Ch. 7; The Grenade.

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A/N: I know I said this is based off a movie, but at the same time it's very loosely based. I was inspired by the movie, I took the main theme of the movie. Nothing more.

The phone rings three times before Juan picks up. "Hey, Juan. Remember- yeah, yeah. You are? Great. So, some fucking lunatics hijacked my wedding- Louis. Jesus, you can meet him if you want... That is beside the point." Louis raises an eyebrow. "Anyway- so, yeah, I did. What was I supposed to do, huh? Maybe... God, I don't know? Many. Yeah- duh. You saw what I did to her. What do you think? Wait, you can? Sure, yeah- I know, was planning on it. Great, thanks. Thanks, I'll tell him. Bye."

He hangs up, turning around to smile at Louis. "So?"

"We're to give him ten minutes to get sorted then phone the police." Harry informs him, fixing his dress. "Oh, and he wants to meet you. And he said he's bringing a wedding gift."

"I see." Louis says.


- Liam -

The pirates have steadily been getting angrier and angrier, dwindling in numbers as they're sent to look for Louis and Harry.

Liam has a feeling most of them are dead.


- Louis -

Once Harry phoned the police, they start making their down the hill/mountain thing again, Harry with an air of smugness.

"Freeze!" Someone yells, and Harry rolls his eyes.

"Not again." He sighs. "God, how many of them is there?" He questions dramatically, hands on his hips. "LouLou, shoot them."

"Hands in the air!" The same person yells, gun pointed right at Harry, his fellows the same.

"Or what?" Harry sneers, bat still in his hand. 

"Or we shoot." He threatens, moving closer. "There's ten of us and two of you, you aren't going to win this."

"Here's the thing, mate." Harry says. "You underestimated me."

Then, like a fucking lunatic, he grabs Louis and runs, sprinting behind a tree and further up the hill.

"YOU FU-" Louis begins to yell, Harry clapping a hand over his mouth and hiding behind a tree.

"Yell at me later, sweetie." Harry coos, "we're kind of avoiding death right now."

Louis rolls his eyes, attempting to push Harry off when he starts rooting through his blazer pockets after leaning his bat against the tree.

"Jesus, relax, I'm just looking for the grenade." He huffs, finally withdrawing it from Louis' pocket. "Wanna hear my plan?"

"Go on, then." Louis sighs once Harry's removed his hand from his mouth.

"There's a zip line round that way. We're gonna get on it, and we're gonna get down to the beach, and we're gonna toss this grenade at those fuckers." Harry says, smile disconcertingly wide.

"Don't you think it's bit of a stupid idea, babe?" Louis asks, "you know... Blowing people up."

"You're so boring, Lou." Harry sighs.

"So you're not gonna do it, then, Haz?" Louis asks hopefully, attempting to extract the weapon from his grip.

"Oh, no. I am." Harry smiles. 

"Harry, no-" Louis says, once again trying to take the grenade.

"Harry, yes." Harry says, removing the pin.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT-" Louis yells, and Harry grabs him (and his bat) and starts running, hair drenched in sweat.

"Over there! The short one yelled." One of the guys yell, footsteps growing nearer. Louis barely stops himself from responding.

Harry cackles, and the footsteps speed up, Harry somehow steadier in high heels than Louis is in flats.

"We're not gonna have time for the harness so just hold on tight," Harry says, shoving Louis towards the precarious looking zipline. "Hurry up, Louis!"

Louis carefully climbs onto the zipline, one of those ones with a seat and a harness that need's attached. He helps Harry climb on, Harry facing the other way and basically straddling Louis, Louis' face smushed against his chest (not that he's complaining) as Harry kicks off the ground and they begin their decent.

The group chase them, sliding down the hill, and Harry tosses the grenade, wrapping his arms tighter around Louis as they move forward slightly with the blast. Louis grabs Harry, fingers currently around the short hairs at the base of his neck.

His hair is horrific, a shaggy mess of different lengths, all cut unevenly, some strands not even cut. It's drenched in sweat, some sticking to his forehead. 

Louis can't resist leaning back slightly and tugging Harry forward so they can kiss, a strangely cinematic moment, until Harry's shoe (which is now a murky red, rather than midnight black) makes contact with Louis' ankle, piercing the skin slightly.

"MOTHERFUCKER-" He yells, inspecting the cut as they make a bumpy landing. Harry cackles, kissing his cheek in apology. 

"Wouldn't be us if y didn't get hurt by my shoe." He laughs, kissing him again. "And this time wasn't my fault."

"You know, I'm convinced the only way I'll die is if you murder me." Louis says. 

"You've already died, but you didn't proper kick the bucket, so maybe you're right." Harry muses, running his hand through Louis' hair, stooping down to kiss him again. 

"I'm going to be immortal, aren't I?" Louis asks, letting his hands wander down Harry's body. 

"I'll just kill you right before I die so we can go to the afterlife together." Harry decides, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the beach. "We'll be together for eternity. You're not getting rid of me, no matter what. Even if you want to."

"That concept is simultaneously absolutely horrifying and abso-fucking-lutely brilliant." Louis laughs, stopping Harry from almost tripping over a rock.

"You basically just described the thoughts of everyone who's ever properly spoken to me." Harry chuckles.

"Actually," Louis says, suddenly remembering. Things that he thought he forgot sometimes come back, like right now. "I remember when we first met, I was wondering why anyone would ever want you dead. Now, however, I understand."

"I still can't quite believe it was Liam." Harry muses, swinging the bat around. "Those types of plot twists don't happen in real life."

"Well, they do!" Louis says, "they're just really uncommon."

"I'm kinda glad it happened, because I met you." Harry says, gripping Louis' hand tighter. "I love you, Lou, and I can't wait until we finally get married."

"I love you too, Hazza."

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