Chap 11: Shoot the Moon! The Gate of Malice Opens, Unleashed, Hellrising Hopper!

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(Lydian Academy)

3rd Pov's

The roar of Noise and the rattling of machine guns echoed throughout the academy grounds. Soldiers line up and shoot everything they have at Noise, while some make sure to get the students to the shelter as quickly as possible. All the soldiers felt fear running through their bodies like a true Noise spitting out More Noise.

If they now don't have a weapon that actually works against Noise, they may have the thought of trying to escape, but they are soldiers and their mission is to protect the innocent or trying. died. If they're about to die, they'll get as much Noise as possible.

Miku: Everyone please stay calm and evacuate to the shelter.

She said while helping the soldiers evacuate the students.

???: Hina.

Miku turned around when she heard someone calling her and saw the three girls.

The first person I'm talking about, is a tall girl, with short beige hair with slightly longer curls on the left side of her face and pink red eyes.

The second person was a relatively short girl with green eyes and long brown hair that had to be tied in braids with pink ribbons.

The third person was a girl with moderately curly blond hair with straight bangs and honey-colored eyes. She wears a white headband with a small bow on the left

They are Ando Kuriyo, Itaba Yumi and Terashima Shiori, who are friends and classmates of Hibiki and Miku.

Miku: Girls!

Miku exclaimed upon seeing them and was glad they were fine.

Yumi: What's wrong? Why was the school attacked? This is not a certain type of anime!

She asked worriedly and Miku agreed with her.

This means nothing to Miku. Why is the noise attacking the academy? It was impossible for them to know that the 2nd Division HQ was underground, so why? Unless...

Miku: 'Somehow they know about them and where they are.'

What does she think is the only idea that matters to their situation.

Miku: 'But how do they know?'

She quickly shook her head, not so time for that. She looked at her friends and said.

Miku: You guys must evacuate immediately.

Shiori: Kohinata-san, come with us.

She said while looking at Miku, but she shook her head.

Miku: You go. I will go see if no one is left behind.

Kuriyo: Hina!

She exclaimed as she watched her friend leave.

???: Guys!

The three girls turned around to see a soldier running toward them. [Noise] is inside the building.

The three students were stunned and shocked to see how the soldier was pierced by what looked like an expandable member of [Noise], where he then began to turn the lead and end. the same fell to dust on the floor.


Yumi was horrified when she saw what happened in front of her.


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