Ch. 11; Ride It.

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A/N: This would of been ready at 5 if I hadn't decided to watch The Devil Wears Prada instead.

About a week had passed since the failed wedding, and they've booked a flight to leave for Vegas in three days. The wedding party was smaller this time, only their immediate family and closest friends, rather than the extensive guest list from the last one.

The resort in which they'd booked had compensated them generously for the problems that had occured, and, true to his word, Juan had ensured that nothing happened them because of the deaths.

Harry's done nothing but sleep the last few days, often trapping Louis beneath his larger body so he can't disturb him. Which means neither of them have done anything of worth, including buy a new wedding dress for Harry.

"I think I should wear black, or red." Harry muses, lying on top of Louis just because. "I'm not exactly a blushing, virgin bride, am I?"

"But you look great in white, baby." Louis responds, wrapping his arms around the man and slipping his hands under his shirt, just to feel his soft skin. "Really great. And you wore some white last time, why not dress similarly? You know, slay the day away or whatever it is baby gays say now-a-days and look hot in black and white?" He continues.

Harry sits up, ass right against Louis' cock, a smirk on his face, forcing Louis to remove his hands from his muscular back. "It's been a week." He says, in lieu of answering Louis questions.

"I know." Louis says. 

Harry's only wearing a heather grey shirt, which he immediately pulls off so they're both naked. He leans over, basically putting his cock in Louis' face as he grabs lube, smirking to himself as he pulls a pair of fluffy handcuffs from below the bed and binds Louis' wrists above his head.

"Harold-" Louis says, tugging on them, to no avail.

"Hm?" Harry says, acting like he can't hear Louis. "What's wrong, love? Something the matter?"

"You're an arse." Louis huffs. "I don't wanna be stuck like this."

"Shame." Harry shrugs, smiling in amusement as he starts fingering himself open, engagement ring glinting in the light.

He opens himself up for a few minutes before sinking slowly onto Louis' cock, circling his hips and planting a hand on Louis' stomach. Louis gasps, hips bucking wildly as he's enveloped by Harry's tight heat.

Harry moves, slowly drawing himself up then slamming back down, thighs rippling and flexing as he does so.

"Shit, H, you're so gorgeous." Louis moans, pistoning his hipe upward to meet Harry's bounces, gripping the bars of their bed as Harry grinds down, leaning over to kiss Louis, the man moaning loudly as Louis hits his spot.

Their teeth clash, Harry's tongue invading his mouth as they fight for dominance, Harry still moving up and down on Louis' dick as if his life depended on it, hands on Louis' shoulders.

Then Harry's undoing the cuffs and moving himself so he's lying next to Louis, legs spread, one knee bent. Louis instantly rolls over and fits himself between Harry's legs, leaning down and wrapping his lips around his leaking cock, quickly bobbing his head as Harry buries his fingers in Louis' hair, not trying to control his movement's, simply ground himself.

"Just fuck me, Lou-" he whines, bucking his hips and making Louis choke around his cock, and Louis pulls off with a pop. "I can't take it, need you to fuck me. Please-"

Louis chuckles and sits up, staring down at his naked body. A light sheen of sweat covers his chest, nipples raised and puffy (and Louis can't resist pinching one of them), the scar on his side still prominent.

He leans down, tracing the raised, ragged flesh with his tongue, making Harry whine loudly and roughly grab his hair and hold it tightly as Louis does it again, back arching.

Then Louis straightens up, fitting himself properly between Harry's legs and thrusting sharply into him, Harry's legs immediately locking around his waist and forcing him deeper, barely giving Louis room to thrust, just rock slowly back and forth, kissing Harry as he does so.

They stay wrapped up until Harry cums, shooting his load between them and collapsing into the bed, letting Louis gently thrust until he also cums, collapsing on top of him, fitting his face in the space between Harry's neck and shoulder.

Harry sighs happily, curling his arms around Louis' back, pressing a kiss to jaw.

"I've been thinking," Harry begins, placing his hand on Louis' hip.

"Oh god." Louis jokes, earning himself a slap to the arse from Harry.

"No. I'm being serious, Lewis," Harry huffs, bringing him closer, "we're actually much more suited to a Vegas wedding, aren't we? It's almost as expensive and much more us."

"Your mind never ceases to baffle me." Louis chuckles. "You're the one that made us do the wedding in the Philippines in the first place."

"Don't make me kick you out again." Harry threatens, tracing lines slowly up and down his back. 

Louis laughs, snuggling into him.


He wakes up to aggressive banging on the front door and Harry quite literally throwing him out of bed to find out.

"I'm naked and covered in dried cum, Harold." Louis sighs.

Harry lifts his head from the blankets with a murderous look. "Go find out right fucking now, Louis, or I'm kicking you out of this damn house."

Louis sighs and grabs boxers on his way out, stumbling into them and doing his best to wipe the tackiness off of his abs.

He throws open the door, finding none other than Zayn. "Thanks for almost making me be murdered." He deadpans.

"We have a situation." He says, pushing past Louis and into the house. "Where's Harry?"

"Upstairs- I- in bed-" Louis says, grabbing Zayn. "What the fuck is happening?"

"Something very bad." Zayn replies grimly. "Harry? Harry! HARRY I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD GET YOUR FLAT FUCKING ASS FUCKING DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!"

"Do you have a death wish?!" Louis hisses, hearing movement upstairs. "Because you came to the right fucking place."

Zayn rolls his eyes, grabbing his laptop from his bag and swiping everything off their coffee table, like a very angry cat. It's aggressive typing for about ten seconds before he's screaming for Harry again, making the man come thundering down the stairs wielding a shoe he quite obviously grabbed from his closet.

"What the fuck, Zayn?" He hisses, about ready to throw it.

"Something quite shit has happened." Zayn says, still focused on his laptop, which emits quite an angry beep, causing him to whack it.

"And what is this thing, then?" Harry says, putting his hands on his hips and making Louis realise he's standing there completely naked.

"You've been found out, for the wedding."

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