Its Time

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   Its been 4 months since Eddie proposed to you. And you are now 9 months along. Your little princess will be here any minute. You were laying on the bed in Eddie's room. Eddie was laying next to you. You guys were watching a movie,when all of a sudden,you felt pain. Really bad pains. You squeezed Eddie's hand and said "Babe,I think its time. She's coming!" After you said that,your water broke. It felt like you peed your pants. You and Eddie exchanged quick glances. Eddie rushed around the trailer gathering your hospital bags. You couldn't believe you are about to have a baby. Eddie got your bag and carried you bridal style to his van. He rushed you to the hospital in 15 minutes tops. He got there and parked the van. Helped you out. He held your hand and walked you into the hospital. He got to the nurse's station and said "My fiancee,she's in labor." The nurse brought you out a wheel chair. And wheeled you to labor and delivery. You were in so much pain. Eddie held your hand all the way there. And said "Keep breathing baby. Its gonna be okay. You got this!" You looked at Eddie and squeezed his hand tighter. The nurse wheeled you to your room and got you situated. You changed into the gown she handed you. Eddie helped you because you couldn't barely move. He walked you to your bed and helped you in it. They hooked you to machines. One to check your baby's heartbeat and the other one to check your contractions. You waited an hour and the nurse came in to check your cervix. "Well sweetheart,are you ready to have this baby?"  You looked at Eddie and said "Lets have this baby!" 

After 5 pushes,you hear the tiny sound of your daughter crying. You looked at Eddie who was crying as well. They cleaned her up a bit and placed her on your bare chest. Eddie cut the umbilical cord. He handed the nurse back the scissors. And went back up to you. Kissed you on the forehead,which you were covered in sweat. He then kissed your daughter on the head. He was definitely blessed. He looked at you and said "Y/n,thank you for blessing my life with the most precious gift. She is absolutely perfect. I couldn't have asked for more." You placed your hand on top of Eddie's and said "Eddie,I want to also thank you for letting me have the chance to be a mother. You and her are perfect. I love the both of you so very much. I don't know what I would do,if I didn't have you in my life. I love you Edward James Munson. You are my world."

  Eliza started to cry and the nurse walked in and said "I think she might be hungry. Are gonna breastfeed or bottle feed?" You told the nurse that you want to breastfeed. The nurse brought Eliza closer to your breast. And guided her to the nipple. After a few seconds,Eliza latched on and started nursing. You looked over at Eddie,who was admiring the beauty that was in front of him. He couldn't believe that he's finally a dad. You gave Eddie a smile and said "This feels so damn weird. But at the same time,it feels beautiful." You looked down at Eliza who was still nursing. You rubbed your thumb along her rosy cheek. And then you kissed her tiny head. You said to her in your mom voice "Welcome to the world sweet girl. Mommy and daddy love you so much princess. We will always be here for you. We love you so much!" You kissed her gently on her soft tiny head. You are truly in love.

You and Eddie are admiring at how perfect your daughter is. You can't believe she's finally here. In your arms and in your heart forever. Your dream finally came true!

     Name:   Eliza Grace Munson
    Weight: 7lbs 6oz 19.5 inches long
     D.O.B: September 15,1990

B: September 15,1990

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