Chapter 27

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"Touha, zrezivělý, sedmnáct, svítání, pec, devět, benigní, návrat domů, jeden, nákladní vůz"

Wanda Maximoff

Peter and I walk up to the hill that the Russian HYDRA base is on. I use my magic to make us invisible to anyone else. We get to the front of the base and four men are standing there with guns, guarding the doors. I glance at Peter and he nods. We both sneak up close to the men, I use my powers to bash two of the men's heads into each other. They both fall to the ground I'm not sure if they are unconscious or dead. Meanwhile, my boyfriend used one of the guards' guns to shoot the other one, and he knocked the other guy's head against the wall so he is bleeding from his head.

Peter and I walk into the building, still invisible. There are guards just walking around, some holding guns. Some men some women, people in white lab coats. Men in suits, men in black leather. All of the people have the HYDRA symbol on their clothes, except for the men with suits.

" We stay together? Okay? Promise me we'll stay together," Peter whispers to me. I look at him and sigh shakily, " I promise. We will stay together. Come on, let's start this way." We walk down the nearest hallway, peaking into all rooms to make sure there is no one being held here when the building goes down. So far we have not found anyone that doesn't work here.

As we are walking down the halls two men come out of a room. One is holding a book with a red star on it. The man with the book is in a lab coat while the other is in a black and white suit, he is wearing glasses. That man looks familiar, I think I saw photos of him with the other HYDRA base. I think his name was Zola.

Peter and I stop walking and the two men start talking. " Itak, soglasno faylam barona pyatimesyachnoy davnosti. Ubiytsa zhil v Kvinse, N'yu-York, v Amerike. So svoim parnem. Skoreye vsego, ona vernulas' tuda, tak chto tam my yeye i naydem (So according to the Baron's files from 5 months ago. The assassin lived in Queens, New York, in America. With her boyfriend. She most likely went back there, so that is where we will find her)," Zola speaks.

The two men start walking away and my boyfriend looks over at me. " What did he say," He asks a little over a whisper. " They're looking for me," I tell him, not surprised. The two men stop walking and Zola turns back around towards us. " Did you hear that," He asks the other man. " Hear what," The guy replies. Zola shakes his head then turns around again, they walk away and I sigh in relief.

I feel myself getting a little tired, most definitely from both teleporting us from America to Russia and from holding this invisibility for so long. I need to work on that when this is all over. I grab Peter's hand and we keep walking and searching rooms. Suddenly a loud alarm sounds and blares throughout the building along with a flashing red light. " They know we're here, we have to hurry. We still have half of the base to look through," I state. We start running, us taking turns checking every door. Opening them, and looking. We get to where the cells are and I open the first one. I rush in and there is no one in there.

Peter opens the next one, also making sure there is no one in there. Then I run to the third one, I push the door open, my powers are no longer making us invisible since they already know we are here. I go in and glance around, as I am about to leave I feel myself being pushed against the stone wall before I can even process a thought.

Seeing nothing but a flash in the moment. When my back touches the wall I let out a yelp, but then whoever pushed me against the wall gets thrown into the opposite wall by Peter's webs. My boyfriend swings in and the two start fighting. I see flashes of blue and silver as my boyfriend fights the person. And that's when it feels like the whole world stops spinning. The thoughts in my mind stop the fear. And all I can think about are the familiar flashes that I'm seeing right now.

" Stop...Stop," I say quietly at first but then a little louder. The flashes stop and the person goes still, Peter stopping also. I keep my eyes fixated on the other boy in front of me, the boy who I haven't seen in almost 4 years. And he's staring at me too, his blue eyes filled with tears. The straight silver hair on the top of his head covering his forehead and almost going over his eyes. The stubble of silver facial hair that has grown around his jaw. He looks the same, yet so much different.

" Pietro...," I gasp with a small sob escaping my lips. His lips curl into a small smile, a sad one. "Wanda," my 'dead' brother says. We rush towards each other and immediately I feel his arms wrapped around me. " You're dead. I watched you die, I felt you die. This isn't real," I cry. Peter is standing there as Spiderman, looking at us. Most likely in shock.

" Shhh...don't be scared sister," My brother whispers. I tense up and slowly back away from him. " What do you mean Pietro," I ask hesitantly. He smirks and realization crosses my mind. Before I can say anything the person in front of me slams me into the wall, leaving a crack in the wall behind me. He creates pressure on my neck and I gasp. It's not my brother, Pietro Maximoff is dead.

My boyfriend comes up behind 'Pietro' and wraps a web around his neck. He punches the person in front of me and kicks him to the ground. The man suddenly disappears, it wasn't even a person. It was some sort of technology thing, hologram perhaps.

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