Chapter 11- A huge mess

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Declan's POV
"Hope I'm not interrupting but what are guys doing? " Everic voiced out just at the damn right time and just like that we separated from each other. If he hadn't interrupted, things would have escalated for sure. We would have done something both of us would have definitely regretted. The regrets coming more from her. Gattina knew how to drive me insane, push buttons I never knew I had, she could make me say things I never thought I would say.
"No... Nothing, we weren't doing or about to do anything, this is simply a case of 'this-isn't-what-looks-like' kind of thing" My gattina rambled with her face as red as a pomodoro (tomato),
"You do know that they say it not what it looks like in movies, it's like ninety-nine percent what it looks like"
"Well.... Well I don't remember it that way, in movies when hero says 'it's not what it looks like' it's exactly what the character says, it's just the other character which is the heroine that misunderstands" She huffed folding her arm, pouting her perfect plump red and very kissable lips. If the fucker with that cocky smile, who is enjoying the fuck out riling my gattina up hadn't interrupted at that exact time, if he had come a minute later then I would've tasted those delectable lips of hers, sucked on that sharp tongue of her... Fuck Declan what the fuck are you thinking... Get a hold on yourself.
"Everic, you had better say what you came here for and a good enough reason for being a cockblock or I swear to God I'll wipe that fucking smug look off your face" I said to which a gasp erupted from gattina, staring at me with her blue eyes wide and her lips parted in shock. It just so easy to tease mio gattina (my kitten) She's as fiery as she's innocent, as sharp-tongued as she's naive and as daring as she's prude. Every attribute of hers interest me. Her mouth says one thing but her body tells exactly how innocent and prude she really is. It makes me wonder what she must have gone through to me want to hide how she really is and put up a front of a daring and experienced woman as her defensive mechanism. She makes me want to possess and protect her and also tame her especially that mouth of hers. She's like a puzzle game I was dying to solve, my puzzle game.
"I was sent to call you guys for dinner, you guys should be thankful that it was me, who came up. Could imagine if it were the girls or even mom..... You two would have been married for real by now, I don't know about the baby part but it would have been sooner than later" Everic teased gattina more. Cocky punk.... But he was right though. When I found out that gattina would be staying at the Kingston's mansion, I knew then that my father had spilled everything to his wife and now she's playing matchmaker with the girls and mama is one scary matchmaker. Melody Kingston might be a lovely and caring but when she decides to play matchmaker, she is as scheming as ever. If she had been the one to catch us, she would be planning names for her grandchildren by now.
"I suggest we hurry down stairs or the girls might come up to check what's taking so long or even worse Mom and you know how easily she can detect a lie, it will only take her seconds to find out what happened here" And just like that gattina ran down stairs like her pants were on fire. It reminded me of the time at the store but she couldn't run from me now. I continued to stare at her as she descended downstairs, when she had disappeared from my line of vision. I wanted to see her again, to soak up every single details and movement of hers.
"Will you tone it down a little, if you keep on staring at her like your next meal, you will make her run before you execute your plan" Yeah the plan
"I'm doing it tonight"
"The plan"
"Geesh, who would have guess you would be like this when you are actually crazy about someone, all caveman and stuff, you couldn't even wait tomorrow like it originally planned" He says making me roll my eyes, Like he's one to talk, he all 'daddy' when he's with Camilla.
"Fuck off, don't you have a 'bambina' to be all 'papi' to or something" (Little girl)
"At least mine is already caught but you on the other hand is still in pursuit of yours" With that my fuck face of brother started his descent down chuckling " Good luck with your gattina " Like I need luck, Mio gattina focoso will definitely be mine.
Bailey's POV
When I rushed down the stairs into the dining room everyone were already seated except Arianna "There you are Bailey, I was wondering if the idiot of a brother actually called you.... I was even about to call you myself" Thank God you didn't!!
"Bailey dear, is everything alright, you look a little bit flustered" Mrs. Kingston asked looking concerned
"No, no.... I mean yes.... Everything is just fine" I stuttered which none of them seemed to have bought
"Ok then dear.... Take a seat... The boys will be down any second then we can dig in" Nodding I took the seat beside Arianna
"Sorry for the hold up fams" Everic spoke as he arrived at the dining moments later, flashing a smile at everyone and a knowing smile at me, seconds later Declan had followed suit, sitting silently on the seat that was placed opposite mine while Everic took the seat beside Camilla. I totally avoided any eye contact from him. The feeling of his stare on me were already setting alarm in my head and my tummy buzzing with butterflies.
"Fucking finally, what took you guys so long, I'm starving" Richard Kingston finally spoke, seems like the old man was really starving
" Mio caro, how many times have I said no cursing in the dining.... Now let's share grace, so we can all dig in"
After the grace was being shared, we began to dig in. If I wasn't surrounded I would have been moaning in foodgasm.
