The Third Pregnancy

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     A few months after yours and Eddie's anniversary,you were feeling a little off. Eliza noticed and came up to you. "Mommy,what's the matter? You look sick! Do you want me to go and get daddy?" Eliza was a sweet child. She has a tender heart just like her father. You hear her little voice yell down the stairs"Daddy,mommy's not feeling so good. She feels sick." Eddie runs upstairs and finds you leaning over the toilet. He sits down next to you and holds your hair back. You threw up again. Eddie felt concerned. He rubbed your back and asked you "Baby,how many times have you thrown up today?" You finished throwing up. You flushed the toilet and got up off the floor. You looked at Eddie and said "I've thrown up at least 5 or 6 times today. I'm pretty sure it isn't something I ate." Then you realized something. You looked under the bathroom sink and noticed that you haven't gotten your period. You had counted your tampons multiple times and you haven't used them at all. You looked at Eddie,who had a concerned look on his face. "Uh,is it a possibility that you could be pregnant?" You found an extra pregnancy test under the sink. Eddie stood in the bathroom while you took it. You waited 5 minutes. You were too scared to check it. But you had no choice. You flipped it and there was 2 pink lines. You were pregnant! With your third child. You hugged Eddie and cried into his shoulder. 

*Its positive*

   You and Eddie were ecstatic,but you both were worried about you having another miscarriage

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   You and Eddie were ecstatic,but you both were worried about you having another miscarriage. Eddie didn't want to see you go through that pain again. He hugged you even longer. You broke away from the hug and looked in Eddie's eyes and said "Should we tell the kids that they're gonna be siblings?" Eddie agreed. So you call their names "Eliza,Lennox come here. Daddy and I have something to tell you!" You hear pitter patter running down the hallway. The children entered the room. You patted the bed and they all sat down. You and Eddie looked at each and then at your children. " Okay,there is something that daddy and I have to tell the both of you. Eliza,do you remember when you saw mommy sick earlier. Well there's a reason for mommy being sick.  You and Lennox are gonna a big sister and big brother. Mommy's having a baby." You rubbed your belly to show them. "How did baby get in your belly,mommy?" Lennox asked. Eddie took Lennox and put him on his lap and said "Well buddy,I can tell you how the baby got in mommy's belly. I went to the store and bought a seed that contains a baby in it. So mommy took the seed and swallowed it. So now its in her belly."  You look at Eddie and began to laugh. Lennox walks up to you and places his tiny hands on your belly and says " Hi baby. Please stop making mommy sick. I know she ate you,but please be nice to her."  You laughed some more. You looked over at Eddie and whispered "Thanks a lot"
Eddie laughed.

  You and Eddie were gonna wait to tell everyone about the pregnancy. Because you want to make sure nothing happens. You scheduled an appointment at your doctors to see how far along you actually are. The day of your appointment,you were very anxious. They called you in. You laid down on the bed and they scanned your belly. The nurse was very sweet and she asked if you both wanted to hear the heartbeat after she told you how far along you are. You and Eddie both said yes. She kept scanning your belly and finally said "Well Mrs. Munson,you are 2 months along and you are due in December. And there's some really good news,your little bundle of joy,is very healthy. Okay lets hear the heartbeat now."  She turned the volume up higher so you guys can hear the heartbeat. The heartbeat was very strong. The nurse smiled at the both of you. "This little one is happy. The heartbeat sounds amazing. You guys have a little miracle on your hands."  You cried and thanked god for being by your side. You are happy that the baby is very healthy. Now you were able to tell your friends and family.

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