Chapter 10: The Confusion

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                                      Draco's POV

I stare as Y/n and Luna tumble out of the closet. My mind is trying to figure out what's happening and it doesn't take long. Y/n and Luna must have been... But it wouldn't make sense.

No. There was no way it was true because Y/n was straight and Luna was weird. They were friends. I hadn't been able to hear anything they were saying inside the closet.

All I heard was a laugh that sounded a lot like Y/n's. I try to hide my surprise and cover it with an excuse. "Oh crap. Sorry! I didn't know you two were... Uhm..." Luna is brushing her uniform off. Y/n is staring at me.

"We're not Uhm... We're just friends. Her and I. I'm... Like... Not... What I'm trying to say is that I'm straight." She says hurriedly.

I nod and take a deep breath. I notice she has a strand of hair dangling in her face. I make a split second decision.

"Uh... You have a... Here." I brush the hair out of her face, accidentally touching her lips with my hand. Y/n turns scarlet. Luna looks like she's been punched.

Crap. No no no. That could be taken as flirting. And I could not have a crush on a fifth year. No way. I couldn't date a fifth year no matter how pretty she was.

"I'm gonna go. I have Potions." I say, trying to get away without being rude. She nods and bites her lip which I assume is a bad habit. "Yeah... Uhm... Okay."

And with that, I walk away. Internally hitting myself for being so stupid as to flirt with a fifth year. A Potter.

                                      Luna's POV

Excuse me. Did that blonde, scraggly, good for nothing, Elle Woods wannabe, toad-sucking, failed Paris Hilton just flirt with my girlfriend? What the hell.

Draco is gone but Y/n isn't saying anything. She's looking at the ground like she's just been yelled at. I'm confused.

"We're not Uhm... We're just friends. Her and I. I'm... Like... Not... What I'm trying to say is that I'm straight."?

She's definitely not straight. She and I make out! We're dating for god's sake! "So..." I begin.

She looks up at me. She looks like she's about to cry. "I promise I didn't mean that Luna. I'm really not ready to come out yet. He's one of my only friends here and I really can't lose anyone at the moment. I'm so sorry."

I don't know what to say to that so I forgive her. Nothing good comes from holding grudges anyways. I pull her to me and kiss her.

"You're forgiven." I mutter against her lips. Because I want to forgive her so that we can have a good future together. It's up to her if she comes out or not. It's her decision. Not mine and not anyone elses. We can keep this whole thing a secret. I will completely absorb the "best friend" act around other people.

We hang out all morning. Then, the lunch bell rings. I pout when she lets go of my hand. "Can't we stay up here?" I beg. She shakes her head.

"Do you want me to starve?" I think about it for a moment. I shake my head.

"Starving means my beautiful girlfriend will die. Not allowed. That means the most beautiful thing this world has will be gone. Unimaginable."

She turns a light shade of pink and leaves me to go to lunch. I wait there for a little while, savouring the morning we had together before I too get up and go to lunch.

                                        Y/n's POV

That was a good morning. I skipped my Monday classes. I'll have to go all this week though. I haven't even had any of the classes not on Mondays yet. I had Mcgonagall's catch up classes, getting me where I needed to be. I'm happy to say I did good and can start this week. That means classes with Luna.

I enter the Great Hall and head over to the Slytherin table. I sit next to Draco and Pansy. Pansy smiles at me but Draco keeps his eyes on his food.

I don't know why he flirted with me earlier. If it was flirting. I just knew I needed to apologize to Luna.

I grab some grilled cheese sandwiches and pour some cranberry juice. I'm glad there's still Muggle food here.

I start a conversation with Crabbe who's sitting across from me.

"So... I heard you got onto the quidditch team! Great job!" He smiles at me.

"Yeah... You should come to our practice on Thursday." He says.

I can't figure out if he's just offering or if he's flirting but I decide to go anyways.

"For sure! I'll be there cheering you on!" I grin.

I turn sideways to grab some ketchup and I see Draco's face. It's contorted in anger. I need to find out if he likes me.

I lean right next to his ear and let my lips brush it gently. "Are you okay?" I whisper.

I feel him shudder. He turns his head slightly to look at me. He raises his eyebrows in question. I bite my lip which is a bad habit but maybe he'll think I'm flirting. At this point, I don't actually know if I am.

Crabbe and Pansy have started a conversation but stop suddenly. Pansy clears her throat. "You two done yet?"

I look up. "Yeah. Yeah, we're done." I grab a piece of toast, wink at Draco and walk out of the great hall.

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