He's Here

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You are now 9 months pregnant. You were due any moment. You were in the bathroom getting ready for the day. You just got Eliza ready as well.

Here is how you dressed Eliza for the day.

She was your was beautiful blonde hair,blue eyed princess

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She was your was beautiful blonde hair,blue eyed princess.Daddy is a little bit jelly,because she looks like you. But anyways,you were in the bathroom getting yourself ready. When all of a sudden,you felt a sharp shooting pain in your stomach. You knew these pains all too well. You were going into labor. You walked out of the bathroom to tell Eddie who happens to be downstairs with Eliza. You got half way down the stairs and you hear a splash. Your water just broke! You screamed in excruciating pain,Eddie ran to see what the screaming was about. He saw you gripping hold of the railings and holding the lower part of your belly. He looked on the step you were standing on and saw wetness. You looked at Eddie with pain and tears in your eyes. Eddie ran up to you,grabbed a hold of you carefully. He walked you down the stairs and sat you down on the couch. He got you a cold wet rag and placed it on your forehead. The pain was getting worse. "Shit,I can't take this anymore. This pain is something else. Owwww,owww,owww. We need to go Eddie. Call my fucking mom and tell her that the baby's coming and she needs to get here asap." It didn't take your mom long to get to your house. As soon as she got there,you and Eddie got in your car and drove straight to the hospital. The pain was getting stronger. Eddie placed his hand on your lap and you took a hold of it. Squeezing it everytime you had a contraction. You were in so much pain. Tears kept falling down your face. Eddie looked at you for a quick second and saw the tears in your eyes. He felt so bad for you. He wished that he can take all the pain you were having all away. But it wasn't possible. He felt terrible for how you are feeling. He spoke to you in a calm voice "Baby,breathe in,breathe out. You are the strongest woman I know. You are beautiful and very special. I know this is a painful experience for you,but you need to breathe. Can you breathe for me sweetheart? Come on,breathe with me!" Eddie did the breathing technique and you copied him. After a few minutes,the contractions subsided. For now! "Good job sweetheart. That's how its done. Show them contractions whose boss!" You giggled at his words. Eddie placed his hand back down on your lap,gave it a tight squeeze and said "There's that beautiful smile!" You got to the hospital and as soon as you pull in the parking lot,another contraction hit. Eddie parked the car. He got out and went to your side of the car to help you out. You were having the most painful contraction,you grabbed Eddie's hand and squeezed it tight. Eddie helped you into the hospital. The nurse knew exactly what to do. She lead you guys to labor and delivery.

After 5 hours of labor pains and 1 hour of pushing,your son was here. He looked just like Eddie. Basically Eddie's twin. He was perfect and  beautiful. Eddie kissed your sweaty forehead and placed a kiss on your lips and said "You did it babe! Our son is here and he's perfect. You got to admit,we make beautiful babies together." You playfully hit Eddie's arm. After the nurse cleaned your son up,she laid your son down between your breasts. Right where your heart is. You wrapped your arms around him. You looked up at Eddie and said "The pain was so worth it. He is absolutely perfect." Eddie kissed your lips gently and then said "He is perfect. I can't believe we are parents to a 2 year old and a newborn. This is crazy,but beautiful."

Name: Lennox James Munson
Weight: 7lbs 8oz 20in long
D.O.B: November 23,1992

Lennox started to fuss

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Lennox started to fuss. He was going after your nipple,so you knew that he was hungry. You brought him up to your breast. He latched on real quick,he must've been really hungry. Eddie watched while you breastfed your son. He leaned his head down kissed Lennox on the head and then kissed you on your lips. " You are an amazing mother Y/n. Our 2 beautiful children are lucky to have you as their mommy. I am happy to be their daddy. You three mean so much to me. I couldn't have asked God for anything else more beautiful then the sight I am seeing right in front of me. My wife and my son! This is perfect! Now to complete this,we need to have Eliza come meet her baby brother." You looked at Eddie and said "Love,this is perfect. We got our perfect little family. I couldn't ask for more. My life is complete now. I have what I always wanted. A family of my own!" You lifted your head up slightly to kiss Eddie. After the kiss Eddie called your mother.

35 minutes later. You hear a tap at the door. Eddie opens it and told them that Lennox was sleeping. Your mom was holding Eliza. You were holding Lennox in your arms. Your mom smiled and started to cry. You motioned your mom to place Eliza on the bed. Eliza was a little nervous. She didn't know what to do. You looked at Eliza with a smile on your face and said "Eliza,meet your new baby brother. His name is Lennox." You placed Eliza on the opposite side of you. Eliza held Lennox hand very gently. You placed Lennox on Eliza's lap.You kept your arm there just in case she lets go of him. Next thing you knew,Eliza gives Lennox a sweet little kiss on his head. You cried a little.

Eliza and Lennox Munson

  You and Eddie have been blessed with two beautiful children

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  You and Eddie have been blessed with two beautiful children. You both had your little family. This is all you guys needed. You kissed Eddie's lips and he kissed you back. "This is perfect. This is beautiful. We are completely blessed." You looked down at your children and smiled.

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