Y/n in danger

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Laura's Pov

I thought she won't be able to recognise me but she's more smart than i think. I smirked and removed my mask. Now she knows everything then i should be clear with her.

Laura : so smart y/n
Y/n : *crosses her arms* you don't know me yet
Laura : *smirks* whatever how you got to know it's me?
Y/n : you should be careful while talking on y/n. One of your maid heard your and hwan's all talks
Laura : he's gonna be dead for sure
Y/n : let's come to the point! Why are you doing this?

Jungkook's Pov

I was watching everything. I was shocked to know that Laura was the player behind all this..i didn't did anything because i know if I'll do something it will hurt both so it's better for me and good for them to have a talk once. They should clear everything.

Laura : why so hurry? Come let's sit *goes to chair which was placed at the edge of the bridge side*
Y/n : *goes and sits with her* *in mind* i know she must have planned something.
Laura : don't be scared, i know we are alone and i can throw you from here *smirks*
Y/n : shut up, I'm not scared and now tell the reason *says in angry voice*
Laura : *stands and roams around while saying* you know everything still want to know the reason?
Y/n : yes!
Laura : *hits the chair* don't act fool y/n! You know well it's because of jungkook! I want him and you are coming in between!
Y/n : see...i know you are angry but try to understand it's not love! It's just you are attracted towards him when i was not with him.
Laura : SHUT UP!! *Shouts*
Y/n : then tell me don't u still love ren??
Laura : *stays silent*
Y/n : the thing is that you still love him! You are just attracted to my jungkook *stands and puts her hands on the table* Try to understand this!!
Laura : *holds y/n's collar* don't you dare to say him yours girl!!
Y/n : *removes her hand* it's truth that he loves me and i do too! Accept it sis..... please try to understand...
Laura : i don't fucking care I'll make him mine *says in frustration*
Y/n : if you love someone then care for them. Make them happy and try to be happy in their happiness. He's not a toy that you are saying you will make him yours

Y/n's Pov

She was not ready to listen anything, she was out of her mind. I tried to make her understand but she wasn't listening. It was enough for me too. Her behaviour was o rude but at last she was my sister that's why I was controlling my anger.

Laura's Pov

I was angry now! My anger was on top floor. Why the hell she needs to come in between always and now she was saying me that i can't make him mine! Jungkook is not mine! He is hers! What the fuck! I was out now!


After talking and arguing like this Laura was more angry so she attacked on y/n. Y/n defended herself. They both were fighting. Laura was trying to make her fall from th bridge but y/n was defending herself and it was difficult for Laura to make her fall. Y/n was good at defending  but Laura was a mafia girl, best at everything. When Laura couldn't handle her she kicked her leg with her heels which made her unbalance. Laura took that change and she pushed y/n from that bridge. The problem was that the bridge was not having any kind of metalic support, it was old wooden bridge. Jungkook was seeing this, he was keeping patience but when he saw y/n lost her control and she was going to fall he came hurriedly to them but now he was in trouble.   By hearing foot steps Laura turned back to see him  but because the wooden bridge was old so it's edge got broken. Laura couldn't understand what happened and she also fell. Now both y/n and Laura were holding the lower support from preventing them to fall. Jungkook can't help both because if he'll go to one then the other might fall because of weight.
Without thinking jungkook carefully went towards y/n and pulled her to himself and hugged her tightly.

Jungkook's pov

It was difficult for me to make choice but i don't wanted to loose my love this time so i quickly helped y/n. Finally she was out of danger, i gave her a tight hug! I was so scared to loose her. She was breathing heavily. She was scared from the river that's why she was silent that time.

Y/n's pov

I was not having any hope of being alive. The view of river made me scared so i just closed my eyes but my love again saved me. I was hugging him with closed eyes but suddenly we heard sound of crack and we turned back to see Laura. She was not scared as a mafia but she was worried too and she was going to fall.

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