Ch. 4; Your Friend.

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"MOTHERFUCKER SINGED MY DRESS." Harry screams, eyes blazing. Louis quietly withdraws his gun, siddling behind a tree so he can defend Harry from his hiding place.

Three of the people in ugly clothing appear, all holding rifles that are pointed at Harry.

Harry scoffs, shaking his head in amusement. Sometimes it would do for him to be a little less confident.

Harry swings the bat, hitting two of them and making their heads knock together as he ducks, a bullet flying over his head. He chuckles again, kicking one of them in the balls with the heel of his shoe, the guy screaming so loudly you could hear it back in England.

Louis winces, shooting a guy trying to stab Harry in the back when he turns to  beat another with his bat, the guy falling forward, blood splattering on Harry, the man groaning in disgust as he stabs the third and final one to death with a knife that Louis didn't know he had.

"Cheers, LouLou." Harry coos, wiping himself off.

Thus far, Harry has somehow remained spotless, the only things becoming bloody being his shoes, which barely counted since they're midnight black. Now, though, he has a speak of blood on his chest and a small burn on the skirt.

Louis, however, is drenched in blood. Not even his own. Harry has also remained unscathed throughout, which is just typical. 

He's currently rooting through the men's pockets, securing another grenade and what seems to be quite a hefty amount of cash.

"Oh, shit. This arsehole has fake money." Harry sighs. "But I've got like, ₱10,700 anyway." He shrugs, dumping the bodies in a bush.

"How's your friend gonna explain this shit?" Louis asks, going back to the prior conversation.

"Trust me, Louis." Harry says firmly. "Just don't worry about it."

"I am fucking worrying about it!" Louis exclaims. "You do realise if this doesn't fucking work we're both going to jail? Liam, Zayn, maybe even Niall." He stresses. "Our lives will be over, H."

"I said it'll be fine, Louis!" Harry exclaims. "When have I ever not sorted things out?! I fucking know what I'm doing, Louis! This isn't my first rodeo." He scoffs. "You don't know half of what I've done in my life."

"I don't know, Harry-" Louis mumbles unsurely, rolling his eyes. "How do we know this guy is trustworthy?"

Harry sighs, blowing his hair out of his face. "Well," he says, cocking his hip, "think about it, he knows me. He knows what I'm capable of, and he knows what I did to help him. If he dared screw me over he'd live in fear until I kill him, because let's face it, I would. So why the fuck would I be anything but entirely confident when it comes to this favour?"

"Depends what you did for him." Louis responds cooly.

Harry rolls his eyes again, scoffing lightly. "My god, Louis," he says teasingly, backing Louis into a tree, leaning down to nip at his jawline, breath ghosting over his shoulder, "so many questions," he whispers, making Louis shudder at the low tone of his voice, the tone Harry uses when he wants to drive him mad.

Harry chuckles lowly, moving back and cupping Louis' boner, palming him roughly, a smirk playing on his lips, green eyes glimmering with mirth.

"Alright, so." Harry begins, hand slipping around to his arse and kneading the flesh, thigh slipping between Louis' as he uses his other hand to make Louis grind down. "He got into a spot of bother, some spat with some dealer. All was fine, dealer got arrested. Juan got this new girlfriend, who turned out to be the psychopath girlfriend of the dealer. She hired me to kill Juan, but I found out that the stupid bitch was planning on not paying me. So, I got into contact with Juan, I killed her, stole her money. He was grateful enough to offer me a favour, said if I was ever in the Philippines and in bother with the police or gonna be, call him. He's a senior officer, corrupt enough to not give a shit and moral enough to not abuse his position too much." Harry informs him as he continues, hand slipping beneath his trousers to cup his arse.

And by god if Louis isn't getting déjà vu.

Harry nips at his earlobe, a dry finger pressing against Louis' hole.

"See, Lou?" Harry whispers, right in his ear, the sound and the smell of Harry, the onslaught of several different feelings at once, making the blood rush to his dick and a shiver run  through him.  "There's absolutely nothing to worry about, my darling, is there? But if you had just trusted me, then you would know this, wouldn't ya?"

Louis nods, curling his fingers around Harry's bicep in an attempt to stop himself from cumming in his pants again, because he barely lived the last time down, and that was when he was drunk in a bar, not completely sober in a fucking forest at his wedding that's been hijacked. He thinks being covered in cum would just add to his problems and fuel Harry's fire.

Harry's finger tucks under his chin, making him lift his head so they can connect their lips, Harry's tongue lazily roaming his mouth like they have all the time in the world and aren't trying to stop people from murdering everyone at their wedding. 

But, no, Harry wants to make out and that's exactly what they're doing. 

He grabs Harry's waist, letting their tongues intertwine as Harry continues on his quest to drive Louis absolutely fucking crazy, and it's working because, of course it is, it's Harry.

He lets Harry put his legs around the man's waist, arms around his shoulders as Harry continues kissing him, letting out every frustration from everything that's happened, and, Louis lets him. 

"I love you, Lou," Harry whispers, pecking his cheek softly, "even if you drive me absolutely fucking crazy every minute of the day."

"Love you too, H," Louis laughs, ruffling Harry's hair, "you're never getting rid of me, trust me."

"Hey, that's not even funny," Harry pouts, "I already lost you once, worst moment of my life. I'll kill you if you die on me again."

"I know, baby." Louis says, pecking his lips.

"Now, I suppose we should get going." Harry smirks. "Don't want you cumming in your pants again." He chuckles, dropping Louis to the floor.

"Harry!" He exclaims. Harry leads him towards the highest point of the island by the hand, giggling as he does so.

"Be pretty embarrassing."

"I know." Louis grumbles.

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