chp 6

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3rd POV

Night has left and Morning is now coming in Chaldea.

The smell of morning breeze makes all servants awake.

Though there is some who still sleeping.

In the kitchen, more exactly cafetaria. There is a man in red wearing an apron.

Emiya (Archer). He usualy the one who do the cook for all Chaldean.

But today, our slime decided to help him with the food.

"Thank you. More hand means faster the process" Emiya said as he starts to cut the onion.

"Hehe, no worries. You can say that, one of my hobby is cooking though" replied rimuru while stirring the soup that he makes.

Smell of delicious, no... is more like heaven, filling the entire Cafetaria.

Slowly, one by one Servants enter the cafe while waiting the food to be done.

"Hmm, I wondered what is the menu today?" There is Artoria and her variations. From saber to ruler. They sit on the same table while waiting the food.

"...hmph, maybe tonkatsu" added Saber Alter.


Emiya POV

Right now me and rimuru were preparing the food for all Chaldean.

Not gonna lie, my first impression at him is, he is suspicious. I mean, there is no Heroic Spirit by the name rimuru as I know.

Though, maybe its Alaya doing but I can't sense any Alaya's magic from rimuru.

So its conlcuded that he is not some kind of normal Saber.

He is more than the class of servant. Well, just looking by his power yesterday makes me want to side with him.

"Emiya-san? Are the Omurice is done?" Asked rimuru.

"Yeah, here. You can start to serve to them" He then slowly take the tray full of plate of omurice and starts to serve to the Servants.

Really... he is full of mystery.


Gudako POV

Right now, me and Mashu got called by Dr. Romani.
He said that some singularity appeared, and dissapeared.

"There you are, Ritsuka..."

"So, is this singularity have something to do with Solomon?" I asked to Dr. Romani.

"Unfortunately, no... here, you would understand if I show you"

As he type in the keyboard, instanly a hologram popped out, displaying the singularity.

"Wait... isn't that, fuyuki? I thought we already cleared the singularity F back then?" I ask while looking at the map. There is no doubt, this is Fuyuki in 2004.

But how?

"Yes, we are already cleared the singularity. But, this time... somehow, let say... the progress that we achieved has been reseted"

Reset? So, we start over again? From the beginning?

"What? How could..."

Suddenly, the map that displaying fuyuki changed.

"See? Its keep dissapearing like this" added Doctor.

"This time is Camelot, huh?" Just how, those singularity appeared and dissapeared.

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