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If Sidney thought the underground train passways were dark, this place was even worse. The lights were few and sparse, barely illuminating only a foot ahead of them. She could barely see the end of each small hallway, and the halls seemed endless. She had already taken her spear from her back, and instead held it tightly in her right hand, knuckles turning white from the sheer force.

Sidney clenched her jaw nervously, eyes constantly flickering ahead and behind her. She had opted to close the rear, and everytime she felt like something was looking at her from the shadows. Jackson was walking in front of her, and Finnick and Peeta were walking together, the former keeping a close eye on the very jittery Peeta.

From time to time, Sidney would catch Finnick looking over his shoulder and catch her eye, and she wondered if he was just checking up on her, or worrying she would disappear any second.

It felt like the group had been walking for hours in the sewers, and with every passing second everyone seemed to get more antsy. As they made another turn down another tight passage, everyone let out startled gasps and pressed themselves against the cold conrete wall when smoke erupted from one of the pipelines above them, making it even harder to see. Sidney's heart had jumped into her throat as the loud hissing sound continued to rattle above them before finally quieting down.

Sidney slowly lowered her left arm away from her face, the dead grip on her spear even more tight than she would have thought humanly possible before carefully standing back up straight to look at the others, Jackson following suit as she craned her neck to look ahead where Pollux and Katniss were. "Everybody okay?" She called out.

"Yeah." Katniss responded, breathing heavily as she pulled Pollux up with her before they continued to travel further and as they descended even more, the water that used to be no higher than their ankles started to rise up to their chests, making walking even harder.

The same horrible smell did not get better either, and Sidney grimaced when a bit of it splashed against her face, but it seemed it was even harder for Peeta, who was forced to keep his hands above water to make sure his handcuffs wouldn't electrocute him, and everyone around him.

Sidney breathed a sigh of relief when instead of downwards, they finally went upward again and the water simmered down immensly, only the sound of the holo in Katniss' hands filling the otherwise quiet room.

"Alright, everybody." Jackson spoke up. "We're gonna stop here for a bit and get some rest." She adressed them all and Sidney's shoulders fell, happy to make a small stop for moment.

"I'll take first watch." She added before stepping into the small gap in the wall that wasn't filled with water.

Finnick and Sidney immediately gravitated towards one another, taking a spot in the corner to lay down. With a kind smile, both of them turned toward Peeta, who looked unsure of himself as he debated on where he could go.

"Peeta, join us." Sidney motioned toward her other side with a sweet smile.

As she waved Peeta over, Gale noticed the necklace around Sidney's neck.

"Where'd you get that?" Gale asked.

Sidney looked down at it, smiling shamelessly. "I got the chain from Finnick and the ring from a girl I knew."

Gale was silent for a moment as Peeta sat down next to Sidney. "Why?"

"Shut your bitch-ass up, Gale."

Finnick and Sidney repeatedly played thumb-war on loop, whispering the lines for the game as a way to not wake up anyone. Including Peeta who slept with his head on Sidney's shoulder..

"You're really bad at thumb-war." Finnick grinned, holding back a laugh as she lost again. "That's six-to-zero." He snickered. "Are you going easy on me?"

"No, you're just cheating." Sidney replied, knowing full-well he wasn't and she was just bad. "Watch, I'll win at rock-paper-scissors, I'm really good at that."

"No, you're just lucky."

"Or you're just bad at rock-paper-scissors."

They began to play exactly that and stayed quiet for the most part, until Sidney spoke up. "Was it as great as you imagined?" She asked, Finnick had a perplexed look on his face. "Getting married, I mean."

Finnick's grin from making fun of Sidney turned into a soft smile. "It was better."

The thought made her smile too. "How many kids do you and Annie want?"

"About two, no more than four." He answered after thinking it through.

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