chp 11

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3rd POV

In the simulation room, you can see two figures exchanging blow after blow.

They are Rimuru and Velda.


"So you're Rimuru's brother, huh?" Asked the servants gathered around Velda.


"Who is stronger? You or Rimuru?" One of the servants asked him, making Velda flinch slightly.

"U-Uhh... I'm not really sure about that," he replied while avoiding the question.

"Ehh? But you look strong too! Maybe you can give rimuru a good match, you know?" Cu chulainn said.

Without them realizing, Merlin listened to their conversation and immediately ran to the Command Room.

(End of flashback)


"Come on! Don't hold back!" Velda said as he punched rimuru, and rimuru parried all his attacks.

Rimuru then took a step back while keeping his distance.


'Shhh... don't say anything, you'll ruined my fun'

Rimuru then teleported in front of Velda and tried to kick him in the stomach.

"Hah! It's not that easy, little brother~" said velda while parrying rimuru's kick.

"Big brother, isn't it time to get serious?" Rimuru said while smirking.

It's the same smirk he used against Igrevion back then.

(Servants' reaction)

"Oi oi oi! Why do I feel like something bad will happen!?" Lancelot said, followed by nods from the Knights of the Round Table.

"That grin..." mumbles Saber (Alter).

(Back to the battle)

"Hahaha! You're forcing me, rimuru..." said Velda as he released his aura mixed with Stardust energy.

"Oi oi oi! Have you gone mad!?" Rimuru shouted.

"Hehehe... I told you, you forced me, right?" Velda replied with a chuckle.

"Hmph, alright!" Rimuru then released his aura, mixed with Turn Null.

The two auras then made contact which caused something beyond common sense.

Yes, you are right. Universes, stars, black holes, and many more were created because the two energies collided.

(Servants' reaction)

"T-That's impossible..." said Merlin with wide eyes.

"I-Impossible! The Process of Creation is happening before our eyes!" Romani shouted in disbelief.

As for the other servants, they were pale with fear, it could be clearly seen in their eyes that Velda and Rimuru were in a different league.

(Back to the battle)

"Come forth, Kadma!" Velda shouted while summoning his sword.

It was Kadma, a sword created before creation of universes. Its origin was unknown even to Velda. He only knew that it was already with him from the start.

He named it Kadma, the Dawn of Time.

{Report, mysterious energy detected in that sword}

'Mysterious energy?'

{Analyzing... error!}

Hearing that, Rimuru widened his eyes, shocked. Ciel, whose existence exceeded even a Gods, could not analyze the sword?

"You... seem to have quite a strange sword, bro" said Rimuru.

"Ohhh, you mean Kadma? Yes, this sword is freakin strange" he replied with a laugh.

"Alright then!" Suddenly a small portal opened in front of Rimuru, a moment after, a sword with a black base color, and a dark pink blade came out.

"Oi oi oi! You want to fight me by using myself?" Velda said while complaining.

The sword Rimuru used was Veldanava Sword. A sword made with materials from the dragon corpse of Veldanava that was sealed by Ramiris.

Also, it was the only sword that had both ego and skill. That's because of Manas: Velda and the Origin Skill Information King, Akashic Records, which are inside the sword.

"Huh? Why are you complaining? You also have a strange sword, so we're the same"

'Ciel, create a new Noble Phantasm for me, if possible make it one that focuses on attacks'


"Come, Rimuru!" Velda shouted while raising the sword above his head.

"Heh, here we go..."

"Divine Authority: Release!

I am the One, the Father of Creation.

Descend from the throne of the Void, seeking vengeance!

Mankind, rejoice, your God has come!

Vach Viraj!!!" (Velda)

"12 Seals: Break!

Tempest!" (Rimuru)

Their swords then clashed against each other, creating a tremendous shockwave. The fabric of reality was torn apart, time stopped flowing and the concept slowly faded away...

(Servants reaction)

"Y-You must be joking, right!?" (Merlin)

"I-It's... it's... (Knights of the Round Table)

"..." (rest of the servants)

"L-Leonardo! Barrier!" (Romani)

"I don't know but it's not broken! Maybe they both put an extra barrier" (Da Vinci)

(Back to the battle)

"Hahahahaha! This is fun! Rimuru!!!"

"Fufufufu~ Nii-san! You're the second person to make the fight exciting!"

"Hahahahahaha! You think so?"

"Yes!" The two then laughed while clashing swords with each other.

Veldanava Sword vs Kadma.

A sword beyond common sense.

""This is the end!"" They said as they launched their final attack.

But, suddenly, time stopped. Making all kinds of creations immobilized.

Suddenly, a portal appeared in front of Rimuru and Velda.

The rift grew wider and wider, revealing a 6.3ft figure, blindfolded, and a body covered in scars.

On top of his head, there was a halo.

The figure then looked at Velda and then at Rimuru.

"Hmmm... looks like that bastard sent me at the wrong time" (???)

His voice was full of annoyance and dominance, making weak creatures instantly die upon hearing it.

""Wh-Who are you!?"" Asked Rimuru and velda.

"Ohh? Me? Nahhh, too soon for introduction, I'll see you later." The figure then entered the rift again and disappeared.


Well? Hope ya enjoy...
I'm bad at battle scene so, pls let it slide.
Anyway, CYA🌈

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