Chapter eleven

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𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟 :
After spending the evening over at Mayas place watching the wrestling match you decided to head home and finish some undone homework

As you had just gotten though the door and left your stuff in the living room table, you saw your little brother with some kid playing video games on the sofa

-Oh. Your here... I thought you weren't gonna come till seven?-

you hear your brother says as you walk past ignoring him and going up to your room. On your way towards your bedroom your mum bumped into you while she was getting stuff ready to put in the washing mashing

-Oh hey mija, I didn't think you'd be home by now, is everything okay?- she said smiling at you

-I just wanted to finish up some homework- you could feel your mums confused face but simply shrugged it off

As you were about to open my bedroom door you heard the door bell ring

-You've gotta be kidding me- you whisper to yourself after letting out a sigh


-Yes yes im on it...-

You start walking down the stairs and as you were opening the door you saw a familiar face a the other side

-Hey I'm here to pick up Gavin- says the girl with a weirdly nice smile

I'm guessing that's Alex's friend.

-Ahh okay, wait let me call them over.- you adjusted yourself from behind the door and looked in to the living room to call your bother and his friend

As they said they're goodbyes and when you were about to close the door, a hand stopped it.

-Hey I don't think you know me but we go to the same school- she said again with that smile, it was staring to get creepy

-Yeah I though I've seen you somewhere...- your brain finally snapped, shes in your school

-Yeah you probably know me from shuj.-


Wait what

-Uhhhh- As your brain was braining you finally remembered who she was, she was the girl Shuji was talking to that day you were going on a date

-Oh uh yeah he's told me allot about you!- as you commented that she couldn't help but smile.

-Well look I just wanted to let you know that shuj and me are like kinda a thing now..?-

-oh are you?? I didn't know- you were trying to not sound sarcastic but didn't work, but hey, at least she was buying it

-Yeah and since I saw you two walking home together I just though I'd let you know- she then went on to give you a wave goodbye with a smirk and left with her brother by her side

Well damn

To be honest you really didn't care much what she said, Shuji said the complete opposite so at this point he was right about her being a little delulu

Anyways, your homework.

As you finally went to sit down in your desk and get you school work done while listening to music.


As you were almost done with your homework you heard the phone ring in your room, not expecting a phone call and specially at this time (it's eight o'clock)

-Hello? Who is this?- you ask

-Hey y/n, it's Shuji- isn't this ironic...

-Oh shuj what's up?- you ask while a smile appeared on your face

-Hey so you wanna hang out tonight, like just with me...?- him saying the last part in a slight whisper

-Are you that desperate to see me again?- you said laughing finding it funny that I was just over at his house a few hours ago

-Don't get cocky now, I was just wondering... if it's past your bed time it's okay don't worry- he said, you could feel him smirking even tho you couldn't see him

-ha ha ha, so funny... anyway where were you planing to go?-

-To a friends party, it's gonna be fun and I wanted to bring you with me.-

You thought about it and I mean what's the harm, I did all my homework so why not just go?

-Okay I'll go.- 


Sooo I'm sorry for late update... I've been super sick these past few weeks and tbh not really felt like writhing at all, but I'm back and feeling much better🫶🏻

-Letxs ★彡

Young love [Shuji Ishii-Peters x Reader]. Uncontinued Where stories live. Discover now