Ch. 10; Going Home.

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Harry was released from the hospital a day later, the doctors requesting he don't do anything too strenuous (have sex) for about a week.

So, they all went back to England, somehow Harry had managed to convince the airline to move them onto an earlier flight, putting off the wedding until further notice. Louis has a very strong suspicion that this was another Juan situation.

Harry had slept the entire flight, lying against Louis' shoulder and snoring in his ear. It was cute, albeit a little annoying. 

Lottie had immediately demanded he tell her everything about their relationship once they got to their seats, so that's what he does on the way home, starting at the party when they first met (omitting certain sexual details of course, he's not that stupid) right up to everything that happened with the hijackers during the wedding. She'd then started asking about before he met Harry, and everything associated with targets, finding every opportunity to laugh at him for the incident in the club in Vegas.

Louis just wants to know when the fuck Harry told her about that. He asked, but she refused to tell him, for some reason.

The entire flight is reminding him of the return from Vegas, Harry asleep against his shoulder, Louis on Harry's (now confirmed to be stolen) laptop watching Netflix, the man having taken a sleeping pill from his very full handbag, and now Louis is struggling to wake him up.

He might need the tazer again.

The only difference is that Harry no longer hates Liam, and has begrudgingly credited him for saving his life after the stabbing. They kind of stopped hating each other, and kind of progressed into a type of frenemies.

Eventually, after they had all but given up on waking the man, Lottie ended up 'accidentally' spilling her drink on him, having Harry jump awake with a very murderous look on his face.

"What the fuck?" He grumbles, grappling at his soaking clothes. "Why? Why the fuck would you do that?"

"You were asleep, baby." Louis explains. "We couldn't wake you, and I remember what happened with the tazer. You need to stop taking pills on planes, H."

"I don't like flying." Harry responds haughtily, pulling off the hoodie that took most of the water.

"You're afraid of fucking flying?" Louis scoffs. "Of all things?"

"I'm not afraid, it's just simply don't enjoy it." Harry huffs. "M'kay?"

"I've finally found your weakness, oh my god." Louis cackles, cuddling Harry happily.

"You already know my weakness." Harry says quietly. "He's in my arms right now."

"Ew, that's gay." Lottie deadpans. Harry cackles, snuggling into Louis, kissing his neck sweetly. "Stop being gay."

"No thanks." Louis responds, biting his lip when Harry stops being sweet, instead opting to sharply bite Louis' neck, licking across the bite and starting to create what will no doubt be a large, impossible to hide hickey. "Harold-"

"Hm?" Harry hums, biting again, smirking against Louis' skin. "Something the matter, Lou?"

"Can you two stop being horny for two seconds?" Lottie groans. "Seriously? Who the fuck put me next to these two twats?"

Harry doesn't relent, firmly holding Louis' head in place, ring cold against his jaw. "Harry."

"Louis." He mocks.

"Is he always like this?" Lottie asks. "You know, absolutely fucking insane and incredibly horny?"

"Worse, actually, Lots." Louis chuckles, barely biting back a moan from Harry's antics, the other man thinking it a good thing to slip his hand down the back of Louis' trousers, groping his ass like they aren't in public.

The plane finally lands, Harry sitting up with a massive smirk on his face, leaving Louis with an equally massive bruise and his skin feeling tingly and sore. Zayn glances over and snorts, throwing over a mirror for Louis to inspect it.

And, sure enough, he has a hickey the size of a fucking planet on his neck, complete with prominent bite marks and a slight sheen of spit.

"Jesus motherfucking Christ, Harry." Louis groans, inspecting it properly. "You have no boundaries."

"I'm aware, darling." Harry drawls, pulling gum out of his pocket. 

As they're walking out of the airport Harry seems to tense slightly, grabbing his hand and hurrying him along, staring straight ahead. Louis glances over his shoulder in confusion, almost tripping as Harry power walks towards the exit.

"H? What's wrong, honey?" He asks, concerned, tugging on his sleeve.

"Nothing." Harry lies, clenching his jaw. "Just tired, Lou."

Louis rolls his eyes. "No, seriously, what's actually wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost." He says, grabbing Harry to stop him and putting his hands on his hips, eyebrow raised.

"I'm tired, and I just want to go home." Harry repeats, beginning to walk again and signalling a taxi. "Ok? Can you drop it please?"

"But, H-" Louis begins, eyebrows drawing together in concern.

Harry hugs him briefly while pressing a soft, chaste kiss to the side of his mouth, for once not wearing lipsticl. He'd almost forgotten how beautiful the soft pink of his lips were, and he can't resist pulling Harry in for a proper kiss before getting in the taxi with him.

Harry immediately goes upstairs once they get home, and Louis finds him already asleep (and naked) on their bed once he finally joins him, one leg hitched up as he cuddles Louis' pillow, face pressed into his own.

Louis can help but stand and stare at him for a moment. His strong legs and biceps, delicate waist and broad back, his adorable little ass. His hair (now properly cut, similar to the wig he wore to the masquerade ball) makes him look a lot different, now more masculine than the obvious androgny. Louis shed his own clothes (bar his boxers) before carefully fitting himself over Harry, face tucked into his neck, legs intertwined and arms around him.

Harry sighs happily in his sleep, shifting slightly and giving Louis a better angle to lie on, also releasing the blanket from beneath his warm body and letting Louis pull it over them.

He snuggles into him, feeling Harry breathing and inhaling the familiar scent of him, pressing a soft kiss to his neck before settling to sleep himself, drifting off after about ten minutes.

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