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Kason; Present Day.

My phone vibrated on the table next to my bed, without opening my eyes I answered it.


"Kason, I need you to get up here now." Asher said desperately.

I sat up quickly, now wide awake. "Why? Is it Sawyer?"

"She's okay. She's awake actually, but she's freaking out. She doesn't trust me, and Kason... Sawyer can't really see, everything is blurry to her. The doctor said it's temporary, should only last a day or two." Asher explained.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked him.

"Just get here, she knows you the best, maybe it will calm her down having you here. The shrink will be here sometime today to talk to her. Also, the cops were here asking her questions. She wouldn't disclose anything, they could tell she was holding back information. The cops asked me who I thought was abusing her, I said they should speak to her father since he was so controlling over her. They informed me, that they haven't been able to find him for the past few days now. Something isn't right Kason..." Asher rambled on, concern evident in his voice.

"Okay, I'm heading your way now." I told him, hanging up quickly.

I jumped up, running around my room grabbing my clothes and pulling them on. Rushing out of my bedroom and down the stairs, passing by Jayden and Logan in the living room.

"Hey! Where are you rushing off to? Is it Sawyer?" Logan asked, jumping to his feet.

"Asher called, he wants me to meet him up at the hospital. Sawyer is awake, she isn't a huge fan of Asher, she... she can't really see right now, so she's really freaking out." I quickly told them as I threw on my jacket.

"Okay, well we're coming with you." Logan said grabbing his wallet and keys.

Jayden quickly got to his feet, ready to go. We were all out the door, piling into Logan's car at record speed.

We arrived at the hospital, a nurse led us to Sawyer's room. I heard screaming, rushing past the nurse trying to get to Sawyer. When I got to her room, she was thrashing around in her bed; but her eyes were still closed. I searched the room, trying to figure out what was going on. That's when I find Asher watching her with genuine concern written all over his face, but even her seemed unsure of what to do.

"What happened?" I asked as I stood next to Sawyer's bed, the others quickly joined us.

We all stepped aside and out of the way, so the nurses could help calm Sawyer down.

"They gave her some pain meds, it helped her relax and she fell asleep. Then a few minutes ago, she woke up screaming and crying. It looks like she's trapped in a nightmare." Asher explained, running his hands through his hair.

"Can't they give her something to help her?" Logan asked, panic evident in his voice.

"They need her to stop thrashing around so they can inject her with it, but as soon as anyone touches her she freaks out more." Asher explained with his hands forming into fists at his sides.

"NO! NO! Please stop! I don't want to! GET OFF ME!" Sawyer cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The nurse turns to look at us. "I know this may be hard for you boys, but can you help hold her down so we can help her?" The nurse asked us with pleading eyes.

We all hesitated for a second, then look at each other and then back to Sawyer. Nodding our heads, we agree to help. I grabbed her shoulders, Jay was holding her left arm, while Asher and Logan each grabbed one of her legs. The nurse had her right arm, so she could give her the shot.

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