Chapter 4: The Morning

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A/n: Professor Mcgonagall is the headmistress of Hogwarts. Cause Alby is dead.

Y/n awoke the next morning to the sounds of multiple people snoring. Opening her eyes slowly, she realizes that she fell asleep on the common room sofa. But that wasn't all. Her hand was still laying under Luna's.

Memories of last night come flooding back to her. A flurry of emotion hits Y/n. Confusion, happiness, and embarrassment.

Trying not to make a lot of noise, Y/n slides sideways off the couch. She walks back to her dorm, trying to ignore the naked couples and puddles of puke.

I shouldn't have drunken so much...

Y/n climbs the stairs and enters her dorm. She strips off her clothes and hop in the shower.

Maybe I'm being insane or hopeful or something but I think Luna was trying to see if I would be interested in her.

No, you're definitely being insane. No one would like you. You're weird.

Not to mention ugly! You're very ugly.

Y/n shoos away the bad thoughts and focuses on washing her hair.

Even if she was, do YOU like her?

Y/n pauses.

I guess I don't know. I haven't known her very long.

All clean, Y/n climbs out of the shower, slipping and falling on her back.

"CRAP! That hurt!" Y/n exclaims.

There's a knock on her dorm door.

"One sec!" Calls out Y/n, panicking.

Y/n quickly hurries into some clothes. She pulls on a plain white t-shirt and super short shorts. It was only early Autumn after all.

Pulling her long hair in a messy bun with a white scrunchie, she hurries to answer the door.

It was Draco. "Hey Y/n, I jus- woah." He stares down at Y/n's outfit.

"Draco. Eyes up here please." Y/n says with a 'Do-not-test-me' tone.

"Right, sorry. I was just coming to make sure you were alright. I didn't see you leave the party yesterday."

"Awe thanks. I got back fine. I was just with L- my new friend." Y/n wasn't sure how he would react to her being bisexual.

"Yeah. I'll see you around Y/n." And with one final look at her, Draco left.

Y/n turned back into the room, closing the door.

I really want a bagel.

So, she headed back through the vomit covered common room, passing the now empty sofa. Y/n assumed Luna had returned to her dorm.

Going down the marble stairs, she accidentally ran into a tall girl with curly brown hair, brown eyes and a handful of papers.

"Hermione?!" She gasps. "I haven't seen you since the summer!"

"Y/n? Hey! Yeah, I told you that you would see me. But since I'm the Transfiguration teacher, you do have to call me Miss Granger."

"Oops sorry! Did you hear about me getting sorted into Slytherin? I can't remember if you saw. I was so scared!"

"Yeah, I saw that. Have you made any friends yet?" She asks.

"Oh yeah! I'm friends with Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Luna Lovegood." Y/n states proudly.

"Oh! I'm so glad you made friends!" Hermione replies. "Hey, I've got to go prep for my class. Enjoy breakfast!" She gives Y/n a quick hug and scurries off.

Y/n slowly walks into the great Hall. Some of the people who saw her start whispering.

Y/n sighs and rolls her eyes. This was a quite common occurrence. People whispered, not because they knew Y/n, but because of her brother.

Her "amazing" brother who had saved the wizarding world by sacrificing himself. The "amazing" brother who died killing Voldemort.

Don't take it the wrong way. Y/n loved Harry. But what people didn't realize about him was that he wasn't that picture perfect guy the papers presented him as.

He used to scream at Y/n, making her feel worthless. He would bully her for being bisexual, saying that she was in love with Ron and Hermione.

Of course Ron and Hermione never bullied Y/n alongside Harry. They would make sure Y/n was okay after it all. Hermione even yelled at Harry a few times. But that never ended well for Y/n so she didn't do it often.

Still, Ron, Hermione and Y/n had mourned his death. Ron and Hermione became like older siblings to Y/n. Her parents had only died the summer before Harry had so Y/n had spent a lot of time with them over the past year.

They had all stayed at 'The Burrow'. Ron and Hermione had started dating. Them never leaving the burrow often made things quite awkward. There had sometimes been noises coming out of their room.

Molly had insisted upon keeping Y/n home with her that first year after the death of her whole family. However, she let Y/n come this year.

Walking over to the Slytherin table, she decides not to sit down to eat but instead grab a bagel to go. Just as she was leaving, Professor Mcgonagall came up behind her.

"Miss Potter, here is your time schedule. I expect you not miss any classes. Especially not on your first day. I can assign someone to show you around if you'd like?"

"I'm alright. Thank you Headmistress." Y/n smiles and heads away. Looking down at the sheet, Y/n saw that her first class was potions.

There were running footsteps behind her. "Y/n!
Y/n hey! Wait up!" Y/n turned around. It was Luna.

"I had fun dancing last night. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go on a walk after classes end this afternoon?" Luna gasps, out of breath.

"I would love to!" Exclaims Y/n.

"Amazing! See you later on!"

Y/n left toward the dungeons feeling happier than she had in over a year.

989 words!!

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