chapter 25

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"That's the question I want answer very badly"

Suga thought in his mind

"I don't know" suga said

Than suddenly room door open revealing non other than sky holding a bowl. She look at them who were looking at her in shock. She then sign and enter inside and walk to taehyung  

"This is for you! Drink it. It will help you" sky just said in normal tone try not to sound cold. Than suga look at bowl taehyung was not stopping looking at sky.

"Hungover soup" suga said and look at sky. Sky just nod looking at him.

Than she walk to closet to take her clothes. Than taehyung said.

"I-i'm sorry sky "

Sky just hmm in response than taehyung just look at bowl. Suga look at him. He saw that taehyung was trying hard not to cry. Than he look at sky who is ready to go out but then he stand up and stop sky.

"Sky! Can we talk for a while" suga said. Taehyung look at suga and than sky. Sky just nod her head and put her clothes in chair.

"Taehyung complete your soup and than get ready for class. Lets meet in class" suga said taehyung just nod

Suga look at sky and walk out. Sky give a taehyung last look and walk out.

"Lets go to library " suga said sky just nod and walk with him.

In library

Library was fully empty because its morning and everyone is in there classes or rooms

Suga and sky enter inside library then they took a seat and sit there.

"So what is it "  sky ask.

"Let come to point!! shall we" suga said. Sky just nod looking at table.

"Why were you ignoring taehyung from past days?" suga ask with hopeful look. Sky just let out a loud sign because she knew that he will ask this. Sky just lean back look at window while her hand were resting on table. She didn't answer.

Suga look at her and sign. He also look at window where sky is looking. Than he said.

"Sky I dont know why are you ignoring him and you know I also really don't wanna know. But it is hurting now looking at taehyung being like this." Suga said than he look at sky. He than look down at table and lean back at chair and put his hand inside his hoodie. Than he continue

"I know there is something important behind it otherwise you would not do anything which hurt other or which has no meaning. But still you know you can tell us. Or if you don't want to tell its okay dont tell but at least make any excuse or something so we will understand things but its all confusing. There is many things happened in university everything is mess nothing makes any sense. At least you don't be like this "

"Well I know what I am going to say will be meaningless for you but this is very meaningful for me, for taehyung, for my friends."

"You know the day you come in this university and the day you introduce yourself. All we thought about you a new students, means new chick. But its become all wrong when I personally meet you. I got to know that you are not like other. You are different. The first time I look at your eyes I feel familiarity. I feel like I see someone from my family. From than I want to know you. But than I got to know that taehyung is also think of you as same I see but in different way. He was not like this before. But after meeting you he change completely. He..." Suga pause a little and look down.

"He become old taehyung. The taehyung who was like 1 and half year ago. The taehyung who had emotion and feeling. " suga said. Sky look at him as she feel lump creat in her throat. She want to know what had happen to him but at same time she dont too. Than suga look at sky. And said.

"Yes he was not like this he was totally opposite person that you saw when you enter in this university but then everything change completely after a nightmare. In which we lost our love one as well as ourself. " than suga ask something which make sky heartbeat fast.

"Do you know shinee" suga ask sky feel her heart will blast anytime soon.
But sky just nod a little.

"No you don't know the thing you know is just that she was a student of this university and she did suicide because she was pregnant " suga said and look up at ceiling try not to let out his tears. Then he stand up sky just look at her hand while her thumb was creasing over her wound on knuckles.

Suga walk to the window and look out.

"But it was not truth. And we all know that but it just we can prove it. Shinee was taehyung ex girlfriend. His first love, first crush, his first girl whom he go on date, the girl whom with he creat good memories. And shinee a cute bubbly girl who can make any sad person turn into happy. She was way too cute. She was like sister to me. At first I also don't get along with her but than I feel like have a believe in her. Than I found out she was warm hearted girl and she was sensetive too. Her brother kevin " suga pause as a smile formed on his face he  look at the window and then he look down but then a drop of tear fell from his eyes. Sky notice it. Suga take a deep breadth and said.

"Shinee had a brother kevin who was just like him. We all get along with each other. We always do everything togather. seven us were know as definition of bestfriend forever. Everything was good but everything change when she go to orphan all by herself. She always visit orphan every month on second sunday no matter what happen. But that day she has to go alone because taehyung and other got project to do and I had some work related to hacking. So we let her go alone but that was the biggest mistake we ever made " suga said controlling his tear. Sky just look at him with full of emotion but suga didn't notice it.

"Because she suppose to come monday but she didn't come she just massage us.


1 ½  year later

"Yah taehyung did shinee call you she is not picking my calls. " kevin said look at taehyung. Who is playing videogames with others expected suga. He was scrolling his phone.

"Well yah she massage me that she is staying at orphan for few days because she had already submit her project"

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