Chapter two

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-maya's house
𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟 :
It is the next day at school and we are stuck watching some type of video for science, but mostly I am focusing on Anna. She keeps moving around with a sad face, and Maya still isn't here... I wonder if something happened between them?

-Hey Anna, is everything okay?- I whisper as she turns around to look at me

-Oh like I found out yesterday that Maya like lied to me saying that she was at Sam's house or whatever- she says while playing with her hair

-Ohh... umm and did you ask her why she did that?-
-I was going to but she hung the phone on me last night it's just like?? Why would you hang up on me?-
As we're talking we see Maya coming in the class and sitting in her seat, we instantly get quiet and it kinda becomes awkward...

As we're just kinda looking at each-other Anna finally decided to speak up

-Guess what. I went to Sam's last night and you weren't there.You liar!- as she finishes her sentence Maya sighed and start to massage her forehead

-Yeah busted buddy. And y/n knows about it- Oh I guess I'm in the conversation now.

As we kept quite, Anna just moves her head towards the Tv in the classroom and keeps watching the video. I look towards Maya and do a head gesture to try and speak to her and explain herself.

-Na!! I'm sorry I lied ok? That was really messed up. But I'm doing it because I'm hiding something about me that has nothing to do with you ..-

-Then what is it?- Anna says still mad at her waiting for her answer, after a few seconds of silence she finally says

-I see dead people...-

Out of all the things that could've came out her mouth, I wasn't expecting that one, I actually had to contain my laughter. Not that I'm making fun of her it was just very random

-So what? I see ghost all the time- I hear Anna say still kinda not convinced

-Wait are you guys serious?- I say kinda not believing anything their saying
-You haven't seen ghosts around your house?- she says confused

-Wait so Maya what dead person do you see- I say

-I see my Ojichan... so like my grandpa.-
-Ohh.- I turn to look at Anna to see what was her reaction but for some reason she was, smiling?

-Omg guys... I have an idea!-

Oh god... I thought to myself


-Spirit... show yourself, spirit reveal yourself...- I see as Maya and Anna are in the floor around a Ouija board while I'm sitting on Mayas bed hugging a pillow

(I'm not doing it since I don't have any ghosts in my life so thank god for that...)

-Omg I think he's here!- anna says while getting prepared and putting her hands on the moving object thing
-y/n you sure you don't wanna join us?- Maya says as I smile and say "no thanks, I'm good here hahsh..."

As they start to ask Mayas grandpa questions, the answers just got weirder and weirder, for example as one saying "clit" and another "rub"

To be honest I wasn't really believing it but then after a fue laughs it stared to move seriously fast which for some reason kinda got me scared

-Omg omg, it's moving really fast stopp- Maya stared to panic while i said out loud in the letters it landed on.

-M... A... S...T... ¿U... R...B...?- Wait a minut- my thoughts got interrupted by Maya throwing the object flying across the room as I just observe from her bed.

-Woah... that's crazy, Ojichan!!- she says looking around here room with a shaky voice
-Ummm why did you just flick it?- Anna says raising her eyebrow
-WHAT?! I didn't flick it that wasn't me!!-

As they were arguing I just looked at them and kinda weirded out that he was spelling out masturbate? What does that have to do with anything?

-You guys are playing Ouija?- As we all look towards the door I see a familiar face

-Were not playing, this is serious like..- Anna says while combing her hair with her fingers

-That shit's so stupid. You realize one of you is just moving it and it's just your subconscious, right?- the boy says as we all stay quite, but then I see he looks at my direction.We kinda just made eye contact for a while until he spoke...

-Who's that- he points at me
-It's our new friend y/n, now can you just leave jezz!!.- Maya says as she gets up and slams the door in his face

Wait I definitely know him from somewhere...


𝚂𝚑𝚞𝚓𝚒'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟 :
As I look up towards Maya's bed I see the girl that bumped into me a few days ago, I didn't remember her being that prett-

-Who's that- I say pointing at her. I kinda already knew her but I wanted to figure out her name.
-It's our friend y/n, now can you just leave jezz!!.- normally when she's slam the door in my face, id go to mum and get her in trouble but now I was just thinking about that y/n girl...


𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟 :
As Anna, Maya and me sit in her bed wondering what just happened while looking at the floor, Maya finally starts talking to break the awkward silence there is between us...

-Guys I'm like Sam... only I'm grosser because I'm a girl.- i could see how she stared crying and I felt really bad -and I'm a pervert, I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing.-

-What do you mean Maya?- says Anna as I just stay quite knowing what she meant.

-I've been putting my hands down my pants in um "my area", to feel good...-

-Maya,, doing that isn't a bad thing, it's normal - I say as she wipes her tears -it means your just becoming a...teenager-

I suck at this... I slap my face internally while cringing at myself

-Yeah... sometimes when in bed I put my hands between my legs to feel good.- Anna continues to say

Oh shit am I supposed to say something about that to??

-Guys...promise that I'm not a pervert - we nodded and said promise, which made Maya smile and hugs us...

After that we just changed to our pjs and squeezed into mayas bed, to be honest I was expecting Anna and me to sleep on the floor but Maya insisted we would all fit so I just gave in.

What a weird day... but it was still nice knowing I was considered their friend...
The thing is I thought that the day was over but boy was I rong, who would of thought that by only going to the bathroom at the middle of the night at a friends house would make such a difference to my life...

Yayy, shuji appears in the chapter!!:D, next chapter will be up soon!! Hope your liking the ff 🤲🏼

- Letxs (*'꒳'*)

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