Ch. 3; Kicking Ass.

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A/N: I pressed, like physically clicked, 'Publish', last night before I went to bed. And it didn't publish!

Harry rolls his eyes the minute she says it, hauling himself to his feet, grabbing his shoe from his foot and unceremoniously shoving it into the top of her skull, a dull thud sounding as he does so.

He pulls it out, her body immediately crumpling to the ground as blood pours out of the gash in her head. 

It's always been a joke to all of them, Harry could kill you with his shoe. None of them really bothered to think about the fact that he could and he would. Until now. Louis is mildly traumatised.

Harry leans down, prying the bedazzled baseball bat from the woman's grip, surveying it with interest. The other three step forward, one with a knife and the other two with baseball bats and shanks. Harry scoffs, putting his shoe back on and handing Louis his knives, battering the closest around the head with it.

This makes Louis jump into action, punching the closest guy as he tries to hit Louis, kicking him in the gut. The other tries to duck around him, and Louis uses the screwdriver Harry stowed in his pocket to stab backwards, the yell of pain and the splatter of blood telling him he did something right.

It's when he's distracted that the other guy manages to overpower him slightly, stabbing forward and slicing against his cheek. Louis groans, the blood dripping down his face.

It's his reaction that catches Harry's attention, the other immediately stopping beating the guy to death and turning his attention to the guy who stabbed Louis.

The man panics, eyes widened in terror, stumbling backwards and muttering something under his breath. Louis thinks it's not English.

He tries to run away, but Harry grabs him by the neck, pulling the struggling man against his body.

"You stabbed my fiancé on our wedding day." He says, matter-of-factly, calmly. Louis feels bad for the guy. "You're going to tell me why the fuck you and your little friends are at my wedding or I'm going to make this even more painful."

The guy whimpers, struggling against Harry's grip. Harry tightens his hold.

Somehow, this is a turn on. He doesn't understand how his brain works.

"We not paid to ask questions. We sent to hurt you both, we do." The man says. "We don't know why."

Harry sighs in disapproval, shoving the man to the ground and stamping on his head a few times.

"That guy dead?" He asks, ripping the man's clothes to wipe the blood from his shoe. 

"Yeah." Louis confirms, glancing at the guy he mauled with the screwdriver. He seems pretty dead. 

"Let's go, then." Harry says, fixing his shoe and stomping forward. Louis follows dutifully behind. 

Harry seems to be entirely focused on getting to where they can get phone signal, but Louis has his doubts. How are they going to explain several very dead corpses, especially when Harry is wearing the murder weapon.

"Do you seriously have a fucking boner right now, Louis?" Harry questions incredulously, stopping and turning around.

Louis blushes, ducking his head. He still doesn't understand what Harry does to him, why he turns into a blushing teenager. "Maybe..."

"There's something seriously wrong with you." Harry says fondly, leaning over to peck his cheek. 


- Liam -

"How has nobody found yet?" One of the pirates say to the boss, gun still pointed at the pool. 

"You go look." The boss instructs, pointing at a group of three who nod dutifully before heading into the resort to search for Louis and Harry.

A man who looks like his eye was almost gouged out stumbles in a few moments later, yelling frantically in what's probably Somali to the boss. 

"Best man!" He yells over, motioning for two to grab him and haul him out of the pool. "You no tell us grooms armed."

"I didn't know." He says calmly, holding his hands up in surrender.

"They kill my fellows." He says, getting right up in Liam's face. "My crew. At least three dead. We will kill them when found." A few gasps sound from the pool, and one of the pirates guarding it points his gun at them in warning.

He knew Harry would attempt something like that. Louis too, but Harry's a lot more immoral than his fiancé. But Harry never thinks of consequences.

Liam also has a feeling that Harry's going to survive this. Louis too, because he honestly doesn't think it's possible for Harry to allow Louis to die. Based on sheer determination alone. Both are stubborn cunts when they want to be.


- Louis -

"Uh. H? Babe?" He finally asks, stopping Harry and bringing the two of them to duck under the cover of a particularly dense little collection of trees. 

"Yes, Louis?" Harry asks, tapping his foot impatiently. Louis internally winces. Harry's still pissed, and apparently pet names still aren't allowed. He honestly can't remember the last time he called Harry just his name. He doesn't do it often, that's for sure.

"Well, I've just been doing some thinking, Harry..." Louis says awkwardly, wringing his hands. Harry has this impassive, bordering on bored expression on his face, it's his freaking him the fuck out. "Well, why- uh. I mean, god. Your big plan is to phone the police or whatever, yeah? How the fuck are we gonna do that when there's dead bodies all over the fuckin' resort, evidently done by us, considering both of our finger prints are on the weapons and you're wearing another one of the fucking murder weapons! We'll be arrested on the spot and everything we've been done will be discovered and shit."

Harry scoffs lightly, shaking his head as he chuckles dryly. "My god, you really underestimated me."

Louis raises a confused eyebrow. "I'm sorry, what? Please enlighten me on whatthe actual fuck you're talking about, because I haven't got a fucking notion."

"Right, around six months before we met, I had this assignment." Harry begins. "And in the process I met this guy who was part of the police in the Philippines. He got himself into a bit of bother, and I helped him out, and he told me if I ever needed a favour, to call him. So, I'm going to cal him, then the police. And everything will be fine."

An explosion sounds behind them, forcing Harry forward with the blast.

Maybe not.

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