Chapter 1- My name isn't McCorny

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I believe that everything that happens in your life was meant to happen for a deeper purpose that one can't see or understand. Being a wedding planner was always my dream job, What could be more heartwarming than uniting two souls cast with a spell making them fall deeply into a pit called love; momentarily at least. As a wedding planner I've seen and heard a lot of thing, I mean a lot of scandalous affairs, that nothing really surprised me; not until now staring at my boss, standing totally and utterly speechless

"But...... how..... I mean..... I'm excited and grateful for this opportunity but how....." I stuttered.

"Turns out that after the scandal at the last wedding planning and how you miraculously resolve and avoided cancelation of the wedding which by the way still wonder how you did it. The event got spread in the news, gossip magazines, blogs which made our company's ratings and it's all because of you, so it's only fitting to give this one to you" Mrs Catherine Thompson said smiling up at a still stupefied me. I'm in cloud 9 right now, literally skydiving in the air of pure joy

"Oh...... Wow" taking a seat in front of my, I still can't believe this is actually happening to me. Luckily I have a sweetheart of a boss who understands that I have gone into shock mode and stares at me in amusement. Glad to know that being tongue tied is amusing.

"Bailey Cleopatra McCorny James, you deserve this. You've been with this company from the start, We started this company from scratch..... Without you this company would have totally crumbled..... Plus you've been my best friend for so long, when I was in a bad phase in my life, you gave me the emotional support that I needed and I took that maternity leave, you shouldered my responsibilities to this company..... Every breakthrough we had was made possible by your hard work and dedication so that's why there's no person more deserving than you" my best friend slash boss or as she likes to call me business partner held my hand in assurance but the only thing that was in my mind was
"Did you just call me McCorny"

"Seriously.... Bailey I just gave an emotional heartfelt speech and the only thing you could pick out was your surname" Cathy threw her hands up in exhilaration.

"Well boss my name isn't McCorny, it was my Dad's, mine's James...... just James" I said mimicking Cathy's show of annoyance.

Unfortunately, Cathy's was one of the few people who knew my former last name before I changed it to my dad's first name, legally of course. The few people that little people that knew understood and respected that.... Well except for Miss You-should-carry-surname-with-pride- Cathy (I would pick McDonald over McCorny any day any time) hence the word 'boss' being spoken out loud and not in my head, just for the main  purpose of being best friends with someone; to annoy.

"Bailey I'm not your boss, How many times do I've to remind you of that" she said pinching the bridge of her nose

"Um.... The same number of times I've told you my name isn't McCorny anymore?" Making Cathy sigh in frustration. I know that I'm getting on her nerves now but she started it.... My ex last name is a sore subject; that shouldn't be touched simple

"So tell me..." I started, switching back to the important topics not last names "how on earth did we  bag planning one of the weddings, speculated the be one of the best weddings of the century, Cathy's he's one of the top ten richest men in the whole of L.A....... Oh I think I'm dreaming, Cathy please pinch me" stretching out my hands but immediately retrieving it" On a second thought, I think I'll do it myself to which Cathy let's out a sigh and rolls her eyes while I pinched myself lightly; keyword lightly

"Oh my God Cathy! we're going to freaking L.A, I get to travel..... But we've never had a deal this big..... He's freakishly rich, a multi billionaire Cathy!..... what if we fail in giving them the perfect wedding that they want ..... I mean we haven't planned a wedding outside Phoenix before.... What if....." Stopping my pacing feat as well as my ranting. When did I pacing? I could swear I was sitting down, just a second ago... Wait why am I face to face with Cathy

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