" professor seokjin said sarcastically.

"Well professor you always find a way to trigger me " sky said. She turn to professor and said.

"Well you are also right so I decide to help you little" sky said and again turn to the building infront of her.

Hearing this professors look at each other the stand up properly. They were wearing a confuse face but sky was looking serious.

" sky don't be joking around us " professor seokjin said. She just look at professor and said.

"I am serious professor " sky said. Than again she turn to look at building.

"Did you see the building infront of us" sky said make Professors confuse.

"What is the connection of the building with our case" professor namjoon said

"This building is holding the answer of whole mystery" sky said.

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