Ch. 14; Vegas again.

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A/N: this would of been finished ages ago if Niall hadn't decided to go live. Lmao.

Harry was actually just insane.

Louis did know his fiancé would be a bridezilla, he had met the man. But to this extent? For a quick second attempt in Vegas?

The man had so far booked the most expensive hotel he could find, the most dramatic venue, and had threatened at least fifteen people on the phone in the planning.


He'd gotten them first class flights, which was nice. Louis gets why he cared so much, but this wedding was supposed to be less stressful and more in the moment.

Thus far, the only spontaneous part was Harry packing all of his potential outfits in order to choose closer to the time. 

Louis had managed to convince Harry to stay awake for the flight, but he'd gotten a bit too tense so Louis just let him take a pill, Harry passing out around four minutes later. 

Apparently the pill he took wasn't as strong as usual, considering the fact that he grabbed Louis' hand incredibly tightly during landing, basically cutting off circulation and breaking his fingers. But, they hadn't had to risk their lives to awaken him, which was a plus.

The hotel was incredibly beautiful. Gold and marble, but not in a tacky way, it was sophisticated, it was elegant. It was... Swanky. Their room was the bridal suite, so Harry had banned him from the room until after they were married. Sigh.

Which meant both his outfit and whatever surprises Harry no doubt had in store. So now was just killing time until the wedding.

He'd ended up having a drink with Liam and Zayn, and Harry's friend Niall, who they probably needed to include more. It was difficult, knowing Niall didn't know Harry's actual job. Harry cared deeply about the man, and often excluded him as a form of protection. Niall didn't really seem to mind, and was often just so happy to see Harry he didn't even remember. Harry had reassured him that Niall was like that with everyone, even those he had seen ten minutes prior.

Then, because Louis didn't want to be drunk at his wedding, he, Ziam (Niall's ship name for them, Zayn hated it so of course they used it) and Niall went out into the world of Las Vegas, hoping to see all the sights (which included a lot of porn leaflets) that they missed last time they were here. Niall had been confused at how they didn't see much, other than a very infamous (apparently Harry had told him the story as well) nightclub and their hotel. Liam immediately spewed some bullshit lie about them getting so wasted in the hotel bar they forgot to go out every night, which immediately made him think that Harry would have some scathing remark about Liam's lying abilities.

Which made him miss Harry even more.

It turned out that any sights within walking distance were shirty clubs and drunken Elvis Presley impersonators, as well as female prostitutes who couldn't get the fact that 3/4 of their company was confirmed to be gay. Eventually one left him alone because he told her he was getting married, but returned five minutes later so they decided to leg it back to the hotel.

So, now they're aimlessly wandering around the grounds of the hotel, discovering that there's like four restaurants, another bar, two pools and a spa. Zayn and Liam decided to get a couples massage, so it was just him and Niall.

"Hey, Louis?" The Irishman says, cocking his head to the side.


"I just wanted to thank you." Niall tells him sincerely, stopping him in the corridor with a hand on his shoulder, blue eyes staring intently into his own, smile lessening slightly but still on his face. "You make Harry really happy, and I'm glad of it. You mean a lot, and, well, I just wanted to express my appreciation. He deserves someone as special as you."

"Thanks, Niall." Louis grins, hugging the other. "He makes me really happy too." He admits, realizing that this is probably one of the best hugs he's ever gotten. 

They walk a bit more before parting ways, leaving Louis just wandering around on his own and waiting for Harry to text that he's ready. All of the guests are ready to go when they are, which is good, since he knew Harry would go bat shit if they took longer than necessary.

He found his mind straying to what would happen during the consummation whilst he watched Shrek. Part of him hoped that there would be a repeat of the last time they were in Vegas together, but he also knew he'd never realistically be able to live that one down. He already got shit about it from people who were on the other side of the planet when it happened, for fucks sake!

He knew it would be the best sex he'd ever have, he just knew. Harry wasn't used to intimacy rather than just fucking, so it was also extra special on occasions like these. And Harry was an insatiable, wildly kinky beast in bed, and he was full of surprises. He loved it, and he was mildly scared of it. It depended on Harry's mood prior to the... Coitus? 

He also couldn't wait to see Harry in his dress, and the lace, obviously, but also the dress. Harry always looked good in a dress, but there was something about the knowledge of something being wedding related made it so much better. He looked stunning in the last dress that Louis was incredibly impatient to see what dress Harry chose, because duh. He was marrying the sexiest man on Earth. He was marrying a man who was sex on legs. He was marrying Harry fucking Styles. How the hell was he expected to sit patiently to see him in his fucking wedding dress?


He jumps to his feet instantly when Harry texts him, sighing when he realises it says that he'll be five minutes and to organise the transport. And then is about to throw his phone at the wall when Harry says they're to take separate cars, and Liam has already been texted to blindfold Louis. (which translated to Harry texted Zayn because Liam was blocked.)

He couldn't fucking wait. Holy shit.

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