Ch. 15; The Wedding.

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He stands at the altar, surrounded by flowers and ribbons, giving the small venue an elegant, fairytale vibe. 

Zayn is by his side, the rest of the guests filling the seats in front of them, Liam giving him a thumbs up from the front row.

The doors open, and he loses his breath almost instantly. Harry's wearing the white dress, a mostly sheer affair that doesn't give much up to the imagination. The long sleeves and top half of the dress are mesh, giving way to a normal material that just about covers up the lace bralette. Holy shit. 

His long legs are encased in white stockings, looking really fucking biteable. There's a bit of the garter clip poking out from the top, and god Louis needs to wreck this man. 

Then his eyes travel up to meet Harry's, and holy shit.

His green eyes are sparkling brightly in what can only be described as pure, unadulterated joy. His (fake, thank the Lord for extensions and Harry's determination to have long hair at their wedding, it wouldn't be the same without them) curls hang in elegant loose ringlets around his face, pinned back with what appears to be a white rose. A veil hangs down as well, one that matches his dress and embroidered in flowers. His red lips are pulled into a goofy grin briefly before he composes himself and settles for a soft smile instead. His shoes clack against the floor, and Louis barely holds back a laugh when he realises Harry's wearing the white shoe with the red sole, just because he distinctly remembers that shoe being embedded in the wall when Liam came over just a day before.

He looks stunning, perfect, ethereal. Ravishing. Hell, he looks so much like an angel Louis can't quite fathom that this is the same man he watched beat someone to death with a baseball bat. He can't believe that this is his Harry, the coquettish vixen that does nothing but try to seduce Louis. 

He thinks he's going to pass out.

It's when Harry's standing in front of him that he realises the roses in his hair and hands are slightly blue at the tip of the petals, that he notices the slight gold and blue details in the veil or the dress. Which is when he realises Harry had this dress planned all along. 

Fucking minx. God he loves this man.

Harry smiles at him, winks, and turns towards the officiant, giving Louis the chance to ogle his bum and inhale his sweet, slightly smoky scent. Honestly, he's surprised he's not salivating.

"We are gathered here today to join these two men in matrimony." She begins, smiling at them both. "Before we begin I would like to ask if anybody in here objects or has any reason why we cannot join these men in matrimony. In the words of Taylor Swift... Speak now, or forever hold your peace." 

Harry's eyes briefly turn murderous (thank God, it's still his Harry) as they wait, but nobody moves or speaks. The officiant nods in satisfaction and continues with the ceremony. Honestly, Louis kinda zones out and stares into Harry's eyes instead. What? They're incredibly pretty. You can't possibly blame him.

That is, until the vows. 

", I understand that you have written your own vows?" She asks, and they both nod, Harry passing his bouquet to Zayn then taking Louis' hands in his own. "Mr. Styles, if you will?"

Harry nods and clears his throat, grinning at Louis. "Lou, I love you, that much is obvious. You were the first person I was truly vulnerable with, the first person I was truly myself with. You've been with me through so much, and I honestly don't know where I'd be- both emotionally and geographically, without you. You've changed my life for the better, and I can't wait to be with you forever. Can't wait to be a Tomlinson," he giggles, and it's the singular cutest fucking rhing Louis' ever heard, "can't wait until you're stuck with me and we grow old together. I don't know what the future holds, and I'm admittedly a little scared to find out, but I do know I'll be with you, so fuck it, we'll be absolutely fine."

Louis chuckles, wiping a stray tear away as the officiant gestures to him. "H, there's no limit on words that can describe you, and it's honestly a little pointless because you'll never be able to capture it. But I'll try. From the minute you stepped into my life until right now, standing at the altar, I've wanted nothing more than you. You just have that affect. But I'm the one with the privilege of being loved back, with the privilege of having you- as mine. And maybe I sound crazy, but I don't the I'll ever get used to you, to having you in my life. You're just so... You. And I can't fucking wait to call you my husband."

Harry smiles, the officiant handing them the rings and ending the ceremony, smiling hugely just before she says "and by the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss your groom."

And Harry does, surging forward and grabbing Louis' face and kissing him in a surprisingly soft manner. The kiss is better than any one they've ever shared before, a soft, gentle exchanging of wordless I love to you's and adoration, sharing the taste of each other just because they can, because they're married, amd you're allowed to kiss your husband, and fuck, Harry's his husband.

They kiss for a little longer before unwillingly pulling away, staring into each others eyes a moment longer as Harry cradles his face before turning to their guests, all either in tears or with huge grins on their faces. Liam was surprisingly in absolute pieces, which brought a smug grin to Harry's face as they walked out the door together, hands intertwined.

It's when they're taking pictures together that Louis realises he's never been happier. Who cares that this is wedding number two? Who cares that Harry's a psycho? Who cares that their last wedding was hijacked because someone had some vendetta against Harry? Who cares that they killed them all? He just married the love of his life, for fucks sake.

They could take on the world, and, knowing how things go, they probably will.


Thank you to everyone who stuck with this, who cried with me, laughed with me, waited for me to get my shit together and write the fucking chapter, those who didn't throttle me because Harry's hair was cut off, or they almost died.

And, don't worry, this is far from the end of Louis and Harry's story, you can be sure of that.  I have big things planned, so be sure to keep an eye out.

Yours, Rocky.

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