Chapter 14: The Irony

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I awake the next morning, lips pressed against Ophelia's neck and her head on top of mine. We're wrapped together. Her long blondish hair is messily thrown behind her in a fan shape. I stare at her for a few moments before deciding to sneak away.

I slip out of bed and leave a note on her bedside table reading: "Morning sunshine! I've gone down to the great hall for toast but I'll see you a bit later! Love,
Y/n." I think it's pretty good. I leave the room, still wearing my uniform from yesterday.

I cross the common room. "Y/n! Y/n! Wait up!" I turn, expecting one of my partners but it isn't. It's Pansy. "Ohhh heyyy!" I grin. She's probably my best friend. Maybe it's toxic to say that she is when I have three partners but whatever. She is.

I run up to her and hug her. "You're going to kill me." I bite my lip anxiously. "Oh god... Follow me hon." I follow her to my dorm which is now empty. Luna is gone. I sit her on the bed and I am struck with the memories of kissing Luna here last night.

I'm also brought the memories of another bedroom. An emerald, Slytherin themed one. The one where I awoke after sleeping with that blonde ferret that turns me on so much. I shouldn't think of that. Although why not? We were dating after all....

"So... How's the relationship with Luna?" She asks softly. I look up. "How did you- uh..." She smiles and turns her head a little bit. "Intuition I guess. Now the relationship with Draco?" My mouth falls open.

"Pansy? Did someone tell you? Do people know?" I gasp. She shakes her head. "I haven't said anything. Not even to Ophelia." My heart's pounding. "I suppose you knew about her too?" She shakes her head. "Nope. Never."

                                  Pansy's POV

Yeah. I knew the whole time she was dating all three. Or should I say that I knew she would. I didn't know when but I knew she would. There was some sort of... How do I word this? Sexual tension. It snapped like it always does.

And yeah, I never shipped Ophelia and her. But I totally do now. It's a little messed that she's dating all three but I love her so whatever. She can do what she wants to do. Maybe they'll have a foursome. Who knows?

                                   Draco's POV

I'm in my shared dorm with Theo. "Oh my god Malfoy, stop pacing!" He snaps. I roll my eyes. "I don't know what to do about my girlfriend Nott! Not that you'd understand because you're single and always have been!" He groans.

"Yeah well I knew Y/n longer than you so....!" He reveals. "Oh crap." He adds. I spin around. "What do you mean Nott? This is her first year." He nods slowly. "Yeah... Uh we went to muggle school together. I always had a crush on her but she didn't know I existed. So when I left, I lost feelings.

"Are they back now?!" Draco screams in fury. Theo was about to shrug but when he saw Draco's anger, he shook his head. "No way... I love... Uh... Hermione Granger." He gasped, spitting out the first name he could think of.

Draco's eyes widened. "She's our teacher Nott! Although she is pretty fine, I have a girlfriend. For now. I need to get rid of her somehow." Theo was perplexed.

"But you have a hot girlfriend, she's smart and she likes you back. Why don't you want her?" Draco suddenly looked guilty. "I-I cheated on her." He spits out. Theo looked astonished. "You did not..." Draco nods sadly.

Theo turns and leaves the room before he can scream or snap or do anything to ruin his friendship with Draco. Y/n was a soft spot for him. He already knew who Draco had cheated with. It had to have been Astoria.

                                    Kelsey's POV

I sit quietly in my dorm that I share with Luna. I'm waiting for her while I do my Potions homework. I'm busy struggling with how to make a repulsion potion when the door suddenly opens. It's Luna and she's confused.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?! I WAS WORRIED SICK! I ALMOST CALLED THE AURORS!!" I scream as soon as I realize it's her. My homework lays, spilled on the floor. She's pink.

She runs to me and pulls me into a hug. "I apologized to Y/n. We're together again. I'm so glad. I- uh... It happened yesterday so anyways I did something bad." She says all in one breath. I groan.

"What?" I frown. "I-I cheated on her. The same night after she's forgiven me..." She sobs. I raise my eyebrows. "Who did you- what happened?" She sighs and tears fill her eyes.

I was walking back her after I apologized and then I saw Cormac McLaggen and he just looked so.... And so he saw me staring and then he came up to me and pushed me against the wall and then we kissed... And... And..." She paused before continuing. She was almost crying now.

"And we went in the girls bathroom... Uhm... We were getting together and then Pansy Parkinson came in and saw us and I know she's best friends with Y/n!! My relationship is ruined!" She's completely sobbing now. I pull her into a long hug. She'll be okay. She always is.

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