chp 18

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(In chaldea)

"Doctor, what's the situation?"

"No, nope. We still haven't received any signal from Rimuru's side."

"Rimuru... take care of yourself..." muttered Gudako as she looked at the screen displaying the current situation.

"Don't worry too much. Rimuru is strong enough to destroy world, I don't think anyone can defeat him. However, just in case you're really worried about him..." Romani then took out three saint quartz from his pocket and gave them to Gudako.

"You want me to summon for another servant? But with this many, I can only do one pull... plus, it's not certain I'll be able to get a servant..." said gudako.

"Hahaha, Ritsuka-chan... just so you know. This quartz is pure one... so, the possibility of a servant appearing is higher... hmm, maybe around 50%."

"50!? Stupid doctor, why didn't you give me this back then!? I can get enough copies to increase the NP of other servants" gudako said in disbelief while looking at romani.

"Hahahaha... I forgot" he replied while rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

After that, gudako then proceeded to summon a servant. She went to the summoning chamber holding the saint quartz while smiling widely.

Gudako POV

"Hmmm... preparation is complete. The catalyst is complete. I hope a good servant... no, an excellent servant will come!"

I then placed the quartz in the chamber.

"Yosh! Let's get started!"

The chamber began to emit a golden light... and what was that? I could see a slight crack in the air.

I don't know how, but it suddenly felt like there was a storm inside the room.

Followed by the sound of thunder.


"What's going on!?"

As the light disappeared, on top of the chamber, stood a tan man and blond hair.

Wearing black pants and only a cape.

His eyes were golden... like rimuru.
On top of that, over his shoulder, sat an elf? Like a fairy. She also had blonde hair.

"Mentor! This is why I hate using the Gate!" (???)

"Ughhh... that took almost all of my magicule... gahhhh... what is that device!" (???)

"M-Mentor... look!"

They both then looked at me as the man descended from the chamber.

"Where is this?" (???)

"W-Who are you?"

I asked, while preparing to use the Command Seal if things went bad.

"Me? Kuahahahaha! Little one, glad you asked! I'm none other than-"


3rd POV

Inside the Heavenly Palace, Feldway was currently healing from Gilcaster's Noble Phantasm.

"Are you alright, Feldway?" Michael asked.

"Y-Yes... Just need to wait a little while and everything will be healed. I'm really sorry Michael-sama, to think that there was someone who equaled or even surpassed me. Besides-"

"Demon Lord Rimuru from another reality, huh? How is that possible... moreover, that rimuru is stronger than the rimuru I sent to the End of Time and Space"

"W-What should we do now, Michael-sama..."

Answering Feldway's question, Michael only had an annoyed expression on his face.

"The plan is still the same. The resurrection of Veldanava-sama... but, now that the angel and insectar are gone... the other primordial angels except for dino's group are now our enemies. Not to mention Zelanus' death, Ivaraj is our ace card, but..."

Michael was just staring blankly while muttering this when suddenly two figures appeared behind them.

Feldway who sensed their presence immediately turned around while pointing his weapon at them.

"How did you guys get into this place!?"

The two figures were a woman and an old man who had witnessed Rimuru party's fight against Michael's army.

"We're here to answer your desperation..." the old man chuckled as he looked at Michael.

Michael then turned around and narrowed his eyes, trying to use the Regalia Dominion, yet to failed.

'Impossible!? Why can't I-' (Michael)

"Ohhh? You're trying to control us? Hahaha... are you stupid or something?" The woman said as she laughed at Michael's stupid behavior.


"It's okay, feldway. Mind telling me your name?" Michael asked, politely.

The first to answer was the old man as he stepped forward.

"My name is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. Known as the Old Man of the Jewel. Hmm? Too long for you to spell? Then just call me Zel..." Zel said as he gives Michael and Feldway light bow.

"Oh, I see. So, Zel-dono huh? What about that woman over there?"

The woman then glared at Michael and then let out a long sigh.

"Ryougi Shiki... just call me Shiki." She said as she looked away.

"Oh, I see... Shiki-san... Now, what is the purpose of your coming here?" Michael then turned his gaze back to Zel.

"We are willing to help you as long as you give us a thing or two..."

"Hooo? Then tell me... what do you want?"


Rimuru vs shiki?
Hehehehe, we'll see...

Anyway, enjoy🍷

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