Protecting Her

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The man, who I assumed was Sawyer's father, stormed towards her bed to pull her away from Kaso, but Jayden stepped in front of him blocking his way.

"Move." The man demanded through gritted teeth.

Jayden stood his ground. " We aren't letting you anywhere near her." He warned, crossing his arms over his chest.

The guy was definitely drunk with the way he was swaying and stumbling around. Jay pushed him back, away from Sawyer, and he almost fell over. Once he somewhat regained his balance, he threw a punch at Jay, which he easily dodged; making the drunk man fall on his face.

"Hey! What's going on in here?" A security guard asked rushing into the hospital room. "Sir, your need to calm down!" He yelled as the guard grabbed Sawyer's father, pulling him back, while the man thrashed around.

"That is Sawyer's dad, and he isn't supposed to be near her until the police have cleared him. Especially since he's the number one suspect for her abuse." I said firmly, standing in front of Sawyer's bed to block his view of her.

The security guard nods his head in understanding, and dragged her father out of the room. We all let out a sigh of relief as silence filled the room.

"Thank you." A soft voice whispered from behind me, I turned quickly to see Sawyer's bright blue eyes staring at me.

"As I said, no one will hurt you again." Kason reassured her as he squeezed her tighter, stroking her hair." "But sawyer, we need to know... is your dad the one that's been hurting you?" He asked her carefully.

She visibly tensed, bringing her knees to her chest. But, Kason was right, we needed her to tell us, to be sure she was far away from anyone trying to hurt her.

"Please Sawyer..." Kason pleaded with her.

She nodded, keeping her head low. "Yes... he was the one to cause all the scaring. He'd cut me and beat me but..." She swallowed hard and the tears silently fell down her cheeks.

"It's okay Sawyer, take your time..." Logan said softly, resting his hand gently on her knee.

I've never heard his voice this soft and gentle, something seemed to be contagious because we've all noticeably softened around Sawyer.

"The other stuff... wasn't my father... he never touched me in that way." She took in a deep breath before she continued. "He would let... his friends though... over the summer, when I turned eighteen.. he let one of them... rape me..." She said letting out a sob.

Kason instantly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her as close as possible. I had this intense urge to do the same, but I resisted. Jayden cursed under his breath and stormed out of the room. Logan was staring at her, frozen in disbelief, I could see the anger behind his stare. Needless to say, we were all affected after hearing that the girl we bullied for the past three years, was also being abused at home and even worse, raped. We were monsters who only added to her pain, and she had every right to hate us for what we had done.

A moment later another doctor entered the room, glancing at each of us with curiosity before turning her attention to Sawyer.

"Hello Sawyer! I'm Dr. Varsha, and I'm the hospital therapist. Is it okay if i sit with you for a little bit?" She asked.

"Yes..." Sawyer replied, just barely above a whisper.

The doctor smiled at her, stepping closer, pulling a chair next to her bed.

"Now I heard your sight might be a little blurry, I'm right here on your left side, okay?" She squeezed her hand. "Now boys, I have to ask you all to step out so Sawyer and I can speak privately." She stated, turning to give us all a stern look.

"No way. We are not leaving her alone." I said shaking my head. The others crossed their arms standing their ground.

Look boys, Sawyer is going to have to talk about some traumatic things that she may not feel comfortable having you three listen too. Don't you want her to speak freely? Besides, therapy is private between a patient and their therapist." Dr. Varsha told us, as she led us out the door. We reluctantly agreed, she was right, Sawyer needs her help.

"Sawyer, we will be right out in the waiting room if you need us." Kason called out.

"It's fine Kason. You guys can just go home." Sawyer said she the therapist closed the door to her room.

We stood there for a moment, debating if we should listen to her and leave, or do the opposite and stay.

" I guess she doesn't want us here anymore. Not that I can blame her." Logan said with a sigh.

" I don't care what she says. I'm not going anywhere with her father somewhere out there." Kason said with determination in his voice.

"I don't wanna leave her either but she doesn't want us here, what else can we do? If she tells her nurses, we wont be allowed back." I said in frustration. My urge to protect her was driving me crazy and I didn't want to leave Sawyer without at least one of us here, just in case.

"Miss? We need to go for the day, but can you call me when Sawyer is ready for visitors again?" Kason asked one of the nurses.

" of course! Write down your name and number, I'll call you when she asks." The nurse says handing him a pad of paper.

"Thank you so much." He replied as he quickly wrote down his information down and handed it back.

She gave us all a sympathetic smile. "Just to let you know, you're the one she calls out to when she's sleeping. Especially when she's having a nightmare, the one person she asks for... is you." She says while resting her hand on Kason's arm, before walking away.

Kason was frozen in shock. I watch as e processes the information, his expression morning from disappointment from Sawyer telling us to leave to one of agony and torment. My own emotions were all over the place. We were the reason he wasn't in her life anymore, and he finds out she's crying out for him to save her from her nightmares.

Guilt has been the main emotion I've been feeling since that night Sawyer put the gun to her head. I decided I'm gonna make it up to Kason and the the girl who holds his heart. Now I knew why he never showed interest in all the other girls, no matter how much they threw themselves at him. He wouldn't push them away but he wouldn't let it progress into anything more. He already had this girl  in his heart and he wasn't losing her again. I wasn't gonna let that happen, not again.

"Come on Kase, let's go home. Something tells me it won't be long before she calls." I tell him as I throw my arm over his shoulder, pulling him towards the exit.

The car ride home was quiet, as we were all still processing everything. I don't think any of us knew what to do to help Sawyer.

" I want to do something for Sawyer, so she knows we're here to help her, that it won't be like it was before. How do we prove it to her?" Logan asks breaking the silence. His voice sounded uneasy and desperate.

I looked over at him for a second, seeing the same emotions that have been torturing all of us recently. We were overwhelmed with foreign emotions from guilt to shame. Logan  was the type to act like nothing in the world could bother him, but we knew that wasn't true. We had with him through the worse parts of his life, he always brushed off how much he actually felt. This is the first time in years, I've seen him show this much emotion and that's gotta mean something. He had so much regret in his eyes, hating the thought that we could've had Sawyer's blood on our hands for the teasing we have done to her.

"Sawyer isn't like other girls. She never wanted things or gifted, she'd just want your time and company. She always talked about doing silly little things, like walking along the beach to feel the sand in between her toes. Reading in the park or laying under the stars, things you can't buy. I imagine it's all the things she was never allowed to do." Kason said as he stared out the car window, watching the scenery pass by.

"So what do we do?" Logan asks with a sigh.

"We be there for her. We come back, even if she throws us out, we keep coming back . We shows her she's no longer alone, that she has us in her corner to help her fight her demons." Kase tells us with a new found determination.

We all fall silent but nod in agreement. Sawyer was going to be the center of our world now and we're okay with that.

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