Chapter nine

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𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟 :
After that horrifically awkward encounter with Anna and Maya, Shuji and me just went back to what we were doing, at this point the storm was dying down meaning that I can go back home tomorrow.

Even tho I had a lot of fun staying over at Shuji's, I do need to get back home to help my mum and brother


Next day
I grab all my stuff and walk towards the door as Shuji follows up behind me

-Well I'll guess I'll see you at school dirtbag- I hear him say as he not harshly, punches my shoulder with a small smirk on his face

-Guess so subway rat- as I repeat the exam same punch he did to me but a little bit stronger

As I put my shoes back on and walk towards the door, Yuki stops me by calling out my name from the kitchen

-Oh y/n here, take this as a little something from my part to your mother!- as I turned to look at her, she gave me a tube full of food that was the size of my head

-Thank you Yuki- you reply to her with a smile as she waved you goodbye and goes back to her daily routine

I walk out waving goodbye to Shuji as he does the same from the front door. I walk towards my house with the tub full of food that Yuki gave me

I don't know much about Japanese foods but it kinda looked like a Japanese cream stew. Yum


As I entered through the front door of my house and walked into the kitchen, I saw my mother in the kitchen and my brother sitting down on the table playing with his Game boy

-Hey mum I'm back- you say throwing your keys to the console table by the door

-y/n! You arrived right on time, here, I just made breakfast- she said putting a plate down on the table as I plop myself down on the chair next to my brother

-So how was your stay at your friend's house- I hear my mum say

-It was... something- replying with a small smile which I try to cover while I took a bite of my food

By the look she gave me, I can tell she was curios about what I meant about that but luckily she just brushed it off

-So what's her name?- my mum questioned taking a sip of her cup of tea

Shit... what now?! She's gonna kill me if she finds out I stayed 2 nights over at a boys house.

-Oh, uhh she's...- before I got to talk, my brother randomly screamed which made both of us jump out of our seats

-Jesus Christ Alex!! Stop using that thing while eating, give me that- as I breathe a sigh of relief, my mother snatched the game boy from my brother's hands as he just rolled his eyes 

After that my mum didn't bring up more questions about my friend so she probably got distracted by my brother. Thank god for that...


I quickly run up to my room and sit down on my bed, as my sight goes towards the unread book that I left off at the small side table next to my bed

I pick it up and open to the page we're the bookmark was on and continued it off reading, so that's it, a whole afternoon reading. What a dream.


Lucky y/n ;( I've not had bearly any  chance to read this past week,
Sorry for short chapter (and boring) chapter, next one will be better 💗

- Letxs ('-ω-')

Young love [Shuji Ishii-Peters x Reader]. Uncontinued Where stories live. Discover now