Chapter 11: The Cheater

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I walk down the halls, trying to once again find the painting of Harry. I walk quickly so that no one can follow me. I keep walking until I reach an intersection between two halls.

I'm about to go left when I hear my name called. "Y/n! What the hell was that!" I turn around, scared of who I'll see behind me. It's not who I thought it would be. It was a Ravenclaw girl that was Luna's friend.

"Uh... Who are you?" I ask, confused. "I'm Kelsey! Luna's friend. I saw you with that blonde boy. What were you doing?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Who are you to ask me that? I don't even know you." She didn't like that. She glares at me and glues her mouth together.

"I'll tell everyone in this whole school what a dirty lying cheater you are. You'll be ruined." I scoff.

"Like I care. I barely know anyone here anyways. Besides, I wasn't cheating on- hold on. How do you know about Luna and I?" She rolls her eyes.

"Luna doesn't shut up about you. She said you were beautiful. She always was pretty blind." I hold back a laugh.

"What are you laughing at you dumb little fraud?!" I just smile sweetly.

"It was a real pleasure talking to you Kelsey. I hope you have a nice rest of your day." And with that, I walk away, leaving Kelsey alone.

I decide to stop in a washroom before continuing along on my journey to find the portrait of Harry. And just my luck that the bathroom I went into had someone sobbing inside.

The person sobbing was in a stall. It had to be a girl since this was a girls washroom but it was far from everything else in the school.

"Hello?" I call out. "Are you alright?" I cautiously walk to the end stall, where the crying was coming from. I gently push open the door and see a pretty girl inside.

She has long blonde hair that was neatly brushed. She was wearing her uniform. Based on the embroidery on the pocket, she was a Slytherin. She quickly looks up at me. Her face is very red.

I notice that she has a very pretty face. She has an olive complexion with pretty amber eyes. She also has tons of freckles. When she sees me, she clumsily wipes away her tears.

"I'm sorry if I bothered you." She sniffs. "You didn't, don't worry. I just wanted to know if you were okay." She nods. "Uh... It's just that... Uhm... My girlfriend cheated on me..."

Her girlfriend? So she's not straight either. Okay, I'll add her to my mental list of people here who aren't straight.

"What's your name?" I whisper, grabbing her hands slowly. She clears her throat. "I'm Ophelia. Like the song. It also means help." I laugh a little bit.

"Do you want to come back to my dorm? We can get you cleaned up." She nods and we exit the stall, making our way out of the bathroom.

As we're walking up the marble stairs, Draco calls out my name. "Hey! Hey Y/n! We need to talk!" I keep walking with Ophelia. "I'm a little busy Dray." He continues following me. "It's important!"

We make it to the top of the stairs where we then cross the hall to a tapestry which we pull aside to reveal the staircase to the small room with the door to the Slyherin common room. Draco's still following.

We pause at the door. "Pure blood." The door opens and we cross the threshold. We walk all the way to my single dorm underneath the stairs to everyone elses. I whisper to Ophelia that I will be right inside before turning back to Draco.

"Yes?" I ask, trying not to seem frustrated. "What did you- Uhm... About the great hall. I just- oh god." I turn my head sideways a little a raise my eyebrows. "I don't have all day Malfoy."

"Oh crap. You're making me a mess. Uhm... No wait. That's not what I- oh for friggs sake. Do you like me
Y/n?" He asks, obviously confused. I clear my throat. "This isn't the best place Malfoy."

"Please just tell me and I'll leave you alone." He coughs. I shake my head. "Y/n... Tell me." I inhale deeply. "Y/n just te-" "Maybe a little bit." I interrupt him. "But it does not matter. You're a year older than me."

He raises his eyebrows. "That doesn't actually matter Y/n." I exhale and close my eyes. "I can't Dray... That's not how this is going to work. It can't be how this works." He scoffs quietly. "Typical. A chance at a little fun and Y/n Potter won't take it. I guess you're not like Harry, are you?"

Anger rushes through me. "What the hell Draco?" I ask, looking down. He looks at me and I could almost see him confused. "Calm down. It was a joke." I shake my head, not looking up.

"If you're that much of a wimp, just say that! Don-" But I stop him by pressing him back into the wall, kissing him. He is startled but after a moment he kisses me back and lifts his hands to my head. I pull away and leave. "This can't happen again Draco."

I walk to my dorm and push open the door. Ophelia is on my bed. "You alright?" She asks. I nod and we spend the rest of the morning in the room, hanging out. We become friends and enjoy the company.

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