"I must say, this is the best lasagna I have ever eaten" I said closing my eyes, savoring every single flavor. The way every ingredient blended with each other, it's like a treasure box with treasures inside, I could scarve a full down and still ask for more
"Thank you dear, this is actually their favorite it's called Lasagne alla ferrarese" I guess it's mine as well too. This is sooo good!!
"That's because this never get old mama, it tastes like heaven everytime" Everic said before he began to stuff his mouth with again to which we all nodded and Melody Kingston just smiled
"Careful Everic, before you are married to your bambina" Arianna snorted out
"I guess bambina will have to find another papi then". Declan concluded making the two  siblings laugh out loud.
" Oh God, will you guys cut it out, the last thing I want to envision is Everic's sex life while I eat, it's bad enough we all caught them on the couch that was in the living room and the vision of Everic's ass is still engraved in my head, thank God that couch is gone, I don't even want to think where else they did it, who knows they might have even done it on this very dining table " Mr. Kingston said and just like that everyone dropped their forks loosing their appetite, not me though I had already dropped mine at Everic's ass. The silence was quite deafening, the only sound that was made was Everic's choking on his food at his father's word, poor Camilla looked like she wished the earth could swallow her. She was so red from embarrassment. Then all hell broke loose.
"Everic Dominique Kingston!! Faresti meglio a non farlo sul tavolo da pranzo!" (You had better not done it on the dining table!)
"Scusa mamma, I'avevo pulito bene dopo" (Sorry mother, I had cleaned it well after that)
"Non mi interessa se l'hai fatto pulire o meno, questo tavolo da pranzo deve essere sostituto immediatamente, Si? ." (I don't care if you had it cleaned or not, this dining table is to be replaced immediately, yes?)
"Si mamma" (Yes mamma)
I really didn't understand a word they said, What language was that though? Italian I guess. I noticed that from their mother's strong Italian accent. The rest of the Kingston's didn't have their mother's accent when they spoke in English, their accent could only be noticed when they spoke in there mother's tongue while Mr Kingston was as American as ever. It's funny how everything played out but also heart-warming to. This is how a family should be like. Mrs. Kingston scolding her youngest son, The two involved embarrassed as hell while the other two siblings were laughing heartily while Mr. Kingston seemed like he couldn't care less about the chaos going on around him, the only thing he seemed to care about was filling his tummy. As weird as it looked, it was exactly how a family should be...weird; not proper and definitely not perfect.
"Bailey dear, I'm sorry, you had to see all this" Mrs. Kingston said after she had finished scolding Everic looking embarrassed but bringing all this to me. "No..... No.... Don't be... It's quite refreshing actually, it reminded me of how a family should be, just like this; so thank you all for that" I concluded with a giggle. Mrs. Kingston gave me that all-knowing motherly look of concern. The rest looked at me like I had two head or something, Camilla was still embarrassed but she still managed to look concerned for me red faced and all but the look he gave me scared me the most, like knew
It like he knew all my defenses, it was like he wanted to unravel me, unlock every single thing about me that I had locked away, this was the first time that someone had actually seen me and that scare the hell out of me.
"Um.... It's been a long day, if you don't mind I would like to head to bed now.. Mrs. Kingston, thank you for the food and hospitality, your lasagna was so good, I would love to learn the recipe from you one day that's if you don't mind of course."
"You're welcome dear and of course I don't mind" Standing up after bidding everyone goodnight, I hurriedly ascended the stairs and entered my room. Letting out a sigh of relief, I threw myself on the bed, physically and mentally drained from today's event. God I'm so tired of how my heart leap when I see him or how my tummy becomes a zoo whenever he's around. He is always on my mind non-stop. Today, if Everic hadn't shown up, I am pretty sure we would have locked lips. Why the fudge do I regret not kissing him while I'm supposed to be feeling thankful? This is bad, really bad....
And just when I was to get some sleep, my phone rang and at the same time someone knocked at my door. Can't someone get some sleep for once! !
Answering the call while I groggily got up, walking towards the door to answer whoever was on the other end of the door.
"Hello "
"Bailey Cleopatra McCorny you better have a good enough explanation" Ok she sounds pissed, I will settle what got her so worked up that I apparently did, then correct her  about my surname.
"Geesh Cathy, what did I do this time" I said opening the door and lo and behold it was Declan and this time my heart skip a beat and no it was not because of him, it was because of what she  said at the other end of the call that made my heart race while I froze like a popsicle.
"How the fuck are you married to Declan Kingston"
I really made a huge mess of things, didn't I?

Author's notes
Another chapter done
Yay me, two chapters in one day
This is my longest chapter so far.
And I'm not Italian, the idea just came to mind. I hope you like it.
I decided to write Declan's POV, which was a little bit hard because I don't really know how a guy thinks but I really do hope you like it and oh...This exactly how I envision Bailey

This exactly how I envision Bailey

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