Chapter 19- A dangerous game

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" Oh my Bailey, the way your hunky husband is staring at you is like in that sci-fi romance I was reading just the other day of a dominant alpha male wanting desperately to mark his wilful mate" Cathy teased as she whispered to which the girls nodded in par to, giggling. Geez what kind of books does she read but she is not far from the truth either. That's one way to put how he is staring at me. For me, he was staring at me like a sexy beast sizing up his prey before he pounces. Scary but hot is another way to put it also

As I approached him, he seemed to be the only one in the room, totally forgetting everyone else in the room. His eyes were so intense, holding me captive. No, hypnotizing me to see only him. His eyes we're filled with need, communicating with me, telepathically sharing the same need to me. A need only the two of us could solve for each other. A need that would take our relationship to a whole other level and a level we are still not certain we are ready for but the sheer driving force of this desire for each other is sure to drive us both insane to the point we won't care about our uncertainties.
Look, he is even making me talk like an author.

The beast, my husband kept gawking at me, his prey with his dominating eyes that was commanding my body to involuntary move towards him. I kept taking steps towards him... Well until my my mother in law came in the middle.
Thank God!!!
Who knows what would have happened.
Who knows what scene would have been made
Oh God, I don't wanna think about it!

"Bailey dear, you look wonderful, come, come let's get to the announcement quickly.....Declan? " A puzzled Melody Kingston questioned her son, interrupting his stares as he stayed in place despite us heading to front.

"Scusa mamma, ero un po' distratta" Declan husked out with a mischievous grin on his face while his mother giggled a little with a shake of her head.
(Sorry mother, I was a little distracted).

As we had reached the front of the room,the announcement began once my mother in law raised her glass, hitting it with a spoon to get everyone's attention. I didn't find it necessary though cause everyone's attention were on us from the very beginning but any who.... That's the least on my mind right now. It's so nerve-wracking how I had received different flashes of cameras on my face. It's a good thing I'm not going to talk or anything. This is the first time that I'm more than okay just standing here and looking pretty.

What to do... What to do...

Oh I know, why don't I look for our dear journalist.

Mhmm I hadn't forgotten about him and why should I

He was the one that place me in this mess.

A minute later

Dammit... I really can't see anything with all this flashes of camera.

My shoes are so killing me right now!!

I knew I shouldn't have listened to the girls to wear the blue four inches heeled strap shoes.. If only they wouldn't be so damn persuasive.

Why the biscuits is this announcement taking so long...

It think it will be done soon though... Declan is talking right now....

He looks so good.... The velvet navy blue blazer and black suit pants look awesome on him.

Yes papi

Stop being a whore Bailey and focus on what papi is saying with that delectable mouth of his.

Now who is being a whore

You started it... Now focus!!

".... I would like to call my wife for a few words.... gattina?....a few words"

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