Your House Pt.2

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It was the end of the day. School was quite interesting. With Eddie pleasuring you this morning in the empty classroom. Having sex early in the morning,with your fine ass boyfriend,in school by all means. Eddie wouldn't care less where you guys have sex. Anyways, you went to meet Eddie by your car,because you had to follow him home to drop off his van at his trailer. Because he's gonna be driving back with you to your place. You saw him leaning up against your car. In your mind:"Who gave this man permission to be that hot?" You bit down hard on your lip,because just thinking about him,is making you wet and horny. You acted casual and walked up to him. "Hello sweetheart. How was your classes? I missed you." Eddie plants a kiss on your lips. He looked down at the way you were standing. He looked back up at you and said "Soooo,I see you're horny again. Can't get enough of me,can ya!" You looked down at the ground. Eddie put his thumb under your chin and lifted your head. You wanted him,you needed him,you were hungry for him and he knew it. He grabbed your hand,opened the side door to his van and got in. You followed. Sex in his van,how romantic. Eddie shut the van door and locked it. You leaned yourself up against the wall of the van and spread your legs. Eddie looks down and realizes that your pants are soaked. You looked down and placed your hand where Eddie was staring. You soaked through your pants. You were definitely horny.

Eddie crawled over to you,places his lips on yours. The kiss was perfect and intense. You were so in love with this man. While still kissing you,he trailed his hands down your chest all the way down to your pants,which he unbuttoned with one hand. He slid that hand inside and started rubbing your wet pussy. You moaned. He decided to pull your pants completely off. He took off your wet panties and tossed them to the other side of the van. He spreads your legs wider and places his head between them. You let out a loud squeal. He felt so good down between your thighs. You were already on the verge of cumming. You grabbed a hold of Eddie's hair and moaned. "Baby,I'm about to cum all over you. Keep going. Oh my god keep going!" You let loose. Your cum went everywhere. You dug your nails in his back. Your legs started to shake. Eddie stopped and said "Get on your hands and knees!" You did as you were told. You got down on your hands and knees. Your ass upwards,before you could even get adjusted,Eddie rams his dick in you. You screamed out his name "E-Eddie!" He kept ramming harder into you. Your pussy was throbbing and dripping wet. He pulled you back towards him and said "Damn baby,you are so wet. You feel so good wrapped around my dick. Come and scream some more for me!" You did exactly what he said you screamed louder and louder. "Oh Eddie,you are making my pussy so wet. You feel so good inside of me. Keep fucking me baby,make me cum again." Eddie moved in and out of you harder and harder hitting your g-spot over and over again. He moved his hand faster and faster on your clit. You threw your head back onto Eddie's chest. You were on the verge of having an orgasm again. "E-Eddie,I'm almost there babe,I'm almost fucking..." By the time you can finish your sentence. You squirted all over Eddie's dick. He slowed his pace,so you can come down from your high. Eddie,pulled out of you and after he did. You rolled over,to try and catch your breath. You looked over at Eddie who was staring at you. You said "I think we need to get going. We can finish after we get to my place." Eddie kissed you gently on your lips and said "Alright. Guess we can take it up a notch when we get back to your place. But first,lets drop my van off at my trailer." You nodded your head yes. You cleaned yourself up,got your clothes back on and got out of his van. He followed you out. He planted a kiss on your lips.

You got into your car and followed Eddie to his trailer. When you got there. He parked his van and got into your car. He leaned over and kissed you hard on the lips. The whole drive back to your house,Eddie kept his hand on your thigh. You were already wet as it is. Even though you and him just had sex in his van,you wanted more of him. 15 minutes later you pulled into your driveway. You got out of the car and Eddie followed you. You fumbled for your keys in your backpack. You finally got your keys out and unlocked the door. Eddie followed you in. He closed and locked the door behind him. You walked towards the kitchen "So,what do want for dinner,babe?" You asked Eddie while rummaging through your fridge. You felt two arms wrap around your waist and Eddie whispers in your ear "I want you for dinner and for dessert." You bit down on your lip. You couldn't resist him. You were gonna wait until you got to your room,but you wanted him now. You closed the refrigerator door. And pinned Eddie to the counter. You placed your hand on his dick and started to stroke it. You felt him getting harder. You stuck your hand down his pants this time to get a good grip of his dick. And when you did,you felt Eddie getting harder in your hands. You leaned into him with your hand still in his pants and whispered in his ear,"In my bedroom,now!" You took your hand out of his pants. And he followed you to your room.

An hour later,you had your 3rd orgasm of the day. You felt a rush of excitement go throughout your body. You looked over at Eddie who was laying on his back completely naked still. In your mind "Wow this man is gorgeous. How did I get so lucky to have a man that's good at anything." You rolled over onto your side,wrapped your arm around Eddie's chest.. He wrapped his arm around you too. He kissed the top of your head and said "You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You make me happy. I always smile when I'm with you. The sex is amazing and incredible. You're just all around perfect babe. Thanks for letting me love you." You looked at Eddie with a single tear in your eye. And said "Eddie,thank you for being part of my life. For being the first one to ever pay attention to me for understanding me. And for taking me under your wing to protect me. And yes,the sex is amazing. You are the best thing that ever walked into my life. Thank you for letting me love you." You drifted off to sleep by the sound of his heartbeat. You felt at home when your in his arms. You felt safe with him. What would you be doing if you didn't have him in your life.

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