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"Have any of you talked to Elara over the summer? I tried to call her but she wouldn't pick up and she kept sending my letters back to me. I know she got them because they were all open and the envelopes had those little faces she draws on them." Hermione sighed, eyes wandering between the two boys with a raised brow.

"Why did you never reply to any of our letters?" Hermione asks, turning to face the Slytherin.

"They were never worth replying to."

"No I wrote a couple times but I didn't get anything back so I didn't bother after that. She must be upset or something though, her uncle has just escaped Azkaban." Ron's response was was muffled by his mouthful of chocolate frog.

"Wait Sirius Black is Elara's uncle?" Harry's eyes widened.

"Well we know why he isn't a Ravenclaw." Fred and George spoke up at the same time.

"I hate it when they do that." Ron whispered shuddering as they both looked at him in sync.

"Yes Harry. Her name is literally Elara Black." Hermione rolled her eyes. No wonder the boy wasn't a Ravenclaw.

Harry ran a hand through his hair with a huff before jumping slightly when the compartment door slammed open.

"He looks so much like James when he does that." Sirius uttered with a sad smile. Remus stared at the screen with teary eyes, Harry really was the spitting image of his father.

There stood David Nott, his brother Theo not far behind him along with a few other people from their gang of friends.

"It's us!" Blaise yelled excitedly shaking Theo. Elara and Daphne looked at the pair, giggling to themselves at Theo's disgruntled face and Blaise's childlike actions.

"Any of you tossers seen Ellie yet?" His gruff voice spoke out startling Hermione who had been too preoccupied berating Harry to notice their entrance.

"No we haven't actually, so if you could fuck off it would be greatly appreciated." Harry snapped at the group standing up from his seat and squaring his shoulders.

"Woah why we're you so hostile with them? They didn't even do anything." Neville asked Harry. There really was no need for Harry to get so worked up the group had only asked where Elara was.

"I hope we're not fighting over me boys." Elara's voice interrupted to slowly evolving conflict.

"El! Where have you been I've been looking everywhere for you!" Daphne squealed throwing herself into her best friends awaiting arms. Unknown to them Daphne and Elara were the it girls of Hogwarts, eyes followed them as they walked the halls and even now people's heads turned and poked out of their compartments to catch a glimpse of them. They had both changed over the summer, their hips widening and chest noticeably swelling.

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