Chapter 8- Huh?

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"Honey I'm home" I heard his warm voice from my room. Eagerly, I got up from my bed, running down the stars and immediately flew into his arms as soon as I saw him.
"You're back....... You're back!! "
I chanted excitedly jumping in his arms once he had picked me up.
"Hmmm....... seems my honey pot missed me" He said with face lightening up with that comforting smile of his, to which I nodded excitedly to.
"And how much did my honey pot miss me"
"This much" I replied stretching my little arms as far as I could.
"My honey pot missed me that much!! "
"Mhmm" I hummed giggling at the weird shocked face he made.
"Well, honey pot, miss me not 'cause I'm back, now where is your mother"
"I don't know, she isn't home yet" I answered shrugging with my lips pouted
"Honey pot where you alone at home? "
"Mhmm, Mama left home for a very long... long time now but I wasn't scared, I stayed in the room look a big girl" sighing "Mama said she would be back in no time but it has been so long now and she is not back yet" I said with a sullen look plastered on my face, which he notices
"Why the sad face honey pot"
"Does mama still love me?.... Does mama still love us? ..... Is she tired of us?" Sighing at my words, he placed my head at the crook of his neck, his fingers running through my hair, comforting me.
"Honey pot, never say that. Your mama can never be tired of you. Your mama loves you as much as I do, okay? " I replied nodding my head on his shoulder
"We are going to be together forever honey pot, I love you honey pot"
"I love you too papa"

The alarm rang, waking me from my slumber. Groaning, I groggily got up from the bed. It's been a while I have dreamt of him, I guess yesterday's events brought back what I worked so hard to suppress. Ugh now I have to visit a psychologist or.... Nah. I think I can handle myself.... I pray so. Okay its decided I will call up Ms. Lilian, my psychologist in Phoenix but in the mean time, I had to forget .... So I did the next best therapy...... Music while doing my daily routine. Yup I play cheesy romantic songs when I'm upset and want to forget why I'm upset. It's like I could feel the romance from the song and just for a moment I get a snippet of how being in love feels like, I think?. Sounds crazy right? But what do you expect, I plan the fairy tale-ish weddings, so I love fairy tale-ish stuffs even if I know it doesn't really exists.

Your touch blurred my vision
It's your world and I'm just in it
Even sober I'm not thinking straight
Cause I'm off my face, in love with you
I'm out my head, so into you
And I don't know how you do it
But I'm forever ruined by you
Ooh- ooh- ooh

Yep, that got me smiling and that ladies and gentlemen is power of music, singing on top of your lungs, disturbing the whole freaking neighbors in your hotel with your voice while preparing for your day; yeah serves them right, they didn't let me sleep last night either with their incessant and very unnecessary loud groans and moans. Thank God for head phones, yeah you guessed right my ear muffs where basically useless, it was like everyone in my floor were just doing it last night, it was like the  moaning tune in "Body" by Meghan thee stallion but with weird male groans mixed in it and a hundred times louder.... Disgusting I tell you!!. Why couldn't I have stayed in the other lodges where people just came for business and important stuff not just for doing it, now I think I'm kinda traumatized. Luckily for them I would like to think I have a really nice ringing tone when I sing. Yay!! Hehehe
Unfortunately, my part revenge and part therapy was cut short when my phone pinged with a message. It was about the venue of the meeting with the Kingston women. I totally forgot about the meeting. I just hope that whatever today brings, it will be at least better than with the Kingston men.

   *             *             *              *             *
Right now, I'm seated at the restaurant waiting for the Kingston women to arrive and yes before you conclude that they are some kind of snobbish rich peeps who loves to arrive fashionably late, I came early; thirty minutes early to be precise. What..... I'm full of nerves ok.... I just want to impress them because their opinions are what actually matters. I decided to leave my personal feelings behind and focus on what is good for business and this... this really great boost for our business. Besides the Kingston's aren't bad so far either, well except for him, whose name will not be mentioned lest he spoils my mood.... See my mood is already affected. That jerk face, who does he think he is to judge me. Judgmental butt-hat!!  Sure I didn't leave the best first impression when we met but he didn't have to be a d-bag about it. Good thing I wouldn't see his annoying face regularly. First of all he pisses me off, his presence creates a strange feelings in me. I mean my heart fluttered when he was close, sometimes I want to punch his stupid face but I really also want to.... Gosh Bailey what the freak are you thinking, this isn't good. I just met the idiot yesterday and I feel all this very strange emotions swirling in me at just the thought of him. It's settled then, my number one mission will be to avoid Mr. Jerk face as much as I can. Plus I am still embarrassed about what I did at store. I can't help but wonder what he thinks of me. Perhaps some crazy, weird chic that is addicted to a drug called stupidity. If I knew he was a Kingston, I wouldn't have done what I did. Okay...okay I shouldn't have done it at all, I know. I can imagine Cathy giving me an earful when she hears this. She won't believe her ears I tell ya! Yup this... will definitely blow the hell out of her mind....Hehe
Why the hell am I feeling smug about what I did. Huh...I think something is not right psychologically in me. Seriously, I think I need help with all this weird thoughts.
Girl, just to be clear, your thoughts are clearly on you, I got nothing to do with that.
Shut up
"Hey, are you Ms. Bailey James, the wedding planner? "
"Huh? "

Author's notes

So I'm back.....
What do guys think of this chapter
It was mostly on Bailey character and behavior.
I tried so hard to come up with a pet name but I could only come up with princess, sweetie and honey pot 🙈. If you can come with some ideas for a pet name, that will be appreciated by me.
Stay tuned for more....
Love you❤

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