Chapter 13- Happy now?

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When I started the job of planning wedding, I was met with a lot of scandal; weird and shocking scandals at that... The one that made me famous had topped it, or so I thought...
The bride of the day had more than three lovers from the same family of the groom.The cousin of the groom, the young uncle of the groom, the step brother of the groom, even the fudging step-father of the groom.... Good thing grooms mother wasn't alive anymore, she would surely kicked the bucket from that. All claiming to be father of the son she had given birth to and all thought it would be alright to break the news a day before the wedding day, perfect timing right?. It was so messed up.... I couldn't even cancel out any of the acclaimed potential father because the bride had slept with all of them including the groom unprotected within the span of a month. Apparently the bride was a fan of one night stands before she fell in love with the groom and decided to settle down and dedicate the hole between her legs to one man. When all hell broke loose I was ready to call quits, pack my bags and get the hell away from them, not wanting to have anything to do with something so messed up but the bride cried bitterly begging me to help her, swearing that the groom was actually the father of her child which I didn't believe; not one bit but being the compassionate person I am, I decided to help her. First I had to convince and talk to the groom, reminding him of why he loved his bride and pep talks about love and stuff. After our therapy session, he had finally agreed to marry the bride only if he was the father of the child. When the matter with the groom was settled. I had a little chat with the acclaimed potential fathers of the child and collected samples from them for a DNA test. Pulling some strings here and there, the test of the result was said to be out by noon the next day; on the day of the wedding, great right.  I remember not sleeping a wink that night, no one slept that night. It was so tense. Everything was hanging on a balance as the results came in. Even the attendants of the wedding were at the edge of their seats. Journalists dropped by because someone had tipped them about  what was going on. When it was proved and publicly announced that the father of the child was actually the groom, the bride couldn't even believe it, she just had her fingers crossed and hoped that it was the groom, She was actually never sure of who the father of her child was, Can you believe it!!. Nevertheless, I was so relieved that the wedding was still on ground. In summary the wedding went well without any further hiccups after that. Although the acclaimed potential father and basically all of the grooms family were missing from the wedding ceremony; the bride and groom had become husband and wife with huge smiles on the faces. It was like nothing ever happened. It was then I knew love was really blind. It was then I promised myself never to be involved in such a scandal. I was cocky enough to think that nothing will be as horrifying and shocking as that day. I thought that at that point that I immune to shocks and suprises and that nothing and no one could ever spark such emotions from me. But I was wrong, so wrong
Here I am now having life shocking experiences blows after blows in the span of three days of just knowing one man...
"Let's get married" His words kept ringing repeatedly in my head, my mouth agape and my eyes as wide as a saucer. If I were a cartoon character, my eyes would have definitely popped out of my sockets by now. My stupefied state was apparently amusing to the son of a biscuit while I gaped at him like he was high or something.
"You have got to be joking, right? "
"Gattina, do you think I would joke with something like this, that's the only solution I saw fitting to this problem"
"How the hell could you come up with this as the only solution!!... Ok.. Ok let's say I agree to this crazy idea of yours which I won't!... Will it be some kind of temporary contract marriage like in movies and books....wake the fudge up dude...Life isn't fairy tale!!"
"You have no idea how awake I am, mio gattina... The only contract will be signing is our marriage certificates, till death do us part" Why me!!
"Are you crazy?!! " Staring at him like he had two head "um are you high on something!... We only just met, how is marrying me gonna solve anything, how is it the only solution, in that head of yours, please tell me how! "
"As you know by now, the man you saw in store was a journalist, not sure how he knew our location" Yeah! How could I forget our beloved journalist in the store... I which I could turn back time and stopped back then in the store. "But he did and now it's all over the press.... And trust me you can't get rid of the press off your trail that easily, even if you wanted to... I have tried that.... and you can't publicly tell the truth, it will ruin not only yours but your company's reputation also and you don't want that, do you? " As much as I hate to admit, he was right. I couldn't care less about my reputation but the reputation of the people I cared about were also involved. Dream Wedding was our baby and if it's reputation is affected, it will be years of blood, sweat and tears down the drain.
"But I don't see why I have to marry you, we could just keep up the facade and live our normal lives"
"And how exactly would that be explained to my family and yours as well" Urgh!! Nothing is in my favour. Why does everything have to work against me.
"I don't know... I really don't know but there has to be a way other than marriage" There should be!
"I will leave you to think about it, my number is saved in your phone as husband. Ring me up when you have made a decision" No he didn't!!
"How do you know my password  and when did you insert your number into my phone" I demanded, squinting my eyes suspiciously at him.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out mio gattina" Cocky mother fudger!. He concluded with his face looking as smug as ever as he left. Smug idiot. If I am being honest with myself, I knew what he said was the only way out but I couldn't just back down even though my back is firmly pressed against the wall with no where to run. Why me!!
Quit the whining would ya it's not like you had ever planned to get married.
Shut up!! Even though I didn't plan on ever getting married, I didn't think I would get married this way, you stupid female dog!!
That shut her up now back to my lamenting. Now were was I, oh yes...
Why me!! That smug idiot enjoyed mocking and taunting me with that damn eyes and smile of his. I won't go down without a fight, you jerk. I will definitely come up with a solution.

