The Drug Dealer

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Pov - After a short nap they woke up. It was afternoon, jungkook needed to go for his work as well as y/n was also leaving for her office. After getting ready jungkook left for his work and he dropped y/n on his way.

At Y/n 's office

My mind was still thinking about jungkook ad the things that happened few time ago. Oh god but I've to focus! So focus y/n, i knocked my head. I was just going through the information about that dealer. It's not easy to catch him *sighs* someone knocked the door of my cabin.

..... - Ma'am may i come in?
Y/n : yeah come
.... - Good afternoon ma'am *bows*
Y/n : oh! good afternoon Blair, have a seat
Blair - *smiles and sits* ma'am I've something to tell you about that dealer.
Y/n : yeah tell??
Blair : ma'am i got to know something about that dealer by our undercover agents
Y/n : what information you have?
Blair : That dealer is gonna do a big drug deal of XXX drugs which are so rare
Y/n : so?
Blair : he's gonna meet his dealers in XXX club.
Y/n : wow! So we have chance to catch him
Blair : yes ma'am that's why I told you about this.
Y/n : hmm we can go there like normal people
Blair : ma'am he won't focus on us,. I guess we should go like. . umm like lil sluty girl? *Says in low voice*
Y/n : what are you saying? Kidding me right? *Says in worried voice*
Blair : ma'am actually these type of boys sometimes loose their mind with those kinds of girls.
Y/n : *sighs* fine then we'll try
Blair : ky ma'am then let's go there at night time?
Y/n : but who will go with us?
Blair : umm, me you and we want one boy too
Y/n : we'll take aarush, he'll help us.
Blair : ok ma'am as you say
Y/n v don't forget to inform guards to stay outside only. We'll call them if needed.
Blair : ok ma'am but ma'am problem is we'll find him? We haven't seen him..
Y/n : don't worry*slightly smirks* his actions will reveal him
Blair : *chuckles* ok ma'am then we'll meet you there now. We should go soon.
Y/n : yes, ok then take care! And remember everything *gets up and leaves her work place*

Pov - Then she reached her home and on her route she bought some snacks for her and Elina.

At home

Y/n's Pov

I reached at home and wow my baee was there. I gave a tight hug to Elina. I missed her so much. She hugged me back. She told me that everything was ok at her home. I told. We were eating snacks while having a good conversation.

Elina : bae, by the way i got some clothes in your room *says while eating*
Y/n : what? C-clothes? If whom
Elina : *chuckles* of boy or should I say jungkook?
Y/n : a-a actually he wanted to take shower so. ....hehe. .
Elin : *pats her shoulder* i know don't worry *laughs*
Y/n : yeahh now don't tease me *pout*
Elina : okok by the way how's your office?
Y/n : yeah it was good and i wanted to tell you that we have to go XXX club to find that drug dealer.
Elina : so can i come too?
Y/n : it might be dangerous bae, i don't want to trouble you.
Elina : don't worry, aarush will be there too right? I'll be with him
Y/n : *sighs*
Elina : *puppy eyes* please baeee
Y/n : *chuckles* okok you can come
Elina : *hugs her*  thank you
Y/n : but now tell how should I dress up that he won't think me as innocent and any kind of detective
Elina : hehe baee I've a dress for you and tonight I'm gonna do your makeup and hair style *smirks*
You are gonna be the hottest model tonight
Y/n : uh-uh idoittttt *fakes cry* lemme find that guy then I'll kill him
Elina : sure bae, all the best
Y/n : yeah yeah *sighs*
Elina : come let's get ready *chuckles and pulls y/n to her room*
Y/n : yeah don't rush!!

Elina's Pov -  After finding many dresses finally i decided a dress for y/n for tonight. It was  short black shinny dress till mid thighs. It was pretty but too short. I chose this dress because it was lil revealing which might help her to gain the attention of that drug dealer.

Y/n's POV - I didn't agree to wear that dress but for the operation i need to wear it so soon i agreed. Elina told me to go and take shower. I did according to her then i wore that dress. It was pretty but revealing too so i decided to wear net stockings which will make my look pretty and I'll be comfortable. After that she applied make-up. Seriously i hate it but I've to do *sighs* At last she made my hair style. After that i wore my heels and one bracelet..ohh god I've to look like a girl tho *says in frustration*

Pov  - After that Elina also got ready. Both of them reached at the club with aarush, Blair and their bodyguards. Y/n, Elina, aarush and Blair went inside and on other hands bodyguards were waiting outside only.

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