Chapter ten

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𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟 :

As you walk around the school talking to a girl from one of your clases, you see Sam and his friends siting down in their usual table

-Hey y/n did you hear Maya and Anna started wrestling?- Sam says taking a bite of his food while his girlfriend clings to him by his arm

-Wait really, why tho??- you ask confused, it obviously had to do with Alex or Brandt for sure

-I don't know, I just saw them coming out of the tryouts together- he didn't seem that bothered by what they were up to and especially because of his girlfriend glaring at him

-Oh okay then, I'm gonna see if I can find them so guess I'll see you guys later-


As I close up my locker for the day and head to the exit, I get stopped by Maya and Anna

-Omg omg!! Y/n guess what- Maya said in a happy voice while she jumped around

-Is this about you guys joining the wrestling team?- you ask raising a eyebrow while Maya pulled back of you confused

-Wait how did you know about that?-  Anna answers for Maya while crossing her arms

-Oh Sam told me, he saw you two coming out of the tryouts haha-

As the three of you were walking out of our school building, we saw Yuki in the parking lot waving at us while smiling

-Hello girls, how was your day?- Yuki said while Maya and Anna just kinda brushed of the question and got into the back seat of her car as you just stayed outside

-Hey Yuki, it was good and yours- you answer her question as she couldn't help but smile

-Good good, are your parents picking you up, honey?- Yuki asked as you shook your head as a sign of a no.

-if you want you can come over and stay for a while at our house until you can get picked up.- Yuki suggested as Maya agreed shaking her head quickly.

You smiled as you hoped in the car and thanked Yuki.


𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟 :
Anna Maya and me are sitting on the floor in front of the tv watching some program about women's wrestling.

-y/n are you sure your not good at wrestling?- Anna asked me as we all face the screen as we watch some wrestler called Trish Stratus appears

-I told you, even if I did know lucha libre, I don't think it's the same as American wrestling.- I say -and anyway you guys never told me the actual reason you joined-

-Brandt is in the team, this is my chance to show him how talented I am- Maya said as she smiled at the tv

After a few minutes we heard knocks coming from the door

-COME IN!!!- Maya shouted as we saw the two figures coming into the room and sitting in the floor

-What the hell are you doing here shuji???- she said turning around finally noticing it was Shuji and his friend Andy

-What now can't I watch the tv or what, anyway what are you even watching??- he said while staring in confusion at the tv, as his friend did the same

-She's crushing on this boy that's in wrestling, so now she's trying to see if she's good enough to get in the team- I say chuckling

-Really?- Shuji said surprise as he turned to me with a smirk, Andy followed up on the conversation and decided to speak up too

-Why don't you, like, talk to him then?-

-Cause I don't wanna be like, Hey!! I'm Terra Newback, let me just talk to you for a while your bored as hell Brandt!- She responds in a sarcastic tone -like I'm not freakin' desperate-

There was a few seconds of silence until Anna broke it by asking who one of the woman's that was on screen was

-Are you serious??- Shuji asked -You've never heard of Trish Stratus??- Annas face turned to Shuji and then the tv and whispered to hear self the name again for some odd reason as Maya commented about her

-Her muscles are kinda gross-
Yo what
-Yeah she's kinda slutty like...- Anna followed saying

-I think she's hot-

Suddenly everyone turns to look at me as if I just confessed to a murder or something

-What?- I said confused
-Yo... so your into girls?!!- Shujis friend said stunned

-When did I say that, i just said she was hot??-

I could feel Shuji staring at me which made me turn to look at him, he turned around so fast I swear I heard his neck crack. Auch

As I was focused on Shuji and his weird reaction, we all suddenly heard screams coming from the tv as that Trish girl knocked her opponent out by throwing her to the floor

-Okay I can do that like...- Maya said in a cocky way
-No you cant, dummy- Shuji replied back to her comment.

-Damn Maya no need to scream- I say rubbing my ears at the squeal she let out

-Yeah and like also Maya, no offense or whatever, but this B could take you out

As Andy let out a "yeah sure,doubt that" with a scoff and I rolled my eyes, Shuji was just enjoying every bit of it

But before we know it, Maya and Anna were at it calling each other names and pushing each other around

Jesus I though to myself as i saw them twirling around the floor while Shuji and Andy were laughing about the situation

-Okay quit it that's enough- as I get closer to try stop them, they pull me into their weird play fight and pin me down to suddenly start laughing

At this point I didn't even bother to try get them off me, i could hear and see both of the boys sitting in front of us laughing. I could feel shuji's eyes on me the entire time he was laughing, god how embarrassing...


Heyy hope you like it!! Next chapter there's going to be a new character in the story which will cause drama 💕


Young love [Shuji Ishii-Peters x Reader]. Uncontinued Where stories live. Discover now