A few minutes later.....
My brain was about to explode from trying so hard to come up with ideas when my phone pinged with a message and it was from none other than 'husband'. Shit I forgot to change it

Just a piece of advice
I wouldn't take long to decide if I were you.
you have until noon to decide, that's Arianna's usual wake up time.

Oh Lord, I had about about three hours to decide.

What about the others?

You don't need to worry about that,
My parents went away on a one week vacation early this morning and
Everic is keeping Camilla busy

I cringed at the thought of how exactly Everic was keeping her busy. I'm still traumatized from yesterday!!. Sighing I checked other stuffs on my phone. Whoa 122 unread messages and 61 missed calls, although most of them were from both Cathy and Ethan but still!!
What the fudge
I just knew all the messages were pointing to one thing; the news about my marriage to the idiot. Some of my colleagues at work also texted me. They all didn't believe at first when they heard it but were later forced to believe when they saw the news. Apparently our dear journalist had zoomed on our intertwined hands  and captured our 'wedding rings'. Cathy on the other hand kept sending in messages upon messages. I swear she had sent over sixty messages and just when I was about to open her messages, she called. Talk about right timing
"Oh thank God you answered this time, I was so worried. Never do that again, Bails.... Or I swear.... Are you in some kind of trouble Bails, you can tell me,I promise I won't blame or judge you... I knew it wasn't a good idea to send you out on your own..... Bails you can come back, we will quit the contract and I promise I will support you all the way... No matter what happens we will face it together...The only thing that matters to me, is that you're alright..... Say something Bails" Cathy rushed out, once I had picked up the call.
"I'm alright, everything is fine Cathy" I managed choke out, it's taking everything in me not to burst out crying, taking a deep breaths and exhaling, I had managed to keep my emotions in check so I continued "I promise, I will explain everything later. It's really not as bad as you think, .... You don't need to worry about me, trust me on this one, I have got everything under control, ok? "
"I don't believe you Bails...."
"Trust me in this Cathy.... Ok just give me a few days and if everything isn't solved yet, then you can do whatever you see fit... Ok? "
"I don't know Bails... "
"Please, just trust me this once" I heard Cathy sigh at the other end
"Alright Bails, but you better not do anything stupid just because you want to fix this"
"I won't, promise" I said while crossing my fingers
"I will call you regularly from now on and you better pick up every time"
"Ok, I will" After we said our byes to each other and I hung up, the water work began. I wept for my best friend's, her care and love was more than what I deserve. I wept for Dream Wedding and all the years of hard work spent on it to make it a success. I wept for the decision for I had finally made.
Wiping my tears, I picked up my phone and dailed the number
"Hello....gattina?" He asked, his tone seemed like he was concerned and I haven't even said a word.
"I will do it" I announced my voice still shaky and husky from all the crying. There was a pause on the other end of the line before he spoke again
"Are you sure you want to do this.... You won't regret this"
"It's a little too late for regrets now Declan and whether I want this or not isn't important.... I'm firm in my decision Declan, I will do it"
"And just to be sure, what exactly will you do" How dare he taunt me at a time like this!! Of all times it's when I'm making a life-altering decision; he choose to annoy me
"I will marry you, Declan Kingston... There I've said it...Happy now?"

Author's note
Whew another chapter done
It was so hard!!
I was kinda of hooked when I was writing this today but I still did it!
And yes I have finally explained the famous scandal, although it was quite difficult to align the scandal into the main chapter 13, I think I made it work. As far as the scandal is concerned, I didn't want to write about it. I wanted you, my readers imagination to run wild and imagine the most craziest things unimaginable, which you could still do of course. But I saw it fitting to make a start.... This was the craziest incident I could come and I'm sure you could do more, I interested in what you can come up with. Don't forget to like and comment about your ideas, I'm really interested.
Until next chapter...
Love you❤

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