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a/n: HI GUYS SO sorry I haven't written anything in like a month lol ANYWAY here are some Headcanons

-They'd beg Larry for an RC Tesla, and Larry would lie to them and say it costs a ton (idk if an RC Tesla even exists but it's still funny to imagine)

-Octavius NEVER admits that he tried to get PRESIDENT OBAMA to help him get Jedediah AND ONLY Jedediah out of potential danger, and even then STILL gets ABRAHAM FUCKING LINCOLN to help him, when he didn't even know Jed's life was on the line

-Jedediah boasts about being with Octavius, and while Octavius is eye-rolling on the outside, he's screaming on the inside

-Octavius gets offended by Julius Caesar death memes since Caesar was his uncle, and Jed has to calm him down whenever Ock sees memes about it on Tumblr

that's all I got for now

Jedtavius Oneshots/Headcanons (requests open!)Where stories live. Discover now