Chapter 7: The Waffles

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                                    Y/n's POV

I woke up quietly. It was Saturday morning. My first weekend here at Hogwarts.

I didn't get a Transfiguration class all week! It was supposed to be on Tuesday but I missed it. I had to go to some welcome thing.

I get up and cross to my dresser. I go through all my clothes, trying to find something that's at least a little cute. I want Luna to think I'm pretty.

My stomach flips. Luna. That beautiful blonde girl that kissed me! Me! I was so lucky.

I settle for a white tank top, ripped jeans and flannel to go on top of it. Looking in the mirror, I tried to decide whether or not it was good.

Yeah. This was good.

I do a quick spin and pull my long hair back into a ponytail. No makeup today I think.

I leave my dorm, cross the common room and go down the marble stairs. As I enter the great Hall, Luna passes me in the other direction. She winks at me.

I could feel myself turn red.

God. Why does she make me blush so often?!

I head to the Slytherin table and sit next to Draco.

"Hey Y/n. I haven't seen you since I came to check on you. How are your classes?" He asks quietly.

"Hmm? They're fine. I met someone nice people."

He nods and goes back to the fruit salad he was eating. I pull a waffle and some fruit onto my plate.

Today feels like a day where I have to have sit-down meals.

Draco starts talking to Pansy about some Year 6 homework they have or something and I look around at everyone.

A few people were looking at me, whispering to their friends. They all looked away when I saw them of course.

"So Pansy, have fun with Blaise at the party?" Draco loudly asks.

Pansy turns red. "Draco Malfoy! I can do whatever I want with whoever I want! You don't get to boss me around!"

And she gets up, grabs Blaine's hand and storms out of the great Hall, dragging Blaise behind her.

"They're totally dating! I mean, her and I, we had something! I thought anyways!" Draco looked upset.

"Awe, it's alright Dray."

He froze. "Dray?"

"I- I don't know. It just kinda came out. I didn't mean to- uhm..."

Draco laughs softly. "It's cute."

I take a deep breath.

"Anyways, like I was saying, there's tons of other people."

"Well, I like brunettes more anyways."

I roll my eyes. "Idiot." I laugh.

He laughs and looks sideways at me. He smirks.

Panic. Panic. He's not allowed to do this. No. No. We like Luna! Don't we?

But maybe Draco... No.

I couldn't kiss Luna and then go fall for Draco the next day. Not happening.

I get up. I didn't even get to finish my waffle but I had to go.

"I'll see you later Draco." I put emphasize in Draco, making sure I don't say Dray.

I couldn't do this. I didn't even come here to date! I came here to learn. And maybe, even though I would never tell anyone, because I wanted to know about Harry's school life.

I walked back toward the double doors. I pushed them open and then went down random hallways as I thought.

Harry had always had two sides. A really sweet one and a really mean one.

His sweet one was amazing. He wrote with words like I love you, I miss you, wish you were here. He sent me Honeydukes candy. He comforted me about our parents deaths.

His mean one was horrible. He screamed at me. He ignored me for weeks at a time. If I ever got someone else involved, Hermione for example, he would hit me.

Still, I wanted to believe that the mean Harry was just because of losing our parents so young. Him being forced to take care of me must have sucked.

This brilliant boy, destined for greatness, stuck taking care of a stupid 14 year old.

Well, he only had to suffer for a month and a half. Then, he left me with Molly.

Said he had something important to do. Kissed me on the top of my head and told me he loved me.

I never saw him again.

I still remember that horrible moment when Molly had burst into the room in which Ginny and I were playing wizard chess. She had been sobbing.

"He's dead! Harry! He killed the dark lord b-but he..." She couldn't finish.

Ginny had had a crush on Harry. Harry had only been 3 years older than us. She was crying, Molly was crying, I was in shock.

I didn't believe her. It took me seeing his twisted and broken body to believe everyone. Everyone who sent me their condolences. Everyone who whispered about him. Everyone who insisted he was gone.

Sniffing, I look around, trying to figure out where I was. Instead, I saw a painting in front of me.

It was a painting of Harry. I could talk to Harry again! He was sleeping but this was important.

"Harry! Harry! Wake up! Please!" I whisper loudly.

He woke up. "Y-y/n? I was wondering if I would ever see you again!"

"I-is it the real you?" I ask, shaking.

He smiles sadly. "I love you Y/n. You should go."

Cold and sad, I shake my head. "B-but I want to talk to you!"

He shakes his head. "Mum and dad would be so proud of you. But you have to go now. You can't stay here. You must hurry!"

I hear footsteps along the corridor next to this. What if I got in trouble? Did I care? Not really.

I don't move and the footsteps turn around the corner.

"Miss Potter! What are you doing here! You're supposed to be either outside, in the great Hall or in your dor-"

It was Professor Mcgonagall. She pauses.

"I see you've found Harry's portrait."

I nod and walk away before she can say anything else.

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