Chapter 11

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*3 days later*
Peter Parker

" Yeah Gwen, I'm fine. I'm just trying to find my suit," I mumble into the phone. I open the dryer but it's not in there either. " Okay Peter, oh I have to tell you something," Gwen speaks on the other line. I go up to my room and into my closet, hoping my suit is in there. " What's up," I say while rummaging through my closet. " So I think I'm going to go back to college in about a week. Are you going to be okay," Gwen tells me. " Oh yeah, I'll be-," I start to say before stopping. I see a familiar piece of red clothing. Wanda's suit. I keep the phone against my ear but gently pick up the suit with my other hand.

I stare at it for a few seconds before I hear a voice speak again. " Peter? Are you okay? Are you there," Gwen asks. I clear my throat and push the tears back that were coming. " Yeah-Yeah I'm fine. I found my suit, I'm gonna go. Good luck at college," I sigh before hanging up. I put down Wanda's old suit and grab my own that I found at the top of the closet. I quickly change then swing out of my window. I'm just patrolling it's pretty much dark outside. I just needed to swing around tonight, get some fresh air.

It takes a lot to put on the whole fake getting better thing for Gwen, Harry, and May. I wish I was getting better. But I'm not, not even close. I land in an alleyway and just walk through it. I feel my Spider sense going off, something weird is happening. I furrow my eyebrows and look around. That's when I hear voices saying my name. " Peter! Peter come here," I hear a girls voice exclaim. I turn around and I see a golden sparkly circle on the other end of the alley.

There are a few people on the other side of the circle, it looks like they're in a house. They keep telling me to come to them. So I rush over and jump through the circle thing. Suddenly everything feels weird, what the hell is going on? There is a girl and a boy standing at a table. The girl has slightly darker skin and curly hair that looks like it's back in a ponytail. And the boy has straight black hair and he's wearing a green flannel.

There is also an older women in a nightgown. She starts screaming and I look around frantically. " Hi, hi, hi. No, no, no. It's okay, I'm a nice guy," I assure her. I yank off my mask and they all look at me in confusion. " Who the hell are you," The girl with curly hair asks. " I'm Peter Parker," I start to say. " That's not possible," The girl interrupts me. " I am Spiderman, Wait...the string theory, the multi-dimensional reality and matter displacement. It's all real," I say with amazement.

I'm in a different universe! I can feel it, it is different here. " Is this because of the spell," the boy whispers to the girl. " Wait spell? Like magic spell? You guys have magic here too," I ask. " What? Spell? There's no spell," The boy says nervously. " Prove it," The girl says confidently. " Prove what," I question while furrowing my eyebrows. " Prove that you're Peter Parker," She tells me. " I...don't carry an ID with me. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of the anonymous superhero thing," I say. I see the girl throw a roll of
bread at me and it lands on the floor. " What...what was that," I ask hesitantly. " I was trying to see if you have the tingle thing," She admits.

" I have the tingle thing just not for bread," I sigh. She picks up another bread roll and I shake my head, " Can you please, not throw the bread again? You're a deeply mistrusting person...and I respect that." I jump up so my fingertips are sticking to the ceiling. The girl shrugs with the bread still in her hand, " Crawl around." I scoff, " Crawl around? Really? No." She nods, " Yes, crawl around!" " Why do I need to crawl around," I sigh. " Because this is not enough," She states. " This is plenty, can normal people in your universe do this," I question.

" Fine. I believe you," The girl sighs. " Great," I sigh in relief and drop from the ceiling landing on my feet. " I'm Ned, and this is MJ," the boy says with a small smile. " what is going on," I reply. " Our Peter is missing. There are a bunch of bad guys on the loose and we can't find him. He just lost his Aunt May, like less than an hour ago," MJ tells me. My eyes widen, " Aunt May died?" They both nod and I sigh. " Okay, is there anywhere that he would go for some comfort or anything? Like my comfort place is...The Chrysler Building. Does he have a spot like that," I ask. " Actually yeah, I think I know where he is," MJ states.


We are on the top of a school, the Peter from this universe is sitting and crying. Ned and MJ are hugging him. I think he feels that I'm here because he stands up and looks my way. I jump down so he can see me and his eyes widen. " Who are you," He asks. " I'm Peter Parker, from a different universe," I explain. " Okay...well you're going back to your universe. I don't care anymore," Other Peter says.

I look at him and start to say, " Peter, I-" then he interrupts me. " You don't know what I'm going through. Those villains are the reason my Aunt May is dead," He exclaims. " I do know what you're going through. Believe me. My uncle Ben died a few years ago. And I just lost, Wanda. She was my...she was my MJ. Someone shot her and- and I couldn't save her," I say while tears coming to my eyes. I push them away, not wanting to cry in front of these people I don't know.

The other Peter looks at his girlfriend and squeezes his eyes shut. " Sorry...I just. I need to send these guys back to whatever universe they came from. Which I'm assuming is your universe," He states. " Two of them are. The rest I don't know where they came from," I sigh. MJ whispers something to Peter and he looks at her. He looks down and his grip on the magic box tightens.

" Fine...we'll cure them before we send them back," Other Peter says. " We can use the school lab to get the cures," Ned speaks. I jump down to where they are and glance at the other Peter. I really need to come up with another name for him. But he is standing by MJ and she is trying to comfort him. Ned is standing there moving his hands trying to make a portal again. Gold sparks appear in the air and I look at it. My Spider sense is going off, someone is going to be on the other side. The portal opens in a circle form and a dark room is on the other side.

It looks like some kind of...cell. There is someone on the ground on their knees. Their head is facing the ground and they seem to be crying. Wait...that sounds familiar.

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