Chapter 9 - Trap

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"Huh? " I asked in a confused and half dazed state as I stared up at three stunning and elegantly dressed women in front of me.
"We were wondering if you are Ms. Bailey James, the wedding planner" The older woman among the three asked and that's when it clicked. Sprouting up from my seat, I rambled
"Oh.... Sorry, oh my God, I'm so sorry..   Yes I'm.... I mean it's me"  Seriously Bailey get your shit together, don't mess this up
"I'm sorry once again, let's start over.... Hello I'm Bailey James, Nice to meet you" I said once I took in a deep breath and actually got my shit together; Nah... I'm lying. I'm still a nervous wreck and I sounded like a freaking robot and now... I'm standing so awkwardly, not knowing if I should shake them or hug them. Will a hand shake seem too formal? Or will a hug seem too informal and not professional enough?..... Air kisses? Nah too porsche and pompous for me. Believe me I knew how to approach my clients back in Phoenix but this is another new level for me. I'm completely out of my zone here. If I hadn't been lost in thoughts I wouldn't have been so out of it. It's all his fault!! Well it seems like they noticed my awkwardness 'cause the two younger women were giggling and snorting quietly while the older woman gave me a warm, knowing smile, She was none other than the queen of the Kingston's empire; Melody Kingston. She looked not a day over forty, her warm amber eyes, her rich brown hair with little strands after grey in them styled in an elegant updo. She carried with her an aura so motherly, homely and warm but she carried all with elegance, with an aura like hers, I really don't think she has enemies.
"Mom, seems like we gave a stunner to our female version of Sherlock Holmes with magical powers" Huh?.... Wait a minute.... Did she just say a wrestling style... And in a sentence too!! Thank God I'm not the only one doing that.... Arianna Kingston snorted out. Well that was quite un- ladylike..... I like her already!. She is as beautiful as her mother with a striking resemblance to her also. Her shiny long raven black hair where to die for and she had amber eyes just like her mother's but hers had a hint of grey in them. Her figure were model-like, she had pale white skin just like her mother, her full pink lip, her perfectly straight nose. Her delicate and tender look couple slightly petite figure made her many men's dream in my opinion. I don't think she had ever had to think about cellulite and stretch marks... Unlike me... I think about it everyday 'cause its' always there to remind me 'Hey we are here for you and we'll never leave you'
Bailey now is not the time to mop about your body and get jealous over others
Yeah right and I'm not jealous... Ok maybe a little bit but that's all
"She's very funny in person" That I have been told but I don't think I'm actually funny, I think it's how my life plays out, that's what is actually funny. I mean if my life were a movie or novel I think it would end up in comedy section. The bride; Camilla Edwards said smiling. I could see why Everic Kingston fell head over heels for this woman. She's a beautiful petite young woman, with a sandy blonde and really delicate look like she could break at any second. Yeah she has a submissive vibe going on and it's pretty obvious. She's a walking macho man magnet and the Kingston men are exactly that. They want to feel able to protect their delicate flower. Always them doing the rescuing, saving and protecting. They are like alpha male animals that marks there territory. Her eyes are so beautiful, it's almost tourqoise, with a hint of brown in them. Compared to the three women, I feel like a non-green version she-hulk.
"Dear, don't be nervous, we don't bite"    Melody Kingston said with that calming smile of hers "So shall we have a sit and let's continue this meeting"
"Yes... Yes" I stuttered. Sitting down, I sighed out in relief, thankful for their understanding and friendliness.
"So... " Arianna Kingston spoke up " What are your ideas " And just like that I went into  what Cathy like to call the "planner mode". Giving the three each of folder of different decorations, bouquet arrangements, themes, different designs for invitation cards, venues and so on. We talked for hours non-stop going into details of everything. It was there I actually discovered that they didn't go for any cake tasting they went for a girls day out. Apparently when you have overprotective men like the Kingston men as a lover or father or brother. You need a break from being 'the protected one' slash 'delicate flower' and for you to have a break you have to like to them once in a while. Turns out macho men are clingy mfs.
"So it's decided, our venue and theme choices has been reduced to three and our flower choices are the peonies, orchids, ranunculus, lily of the valley, hydrangea, tulip and lilac. Cami, you have to make a choice these are way too much flower choices" Arianna spoke up
"But I love all of them, they are so beautiful, I would have loved the theme of twelve roses too but I'm allergic to rose unfortunately" Camilla   ended with a pout.
"Okay.... Okay why don't we put up some of these flower for decorations and the rest for the bride's bouquet arrangements, sounds good? "
"Yeah sounds good" To which the three of us sighed in relief. We talked some more until we had a final decision. It was a white and gold theme decoration and intricate designs of white orchids, pink peonies, and white lilacs and of the other flower choices were for the bride's bouquet. The venue was also decided and so on. I felt quite relieved when things were rounded up and how they seemed really satisfied with arrangements. I could say the meeting was a success, way better than yesterday's meeting with the Kingston men.
"So tell me Bailey, where are you staying at the moment" Mrs Kingston suddenly asked
"I'm staying at a hotel not far from here actually"As soon I said that a glint pass through her eyes.
"No can't do, We have a lot of rooms in our home. Now I think you should move in with us and let us accommodate you for the next six months, when the wedding is done" No no no no.....The girls told me that Declan was forced into staying in the Kingston's mansion for sometime. This was my number one mission; to avoid jerk face as much as I could.
"No... No... Um I wouldn't want to impose"
"C'mon Bailey think of it as a win-win situation, If you move in, it will be a lot easier to discuss about the wedding and we don't have to set up meetings like we did today and you don't have to spend a dime on accommodation and food for the next six months" It sounds tempting.... "It will be fun Bailey" Arianna concluded while Camilla nodded in agreement.
"But... "
"No buts, I insist" Oh well guess it is sealed then
"Ok" I said nodding my head while the girls squealed at my answer, it's not like I had a choice anyway.
"Good, The driver will drive you to your hotel and once you are packed he will drive to the the mansion at once"with that being said, we left the restaurant and at the entrance were two cars, a Toyota Camry and an SUV both black. After hugging each of them the trio entered the SUV while I entered the Camry. All the way to the to the hotel. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had fallen into a trap. Maybe I'm just being paranoid right, I'll just have to avoid him, that will be my only problem right?
Yeah it's definitely not a trap

Author's notes
This chapter is done
Started it today and now it's done
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Watch out for the next chapter tomorrow. My head is buzzing with new ideas I can't wait to pen down. Hope you'll like it
Love you❤

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