Please Remember Me

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    *Author's note*
"This one is gonna be the hardest one for me to write. If anyone feels upset about this story,please let me know."

    You and Eddie decided that you both want a divorce. Yes,it was the hardest decision for both of you to do. Especially when you have 4 children with him. You both agreed to stay friends. You don't want him to pay child support,because you want him to be in the kids lives. Eliza and Lennox are very disappointed when you and Eddie told them about your decision. Eliza took it the hardest. She yelled at the both of you. "Why do you guys have to be friends? You are our mom and dad,we need both of you in our lives. Please don't get a divorce. Please mom,please dad. Stay together! Did we do something wrong? Are we the reason why you guys aren't together anymore. Don't let go of each other. Please,please stay together"  Tears flowing down her face. You got down on your knees and took Eliza's hands. You looked into her big blue eyes and said "Sweetheart,you and your siblings aren't to blame for daddy and my divorce. It was our decision to just stay friends. Both of us will still be in your lives,but daddy will be staying here with grandpa Wayne. You,Lenny,Delilah and Jagger can have sleepovers with daddy. Daddy and I will always love each other,but will love one another as friends,not husband and wife. So Eliza,please don't be sad and blame yourself. You and your siblings did nothing wrong. We both love the 4 of you dearly." You wrapped Eliza in a big hug.  You ran your fingers through her long blonde hair. You took the other hand and wiped her tears away. You got up off the floor and placed a small kiss on her forehead. She ran off crying into her room.

   Eddie stood up next to you,with tears in his eyes. You wrapped him in a hug and said "Being with you for 8 years made me realize what love was all about. Even though we did have our differences,we still had love for one another. Eddie, you were an amazing husband and I am truly sad that we are no longer husband and wife. It kills me. It breaks my heart to see our kids blaming themselves for our divorce. Eddie,I know you can't love me like you use to,can you promise me that you will love our kids the same. Promise me that you will be there for them no matter the circumstances. Its gonna be quite hard waking up without you. Its gonna be hard not being able to make love to you. I will always love you Eddie. I will always be in your heart!" You hugged Eddie and placed your head on his chest to hear his heartbeat one last time. You squeezed him tightly in arms. And he held you close,not wanting to let you go. You looked up at him and he looked down at you. He placed one last kiss on your lips. "Y/n,I am happy that we spent the last 8 years together. You came into my life and made me a whole new man. We got married,and we had 4 beautiful children together. I want to thank you for those 8 beautiful,spontaneous years. I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss waking up with you in my arms. Baby girl,you made me the luckiest man alive. You believed in me when nobody else did. You allowed me to love you. I never knew what love was until I met you y/n. You showed me love. I know you and the kids have to get going. So I will cut this short. I will always love you and our kids. And I also want you to do me one last thing,I want you to please remember me." Eddie embraced you in a hug. You and him felt tiny hands wrap around your legs. All 4 kids were joining in on the hug. You and Eddie picked up Delilah and Jagger. And held onto Eliza's and Lennox's hands. You put the kids into the car. You turned around and cupped Eddie's face with your hands. "I will always remember you Eddie. And I want you to remember me as well. I want you to be happy. I want you to find someone and make them happy as well. You were an amazing husband, Eddie. And you are the greatest father to our children. They adore you. Well I have to go,we'll keep in touch. Love you Eddie, and I always will." You placed a kiss on Eddie's cheek and got into the car. You rolled down the window and waved goodbye.

*Eddie's pov*
This divorce is the hardest thing to do. I can't believe that y/n isn't my wife anymore. I loved that woman from the bottom of my heart. She meant the whole damn world to me. I can't believe I let her slip through my fingers. She was an amazing wife. She gave me the opportunity to be a father. Something that I had always wanted. Now all 5 of them are not in my life. I'm not gonna be able to wake up anymore to our children jumping on the bed to wake us up in the morning. Fuck,this is hard."

   Eddie dropped down to his knees as he watched your car disappear around the corner. Wayne came up behind him and placed his hand on his shoulder and turned him around. He gave Eddie a strong hug. Eddie cried into Wayne's shoulder. "Uncle she's gone and so are my kids. This is so damn hard man. I don't just want to be her friend. I want her to still be my wife. But she's not my fucking wife anymore. I'm broken Wayne! There's nothing I can do!" Eddie was still crying in Wayne's shoulder. "Boy,you didn't lose y/n. You will still be able to see her and the kids. She's not going far. She's a phone call away. You can call her up and speak to your children. She still loves you Eddie,and I know you still love her. But she's not your wife anymore son. You need to realize that. I think its better off if you two were just friends. Be there for her and the kids. Don't give up on them,okay. Love them unconditionally. Always remember them. Keep them in your heart."

  Wayne was right. He has to let you move on. Even though you aren't his wife anymore. He will try his best to make you his friend instead and to love you and the kids unconditionally.

*Eliza - 8 years old*

*Lennox - 6 years old*

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*Lennox - 6 years old*

*Delilah and Jagger - 14 months old*

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*Delilah and Jagger - 14 months old*

*Delilah and Jagger - 14 months old*

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