Chapter 12: The Breakup

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I start to feel bad. I'm kissing Draco while dating Luna. I've just cheated on her. I decide to find her. I leave Ophelia in my dorm as I rush to the courtyard where I'm assuming I'll find her. There she is, with Kelsey.

"Hey babe!" She calls cheerfully to me. My eyes widen. "Uh... Hey hon!" I pretend it's just how we talk and brush it off.

"Listen I need to talk to you!" Kelsey glares at me. "See? I told you Luna! She probably cheated on you and wants to break up before you find out!" I'm taken aback. Although it wasn't entirely untrue, it was rude.

"You need to back off." I whisper quietly to Kelsey. She scoffs. "You need to shut up you stupid little wannabe. I bet you're not even gay! You're leading Luna along to failure!" I take a deep slow breath and begin to drag Luna away.

"Yeah yeah! Walk away when things aren't going your way! You know, I'm glad your whole family is dead! Your parents were suckers and your brother was a dud!"

I spin around in anger. I rush up to her before punching her until she's bleeding all over. "You can trash talk me but never NEVER my family! You're a fu-" Luna drags me off of Kelsey.

She kneels next to her in horror. "Y/n, what the hell????" I groan.

"Did you hear her???!!" I scream. "Yes!" She cries. "That's no excuse!" I glare at her.

"USING MY DEAD FAMILY TO WIN AN ARGUMENT IS NO EXCUSE? YOU'RE A DAMN SUCK UP LUNA. WE'RE DONE." I storm away, leaving her open mouthed and in tears.

I run all the way to the girls bathroom I found Ophelia in. Basically never used by anyone ever so I assumed it would be empty. Nope. Draco's in there.

"This is a girl's washroom Draco." I whisper when I see him. He doesn't turn around but laughs a little. "Yeah well I'm in here and they've not done anything."

I laugh quietly and sit next to him on the big fountain he was sitting on. His hand immediately snakes to my thigh. "You look great." He mutters.

I shallow and continue looking forward. "Y/n?" He asks suddenly.

I turn to him. "Yeah?" He used it as an opportunity and pulls me to him, locking our lips. I don't know how long the kiss is but it's different. A good different.

I wake up the next morning to a strange smell. It's not a bad smell. It's actually kind of nice. I keep my eyes closed because I can just tell it's going to be bright.

I feel something hard pressed against me and wonder what it is. I slowly open my eyes to see tons of Slytherin decor. The room is flooded with banners, flags and posters. I turn slowly to the side.

I see a hot blonde boy sleeping there. His shaggy hair is falling onto his face, covering his eyes. He's not wearing a shirt. I look down at myself and notice I'm not either. Oh well.

I survey him and notice he has big muscles. I can't help but stare. I suddenly hear a groggy: "Having fun?" It's Draco and he's awake.

I gasp and blush red. "I was just... I was... Uhm... It's not what... Did we sleep together?" I murmur. He looks down at himself and then at me, his eyes resting on my chest.

"I guess so." He groans. I laugh nervously as he pulls me closer to him. "Nervous Potter?" He grins evilly. I shake my head. "You wish Malfoy."

"I wish a lot of things." He moans before getting up. I wish he hadn't. I'm struck by the cold air and am forced to get up too.

Except I only have a bra and black shorts on. "Uh... Draco? Where's my shirt?" I call, looking around for it. I can't see it anywhere.

I begin shaking due to the cold air. I'm hit by something from behind. I look around and see a hoodie laying on the ground. It's emerald green.

"There. At least you won't freeze." He yawns. I pull it on and call out to him who's now pulling pants on in the corner. "I'm keeping this!" He just nods.

I walk over to a mirror and spin around. My hair is fine. My face is good too. The sweater is a bit big but it's okay.

"It's not just okay Princess. It looks amazing." He mutters, watching me.

I frown. "How did you know I was.... I was thinking that?" He raises his eyebrows. "Legilimency." I let out a small oh and watch him as he pulls on a grey sweater with the Slytherin symbol in the corner.

We walk down to the great hall hand in hand and sit next to each other. Goyle greets us. "What's up Y/n! You still coming to our qui-" He notices us touching and raises one eyebrow before frowning at his food.

Draco looks smugly at him and slowly drapes his arm around my shoulders. I shiver slightly at his touch before welcoming it. "I'm so cold!" I groan, struggling to breath. He laughs and pulls me tighter. Goyle looks angry.

I smile at Draco and we spend the rest of breakfast in silence. I eat some waffles and breakfast sausages while Draco has hash browns. It's a good start to the day.

915 words

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